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Worst Survivable Indignity a Kerbal has "experienced" with you this week.

Rocket Farmer

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Not this week, but from the last time I played --

Two Junior recruits were signed in for the first test orbit of a Mun mission equipped with an orbiter, an unmanned science lander and a manned sample collecting lander. The pilot was sitting in the main orbiters's can, and the co-pilot inside the manned lander module. After completing the rendez-vous with the refuelling orbiter, a small design oversight was noticed -- the engineers had blocked the manned lander's door by placing four spherical RCS tanks around the lander's tank instead of two. The Junior inside would be able to get out, but it would have been impossible to reenter the can.

With an orange tank and half of fuel loaded in, KSC decided the whole contraption was spaceworthy enough, and allowed the test to be extended for as far as it could run before safely returning to Kerbin.

What the poor Junior-in-a-can couldn't suspect was the dummy ship would end doing a Grand Tour, visiting Mun, Duna, Jool and all its moons before heading back home. And unlike the science lander, which landed on Pol and ended as a floating station at Laythe, in all that time the manned lander wasn't used a single time, except to transfer out fuel and store in some science. Junior had to sit there trapped in the can for the whole trip, fiddling his thumbs for years while the captain did all the work. The first time he ever got to do something was to board the LKO capsule that taxied them back home.

Haha, poor guy. Reminds me of when I sent Jeb. Bob and Bill to the science station to make sure I didn't kill them(accidentally, of course). They spent 6 years in an orbital lab with no science to do. XD

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The worst thing I've had to do recently is to land a KSO on its tail (I keep a chute tucked under the hinged radome at the front in case I really fluff the re-entry procedure). It made for six very scared kerbals. I can't say I blame them - I'd probably be struggling to hold my lunch down if I was 1km up hurtling backwards towards the ground at about 70m/s.

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(I often roelplay in my head when I play this game) So the other night Jeb and Bill were on Mun two separate missions. Same lander design both got lots of science with goo and science JR cans. Then the race began. First one off Mun was Bill he had plenty of fuel and with a nice orbit that had him areo braking about 22K in Kerbin Atmosphere. Well Jeb did not want to wait fro his launch window so he just took off burn up all of his fuel and was in a HUGE elliptical orbit around Kerbin his periapsis was 1,487K. So determined to win jeb got out and pushed his craft with 6 EVA maneuvers. He decided the anly way to beat bill home was with a straight shot from Mun and he was right. He did beat Bill home.

However, Since his reentry was steep, to put it mildly, and he had no fuel he was landing on the mountains on Kerbin. When his capsule touchdown it rolled down a side of the hill destroying all the science he collected on Mun. To add insult to injury he was so upset with his science lose he failed to get an EVA and surface sanple from the mountains of Kerbin. Due to these series of error the mountain range is now called Jeb's Folly.

Bill on the other hand did a text book reentry and landed just outside of KSC with all his science intact. :cool:


Poor Jeb.;.;

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There hasn't been very much in the way of indignities lately, I usually take very good care of my Kerbals

Well, until today, when I crashed Jeb into the surface of Bop while he was exploring with his jetpack (and right next to the Kraken no less!)


After sliding across the surface for an uncomfortably long time, he got up and dusted himself off.

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Mine was similar to yours. Ludsby Kerman was thoroughly enjoying his EVA on the surface of Minmus, when he ran out of EVA fuel. This meant he fell ~100 meters to the ground (which he was lucky to survive) and then skidded for ~2.5 km, and had to walk the whole way back. The whole way.

I considered bringing the ship to him, but I'm shaky with conventional landings as it is, so I didn't want to run the risk.

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On a recent Mun mission Bob decided to be cool and leap up to the lander hatch rather than climbing up the ladder as Jeb had a few minutes earlier. He missed the handle and fell off, breaking the solar panel he bounced off of, only to get his helmet lodged between the lander body and a sponsonned fuel tank/thruster/landing gear assembly. All the shaking and firing of his jetpack wouldn't get him loose. Jeb flew the lander back to orbit with Bob's head wedged in place, feet dangling perilously close to the thruster exhaust. Once they docked with the command module, Jeb fired off the radial decoupler sending the gear assembly and Bob tumbling off into space with significant velocity. Bob was recovered some time later but even after a successful trip home he still isn't talking to Jeb.

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I suppose mine would be experimenting with glitch-powered rovers. That is, 1 Kerbal sits in a chair and uses a cattle prod on another Kerbal chained to a horizontal ladder. This makes the vehicle move. I rationalize this as the vehicle being pedal-powered or, in the case of a boat, perhaps rowed.

First, Jeb tricked Bill into pedaling a rover to the highest hilltop on the plateau west of KSC.


Then Jeb made Bill row his amphibious rover all the way to Airbase Island.


Jeb was elated by these great successes. Bill was unavailable for comment.

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Well, I did send Jeb to the Mun in my Career mode, to get loads of Science! Unfortunately, the ROLL (Reynard Orbital Light Lander) did not have enough gas to get into Mun orbit, and Jeb had to get out and push the capsule until he made orbit. Also, jetpacking into a Mun crater can yield some significantly long ragdolling...

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