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What"s wrong with being excited about a new update !?!


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  5thHorseman said:
Your question begs another:

It's wrong to be excited about a new update?

  Danish_Savage said:
Not at all.

However I do also have a question for you: What is the purpose of this thread?

2 hour earlier he made a thread exclaiming his excitement. The thread got closed within 4(!) minutes.

There is nothing wrong with being excited (...eh... oops?). But there is already a .23 discussion thread and creating new threads only for people to go "Oh boy, yes I'm excited too!" kinda pollutes the forum (littering).

So: Excitement: OK

Duplicate threads: Nope

And I expect this thread will be closed down for the same reason

And I probably get a sneer for backseat moderating (Bad Ortwin! (backseat-moderating-ception?)). Which I will defend by pre-mature exclamation of: "I just wanted to explain and add context!"

Edited by OrtwinS
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Vaguely recall last release a mod temp stickied a single "Is 0.22 out yet" thread (and possibly another "I'm excited about 0.22 because..." thread) to point people to. This, from recollection, put a slight damp on the huge number of new threads being created by folks who were bouncing off the ceilings in excitement or who didn't understand timezones :)

I count myself as one who is bouncing off the ceiling btw. Oh, and I regularly fail to grasp timezones too :) It takes supreme intellectual effort on my part to concede that living east of Mexico doesn't mean I'm in the future.

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  MiniMatt said:

I count myself as one who is bouncing off the ceiling btw. Oh, and I regularly fail to grasp timezones too :) It takes supreme intellectual effort on my part to concede that living east of Mexico doesn't mean I'm in the future.

They lie, you do live in the future. It's USA based capitalist-imperialism that wants you to think otherwise.

This is how they continue to mess with us, they get supplied info from the future (our present) by under-cover ops in Europe, and then use their present to change our past, up to 12 hours (from Hawaii to central Europe).

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  OrtwinS said:
...they get supplied info from the future (our present) by under-cover ops in Europe, and then use their present to change our past, up to 12 hours (from Hawaii to central Europe).

So.... 0.23 was actually released in Europe yesterday? But the Illuminati / Goldman Sachs deleted it from servers to maintain NASA's technological advantage over the EU Space Agency? People must be told of this! I'm handwriting a placard now, I'll march with you! :)

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  MiniMatt said:
So.... 0.23 was actually released in Europe yesterday? But the Illuminati / Goldman Sachs deleted it from servers to maintain NASA's technological advantage over the EU Space Agency? People must be told of this! I'm handwriting a placard now, I'll march with you! :)

I think there a little late for,comparing the Atlas V (NASA) with the Arriane V

Atlas V

Payload to LEO 9,370–29,400 kg[1] (20,650–64,820 lb)

Payload to

GTO 4,750–13,000 kg[1] (10,470–28,660 lb)

Arianne V

Payload to LEO G: 16,000 kg

ES: 21,000 kg

Payload to

GTO G: 6,200 kg

G+: 6,950 kg

GS: 6,100 kg

ECA: 10,500 kg

With the Arriane V about to end is life cycle to be replaced by the more powerful LEO-GEO Arriane VI and LEO solid fueled Vega (with the Vega capable of putting up to 7 satellites in LEO orbits)

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Excited? Nothing. Asking for or speculating about release dates and times has, however, been proven to be something best not discussed. It tends to start minor arguments which just escalate (though I cannot for the life of me understand exactly why). That's why it was closed, if it's the thread I'm thinking of. Carry on, be excited, but be respectful and don't start any silly arguments.

We've had plenty here already. :D

EDIT: And yes, the other users were also correct in saying that it tends to be frowned upon to create more threads than necessary, especially about releases... because, y'know, everyone will be making one otherwise, and there are still things to discuss other than the fact a new version's coming out xD

Edited by vexx32
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  Kyrian said:
Problem for me in Australia is that it's 10:24 PM on the 17th and I'm still waiting. Ugh, time zones, how I hate you...

If worldwide simultaneous launches on a specific date ever become a thing for hardware you will be getting stuff ~10 hours before Europe, and ~15 hours before the US.

Though in practice, such a hypothetical worldwide launch would be still be dd-mm-yy for us, and [dd+1]-mm-yy for Australia...

There is very little love for Australia in terms of 'getting the new stuff within reasonable time'.

You have the iPhone 5s already? Or our last-year blockbuster movie?

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I'm stuck at work all day going over this year's inventory reports so by the time I get to see the new update there will already be six threads worth of people's grande tours, a dozen about all the new features and why they are awesome/terrible, three on how underwhelming the new update is and how lazy Squad must be, and one wondering when 0.24 will be coming out :P

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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