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Syncing 2 Games

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First off, my apologies if this has been asked before, but I couldn't find it with a quick search.

I know that currently there is no way to use more than 1 monitor in KSP, does anyone know if it is possible (at least in principle) to hold 2 or more games in good enough synchronisation to fake it? Even better if there is a mod already that can pull this off.

The end aim is to try to build a simulator of sorts, along the lines of the LHS bikeshed (http://lhsbikeshed.tumblr.com/). My modding experience is minimal, but I know several people with more who I could rope in.

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The current solution is to run in a window set to your desktop resolution. You can enable borderless mode by adding -popupwindow to your startup shortcut command.

There's a thread discussing it here.

That wont work with what I am trying to do.

What I am aiming for is one person able to control the map view and set up manoeuvre etc, while another is in cockpit view flying the ship. A 3rd view would also be useful for people watching from outside. I was already considering the stretched window to allow for multiple capsule 'windows' IRL.

The sync between games does not have to be perfect. There will be a definite master game, with the others slaved to it.

I've been looking at Telemachus it will be useful for some of the tasks, but cant replace the map view well enough.

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Nice hardware!

Hm, syncing orbit infos should be doable as some kind of limied-mp-mod, but i don't really think its worth the issues.

Btw, wouldn't it be theoretically possible to create a second window with native windows apis? But making it a render target would be even more beyond my skills... and also not cross platform.

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