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How far you can get a kerbal with 10 parts?

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My brother-in-law come up with this challenge.

The idea was to explore the stock parts of Kerbal. We see all kind of mod with super parts that aren't going to be invented in the next millenium. I want to make people think and use what they really have right now.

The challenge consists on landing a kerbal on any planet or satellite. Doesn't matter if his coming back. What matter is that he stays alive.


1st: The challenge is to be made on stock parts of the last kerbal version (0.22) . No mods with super unrealistic parts are allowed.

2nd: Kerbal must survive.

3rd: You must land at the planet or natural satellites.

4th: The total parts used is 10, so you can lift off with two 5-parts ship, dock, undock, do what ever you want to do, but can use only 10 parts or less.

5th: You must launch from Kerbin ground.


There will be 3 point to consider:

1st: Using the average amount o DeltaV used to land to the specific planet I came up with this list:















Jool (Impossible)

So landing on Jool would be the furthermost place to land.

2nd: Number of parts.

3rd: Number of Kerbals alive.

*The 2nd and 3rd points will be used as tiebreakers.

*Next challenge will be: Rescuing this kerbal with the least number of parts.

Edited by Jaleco
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Not only should you provide an example yourself, but uh... you might ALSO want to narrow down what qualifies as "How far" because I can leave the Sun's SOI with just 7 parts. Doesn't get much farther than that.

Edit: Just tried, I managed to leave the Sun's AOI with just five parts. :cool:


Edited by Smidge204
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I already did this challenge.

I'm pretty sure you can do better.

I went to Duna with 9 parts.

Pictures and my ship.



2013-10-30 Base: 1 mainsail + 3 long busters. I didn't realize that I could have placed 4 busters. :rolleyes:

2013-10-30 Top: Parachute + Command pod mk1 + flt 400 small tank + nuclear rocket + TR18-A stack decoupler.

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Not only should you provide an example yourself, but uh... you might ALSO want to narrow down what qualifies as "How far" because I can leave the Sun's SOI with just 7 parts. Doesn't get much farther than that.

Edit: Just tried, I managed to leave the Sun's AOI with just five parts. :cool:


I didn't even considered the Sun because you have to LAND safely. But I'm amazed with how far you can go with only 5 parts. Send some pics so we can learn... :wink:

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were is your entry?
Will you people stop with this?

The Submission Guidelines DO NOT require an entry from the poster, only that the poster test the challenge themselves first.

What do you mean with this "entry"? I would gladly answer you if I knew what that was.

I did the challenge as my previous reply shows.

I'm sorry the description of the challenge isn't so good. But I'm sure this challenge will make you think differently about constructing your future ships. And just by doing this challenge, you will have the base to the next challenge: To Rescue a kerbal with the smaller number of parts.

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Two things: You can no longer land on Jool in stock KSP. Second, landing on Eve is actually pretty easy. It's the planet that demands the less delta V to reach, and landing can be done with a simple parachute. I'd shuffle those around, Tylo is the hardest place to land on by far. Planets with an atmosphere should have a lower ranking.

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Two things: You can no longer land on Jool in stock KSP. Second, landing on Eve is actually pretty easy. It's the planet that demands the less delta V to reach, and landing can be done with a simple parachute. I'd shuffle those around, Tylo is the hardest place to land on by far. Planets with an atmosphere should have a lower ranking.

Thanks Chris. I'm not an expert player.

What do you think now?

Minmus (easiest)






Eve (here is good?)







Tylo (Hardest)

Jool (Impossible!!!)

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Thanks Chris. I'm not an expert player.

What do you think now?

Minmus (easiest)






Eve (here is good?)







Tylo (Hardest)

Jool (Impossible!!!)

Laythe, having atmosphere and big gravity well is probably the easiest of the Jool moons.

I believe Eve has the *lowest* dV requirement out of any bodies in KSP to land on (if using Mun gravity assists, it could take even less than for Minmus orbit)

Every Jool moon has lowered dV requirements due to Jool having atmosphere to aerobrake. Thus getting to Moho would be almost as hard as to Tylo,

Also Eeloo is almost as hard to reach as Moho ... actually you could just use one of the dV charts floating around do do the rankings based on dV requirement.

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Laythe, having atmosphere and big gravity well is probably the easiest of the Jool moons.

I believe Eve has the *lowest* dV requirement out of any bodies in KSP to land on (if using Mun gravity assists, it could take even less than for Minmus orbit)

I think the problem might be that Jaleco is using the AVERAGE delta V requirements instead of the minimum at the planets' optimal positions. For bodies with non-circular orbits that's a hefty difference.

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I didn't even considered the Sun because you have to LAND safely. But I'm amazed with how far you can go with only 5 parts. Send some pics so we can learn... :wink:


Not a submission, since landing was not a requirement yet when the video was made. Point is, 5 parts can get you pretty much anywhere. Most worlds are landable with just the LV-N engine. Add a parachute for 6 parts and Eve/Laythe are attainable too.


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And let's not forget the 700m/s dV of EVA. That's enough to land on one of 6 moons (7 if we include Mun as it is a borderline case). Using rcs refill in pod, we could land on 5 different moons from low orbit with EVA alone in one mission.

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You forgot Kerbin.

Far is a bad term to use, too many variables.I could orbit Kerbin forever clocking up distance.

Better off assigning points for planets in dV landing requirements + getting there.

I think you are right, but I think you understand that what I meant was "the hardest".

The point is TO LAND as Far as you can FROM Kerbin, so orbiting kerbin wouldn't get you anywhere from Kerbin. If there was a distance chart we could use it, althought I think "the Hardest" will fit better here.

So I'll use the Kasuha's post just to have a base for ranking.

And let's not forget the 700m/s dV of EVA. That's enough to land on one of 6 moons (7 if we include Mun as it is a borderline case). Using rcs refill in pod, we could land on 5 different moons from low orbit with EVA alone in one mission.

Yeah I think that's a good idea.

So, you say that there can be 2, 5 part ships docked. Does this mean that the lift stage isn't included in the parts used?

Is this 10 part ship the total parts of the ship in LKO?

No. The lift stages are included in the 10 parts. For example: You lift 2 5-parts orbiting kerbin with half tank, so you could dock then and get the fuel to 1 ship and then go on with only 1 ship.

Scott Manley managed
on 7 parts (few versions old, so may or may not be possible now).

Why don't you try and make it your submission?

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So you only have to land, you don't need a plan to return to Kerbin? (or is that hardmode)

The idea would be "One Way Trip" cause I want to make a second challenge that would be a rescue mission of that kerbal with a minimum parts. But we could use this as a tiebreaker.

Behold! Map!


You can just add up the numbers and rank them like that.

Although, for anything with an atmosphere don't add the landing values to account for chutes.

Good luck! Might try this later.

At first I had used this map, but "Bigger Number" doesn't always means "Harder".

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The idea would be "One Way Trip" cause I want to make a second challenge that would be a rescue mission of that kerbal with a minimum parts. But we could use this as a tiebreaker.

At first I had used this map, but "Bigger Number" doesn't always means "Harder".

It does, unless there's an atmosphere. Don't feel bad that people are tearing up your challenge, it's a good idea! I'll be giving it a shot when I get the chance.

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Will you people stop with this?

The Submission Guidelines DO NOT require an entry from the poster, only that the poster test the challenge themselves first.

Not even, the submission guidelines do not REQUIRE anything in particular. They are guidelines, not rules. Some challenges are exceedingly difficult and not all submitters are skilled at their challenges. For example, my SSTO to Eeloo Challenge, I currently have never got an SSTO beyond Duna-intercept, so it would be relatively dumb for me to submit an entry that doesn't even get to Dres. Nonetheless, it can be mathematically shown that with stock KSP, it is possible. Actually, someone appears to have done it once.

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