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Stop or slow motion

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A simple addition methinks.

It should be simple, holding Alt+ pressing backwards on the slow down time acceleration button should stop time. You should still be able to move the camera around and such, and input shouldn't start until after time is started again. Even a simple slowing effect would suffice for such a purpose.

Now what is the actual benefit of this? Stopping time to think about things and get things started at the same time without action groups, going out of the tab whilst still remaining watching the rocket, and for just plain being cool.

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Someone pointed out that the Unity engine requires a flow of game time to render objects, so a fully viewable "Pause" isn't really possible. I think a super slow-mo would be a great workaround for it though.

If you hit escape everything's paused and still there, so it shouldn't be to hard.

I'd love this yes

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slow motion is actually a pretty simple and curiously interesting idea.

would be fun to watch your flaming disasters glorious moments running by slowly

it'd also make a good tool for figuring out the exact moment of failure on those explosion-reliable designs we all know so well by now

technically, it's just a fractional value for time accel, so should be pretty simple to add in code... the UI would need to display that, so that's a little more work still... and then there just might be a thing that none would have thought about but makes the whole idea impossibly difficult to implement, even if at first it sounds so straightforward (that happens a lot in programming)

stopping time may prove harder tho... if unity does pause the camera system as well. then it would require a complete logical separation of physics time from update time - that just might be a lot more trouble than it's worth.

but I'm just guessing - I cannot tell exactly how KSP does it's updating and what exactly it would take to do this... my thoughts here as just from being a game programmer (not with Squad) as well....

but i find it a good idea, really.


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In regards to UI, you could simply have slow-mo warp as blue arrows as opposed to red ones, and the slower you go, the more arrows it shows. Perhaps a Ctrl+> to enter slow-mo warp, or a Ctrl+click on the warp arrow indicator.

Watching explosions would be immensely satisfying.

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In regards to UI, you could simply have slow-mo warp as blue arrows as opposed to red ones, and the slower you go, the more arrows it shows. Perhaps a Ctrl+> to enter slow-mo warp, or a Ctrl+click on the warp arrow indicator.

Watching explosions would be immensely satisfying.

Exactly what I was thinking, such a system shouldn't be hard to do in unity.

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I do not think that this should be part of the vanilla game, since it seems cheating because it hectic situation, in which an actual astronaut has to think fast, you would just be able to slow every thing down and react without a sweat. However I do think that this adds value to people how want to take cinematic shots or want to render in good quality, but either do not have enough computing power or a huge craft. So if it would bet implemented I think it should be a toggleable option in the debug menu.

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