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Chemistry humor


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A mosquito was heard to exclaim

"A chemist has poisoned my brain!"

The cause of her sorrow

Was paradichloro


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IIn that case, what's H2O 2? Anti water?

H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide. It is nasty stuff.


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Oh I get it now, lol :)

Wouldn't it melt his stomach though?

Not melt it, just burn it.

I work with diluted H2O2 on a regular basis in the brewery. Get the 'undiluted' 10% solution on your bare hands and you're certain to notice it. Trust me, I speak from experience.

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Oh I get it now, lol :)

Wouldn't it melt his stomach though?

100% hydrogen peroxide is impossible to make because it decomposes quickly. You can make >95% but it will last for a short time, a day maybe until the percentage drops below, unless you put some decomposition inhibitors inside.

You can buy 35% as a lab reagent and 3% for treating skin conditions.

Beware of youtube - if you do a search regarding this compound, most of the hits will refer to fraudulent clips regarding ingestion of this compound to treat cancer etc. It does destroy cancer cells just like an atomic bomb does. Or a gun.

Consuming it even in 3% solution would cause damage to your stomach lining, increasing the chance of ulcer development.

If you drink a small sip of >95% solution, it would form a highly corrosive mixture with 0.5% HCl in your stomach and that would start eating through your tissue but before your stomach is penetrated, your oesophagus, wet from the chemical, would swell and you'd gargle and suffocate in foam of H2O2 and mucous proteins. The foam would probably catch fire.

If you ingest more of it, like a whole glass, your stomach would start burning like rocket fuel after your oesophagus. If your oesophageal sphyncter gives way, your charred oesophagus would act as a chimney for the hell in your tummy... at least for a few seconds before the fire rips open your stomach.

If it doesn't give way, your stomach would pop from all the gases and fire inside.

35% just gives very painful skin burns that look like tiny, smelly, white blisters.


Peroxide enters your skin, breaks down tissues and the broken cells release enzymes that accelerate its decomposition to water an O2, so your tissue forms a solid foam filled with oxygen and oxidized proteins. The foam is white because tiny bubbles disperse the light. The pain is considerable and it takes a long time before your skin looks fine.

Bottom line - don't **** with peroxide.

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Oh yeah, that looks painfully familiar. Burns from 10% look nearly identical. You won't get blisters but it itches like hell.

I've heard that it can be used as a remedy to a "mucousy" throat. I've gargled with the kind you can buy at CVS with no problem (and it still cleared my throat.)

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I've heard that it can be used as a remedy to a "mucousy" throat. I've gargled with the kind you can buy at CVS with no problem (and it still cleared my throat.)

It kills living cells, so it will kill bacteria and fungi, too, so you can gargle it occasionally and treat foot odor. However if you gargle, use only 3% and lower concentrations, and you must spit it out afterwards.

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