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Helios Station

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Helios Station is the much improved \'bigger brother\' of the Evolab, though now carrying six arms, a habitat, more scientific equipment, a NERVA engine, and the ability to reach the Mun.

It is still in prototype stage, which explains the lack of RCS ports on the station, and the fact that the fuel lines were fitted the wrong way round. With the six fuel tanks connected properly, however, it could go for quite some time, perhaps even into a Kerbol orbit, where it could rival Starlab in its functionality.


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Fixed the problems. Munar orbit successful.

The entire crux of it is that I used mini-decouplers at the ends of the struts, and that doesn\'t glitch. Then I added what I wanted to onto that.

You can jettison these pods, but not if you want to live.

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Managed to get this image of the jettisoned pods going past me from in front of me. I think I overtook their orbit. Though I couldn\'t find the other two pods in the image, they were there. I watched as a hexagon of artificial Munar satellites glided past me.


The station\'s centre in orbit of Kerbol.


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