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Ideas for Multiplayer now that it will likely be included

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How to grief in minecraft:

-Be an asshole

-Get a pickaxe/axe/shovel/whatever

-Dig the heck out of it

How to "grief" in KSP:


-Be experienced


-"Dock" hard

Land base:

-Be a pro

-Land nearby

-Crash with a rover

Basically it requires way too much experience to "grief" in KSP for a random troll to mess up your stuff.

That decreases the griefer-like rate to a very low vaule.

And if a server is meant to be taken pacefully, a simple IP ban and rollback would fix things for good.

It would probably take very long to someone not that experienced be successful.

Griefers aren't that persistent either, they are just idiots.

So we won't be facing that issue often, thus no need to avoid it.

When it comes to griefing people don't really care about the account they are using because they can just create another. This means a griefer would just need to build a rocket capable of rendezvous and let it smash into the station. You might ask 'what about money when it is added?' they just delete their program and make a new one with starter funds to repeat.

There is also the possibility to just pile decouplers and separators onto the last stage and generate massive amounts of trash in orbit of every planet. This would require a little more work but have longer lasting effects.

Public MP servers would need active admins and some mod to remove excessive debris that would be caused by griefing. Private servers would naturally only be by invitation so if your causing problems you would be kicked out and your program/debris removed.

As to mods with MP servers they would likely have it set up so when you connect to a server mods allowed on it would get pushed onto your system and mods not allowed would be disabled so you couldn't use them. This is how many FPS games handle their servers so you can go wherever you want without needing to find and download the mods or get an unfair advantage by using something nobody else has.

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Kessler bombs are easily avoidable by limiting the ammount of ships and debris a player can have.

This way, the extra debris would just blow up or be instantly deleted...

It's also possible to limit max parts on a ship, to like 1000, not like it's needed anyway.

And keep the first few seconds after spawning the ship client side only (it's not like the server suffers if you explode a lot of shapes in a row anyway).

And i don't belive someone would create another steam account, and buy KSP again just for the sake of being stupid.

Even that way, an IP ban would easily fix it.

I have hosted an open ( and "offline") minecraft server for months.

I used to ban 6 or 7 hackers every day, and that was still easy to deal with, and could be automated.

At KSP its way too hard to grief, and extremelly simple to avoid, simple stuff like limiting per player and overall debris would prevent most of possible attacks.

I'm far more worried about DDoS than that, and that's something that does not has to do with KSP.

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Kessler bombs would not only kill my orbital stuff, but also my computer!!!!

Even KMP already sets limits to debris since 1.0, and deletes it every set ammount of time.

Also, your computer won't process kessler debris as long as they are further than 2.5km.

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I see from many of your responses you are all very concerned about griefing and war like modes or objects being added.

I hope beyond hope Squad will not add anything to do with war just as long as they don't restrict war. Like KSP is right now, its not centered around war devices but there is nothing stopping a player from making an ICBM or a jet with sepatron missiles. Please leave that the way it is, but I would like them to add tools to multiplayer that would regulate it. Like I said in my first post, conflict will be inevitable as long as there are ways to destroy anothers property, but give the players a choice in the matter, that way the wars are voluntary and the griefing is accepted because is between two or more consenting parties, it is war after all, all is fair etcetera etcetera. Just make sure it's voluntary and the war issue is solved.

Griefing is a very sensitive matter and honestly I don't think we can discuss it fully at this time because we have no real idea on how multiplayer is going to be implemented. I say we wait for Squads ideas on how multiplayer will be done before discussing griefing any further. Griefing will be a problem in any public multiplayer setting, but we have no idea on what kind of anti-griefing tools Squad will provide us.

SQUAD has announced that they are developing a total of 4 final 'GameModes' for KSP: Sandbox, Career, and multiplayer versions of both. There is (almost certainly) not going to be any other multiplayer GameModes as this tread suggests, and SQUAD has already said on multiple occasions that military functions are not going to be included in the stock game. If you want to battle your friends (which would be awesome) I guess you are gonna have to find a way of doing it within the existing constraints of Sandbox or Career, or using mods. The same goes for your proposed 'Kommand and Kontrol' thing, which sounds kinda fun as an option but probably wont be an actual GameMode. (You could do it just by not leaving IVA, there doesn't have to be an actual built in feature)

It is my hope that Squad would incorporate my ideas into the two multiplayer modes, not make them separate game modes, making the multiplayer experience more open, allowing the players to decide how they wanted to play it. If you just want to go it alone while other players team up, pick an empty KSC and don't allow another team mate to join your KSC. You don't want a war with another, just decline any war requests or don't give that person permission to dock or touch your craft. You want to participate in a space race with another player, or team of players, just ask them over chat or send a request if such a tool is provided. I like open ended multiplayers where you give the players more choices and options with the only limits being the game mechanics and system limits.

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and the game mechanics are such that griefing is invited... And when challenged about destroying the station they just blew up, they can claim 'it was an accident' and there's nothing you can do to disprove it, even if they do it a million times as they might just be highly incompetent at rendezvous and docking...

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I have no idea about "how Squad makes MP", and I don't care about it. They will make the best for us. Now we must wait for .23 and MP :D

Just think, you're racing with your friends with your own rover, IN MUN:D That would be nice.

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