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[1.12.x] Ship Manifest (Crew, Science, & Resources) - v - 28 Apr 23


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This has to be a problem on your side. I have the button right in front of me, and I'm using 0.23.5 and a bazillion of mods (just noticed the new "dump"-buttons for the first time!).

Yup. Dump buttons were requested awhile back... just kinda snuck in there, not sure which version. have to check my Change Log.. :)

btw, if you turn off realism mode, the dump buttons are available in flight.

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Can you provide steps to reproduce?

Just install it

If I can, I will assist. Also, do you know what version of Toolbar you are using?

Version from download pack of mod on spaceport: 1.7.1

I've got MJ, TAC fuel balancer, Enginer, FAR, DeadlyReentry, RealChute and other mods.

Previous version is work in 23.5

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Just install it

Version from download pack of mod on spaceport: 1.7.1

I've got MJ, TAC fuel balancer, Enginer, FAR, DeadlyReentry, RealChute and other mods.

Previous version is work in 23.5

Well, I did exactly that. I took the first download from Spaceport of the current version (I always download the first one and test). and installed it. It works.

So, I'm going to guess here...

Did you also download CLS and Module manager? Both of those mods are now required (per the OP) and neither is included in my mod distribution. Toolbar is the lone exception as this is the recommended practice by Blizzy 78.

I do not know if you have either or both, but that would be my next thing to check.

You can find the links to the dependent mods near the spaceport link on the OP.

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Well, I did exactly that. I took the first download from Spaceport of the current version (I always download the first one and test).

Did you also download CLS and Module manager?

Haven't got CLS!!!! Probably delete it accidentally some time before.

Thanks for help!

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So when I create a Kerbal in Crew Roster, how exactly do I put him in the vessel? There is no option to do so, only the fill crew thing which fills the ship with every single kerbal I hired.

The short answer is you don't. (other than the fill crew thingy) :(

Tbh, the Roster feature is largely untouched from it's origins in Crew Manifest. It certainly does need some love, and some enhancement.

I will put that on the short list for addressing.

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I just installed this, but the button does not appear on the toolbar. Is there any other way to access it?

EDIT: nevermind, I missed the dependency notice on frontpage

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I just installed this, but the button does not appear on the toolbar. Is there any other way to access it?

EDIT: nevermind, I missed the dependency notice on frontpage

Ya, with my wall of text, I could see missing it. I made it Bold, in hopes that helps some for others.

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It appears as if I cannot transfer my kerbals to any module even though I don't have realism mode enabled. I don't know if I am doing anything wrong or if there is an incompatibility with FusTek parts.

EDIT: Two more problems I seem to be having is the parts stay highlighted when I exit out of the menu, and I got a kerbal to transfer between two parts that were attached (an airlock and habitation module) so it seems

that turning off realism mode is not working and the kerbals face camera is not updating, I have to go back to KSC then back to my space station for his face to pop up in the bottom corner.


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It appears as if I cannot transfer my kerbals to any module even though I don't have realism mode enabled. I don't know if I am doing anything wrong or if there is an incompatibility with FusTek parts.

EDIT: Two more problems I seem to be having is the parts stay highlighted when I exit out of the menu, and I got a kerbal to transfer between two parts that were attached (an airlock and habitation module) so it seems

that turning off realism mode is not working and the kerbals face camera is not updating, I have to go back to KSC then back to my space station for his face to pop up in the bottom corner.


If you would be so kind as to send me your config file via PM. I can then see your realism settings and attempt to duplicate your issue.


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It appears as if I cannot transfer my kerbals to any module even though I don't have realism mode enabled. I don't know if I am doing anything wrong or if there is an incompatibility with FusTek parts.

If you have Connected Living Spaces installed as well, the FusTek parts don't yet support it, so you may have issues transferring Kerbals between modules with Ship Manifest.

I might push out another dev build this weekend.

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If you have Connected Living Spaces installed as well, the FusTek parts don't yet support it, so you may have issues transferring Kerbals between modules with Ship Manifest.

I might push out another dev build this weekend.

Thanks for that sumghai!

@ mojobojo: In the short term there is a setting to allow you to disable CLS and then you can do transfers.

I describe the Config.xml file in the OP. The setting is: EnableCLS. Edit the config file, and set that value to 0.

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Thanks for that sumghai!

@ mojobojo: In the short term there is a setting to allow you to disable CLS and then you can do transfers.

I describe the Config.xml file in the OP. The setting is: EnableCLS. Edit the config file, and set that value to 0.

Thank you very much, that fixed it. Do you still need my config?

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Bug report: when transferring a crew member using Ship Manifest, TAC life support resources get added (not moved, but duplicated) to the part the crew member entered, eventually filling the entire ship. No other resources (e.g. fuel) are affected. Haven't tried to see how reproducible it is yet, but I strongly suspect it's because TAC mistakes the transfer for an EVA...

EDIT: the following steps do not reproduce the bug:

1. Create a vessel consisting of one Mk 1-2 pod and one Hitchhiker container

2. Tweak the stored resource values so that the tanks are no longer full

3. Go to the launch pad

4. Use ship manifest to move from the command pod to the hitchhiker

While resources get moved around with the kerbals, the total amount in the ship remains fixed. Will keep trying...

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Bug report: when transferring a crew member using Ship Manifest, TAC life support resources get added (not moved, but duplicated) to the part the crew member entered, eventually filling the entire ship. No other resources (e.g. fuel) are affected. Haven't tried to see how reproducible it is yet, but I strongly suspect it's because TAC mistakes the transfer for an EVA...

And that would make sense, since it now actually is an eva / Board, based on some code needed by I'm thinking Texture Replacer. I'll have to take a look and see if I can skip the eva/board steps by refreshing the vessel, but not sure.

The steps are Remove Kerbal from old part, add Kerbal to new part, trigger eva & board events, trigger vessel change event.

If someone that is so inclined and has TAC Life support and texture replacer, try commenting those lines that perform the EVA/Board and see if it helps. it will be in the realmodecrewxfer and FireEventTriggers methods.

I will try to get to it soon. Thanks for the report!

Edit: I took a quick look at my code, and I don't see anything earth shaking... except that I use this method in more than source to target transfers. I will need to rethink the board event call.... this may be causing the dups...

public static void FireEventTriggers()
// Per suggestion by shaw (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/62270-0-23-Ship-Manifest-%28Manage-Crew-Science-Resources%29-v0-23-3-1-5-26-Feb-14?p=1033866&viewfull=1#post1033866)
// and instructions for using CLS API by codepoet.

// Add Extraplanetary LaunchPad support. This is actually the event I was searching for back at the beginning.. yay!

// Refresh after CLS refreshes... (this maintains highlighing....)
clsVessel = CLSAddon.Instance.Vessel;
SelectedResourceParts = PartsByResource["Crew"];

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I've reworked both the Crew Transfer and Resource Transfer methods. They were spaghetti code from when I was discovering Ksp and Unity's "secrets". They are now state managed, and very clean.

This fixed the negative numbers and the low value transfer issues with resources (I hope).

Also, with the rework came a better defined event model, and I'm hoping that the duplicate TAC Life support Resources issue is resolved.

Release coming. a host of bugs squashed.

More to come.

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Does this take place of crew manifest.

If so

I downloaded someone elses mod. I didn't know at 1st but they had an older version of the toolbar in their folder. I then removed it and got the updated toolbar (which I had previously.

After I was having issues with the show active icons selection. It showed

??? Crew manifest.

and all the rest

So I thought I needed to redo crew manifest. I then redid the crew manifest from http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/18-1-kerbal-crew-manifest/.

Now I see.


1st one. The icon is in its own toolbar and I get and option when left click.


Where is the icon.

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Does this take place of crew manifest.

If so

I downloaded someone elses mod. I didn't know at 1st but they had an older version of the toolbar in their folder. I then removed it and got the updated toolbar (which I had previously.

After I was having issues with the show active icons selection. It showed

??? Crew manifest.

and all the rest

So I thought I needed to redo crew manifest. I then redid the crew manifest from http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/18-1-kerbal-crew-manifest/.

Now I see.


1st one. The icon is in its own toolbar and I get and option when left click.


Where is the icon.

I'll do the best I can...

The first link you showed is the original Crew manifest. It is out of date.

The image you shared is from an early version of Crew manifeat.

Sarbian is maintaining Crew manifest. It works, but is also dated.

Ship Manifest is based on Crew manifest, but is a lot more now.

If you downloaded Ship Manifest, and you are missing a toolbar button, then be sure you also download CLS and Module Manager.

Ship Manifest and Crew manifest will work side by side. No need for both, but will work.

Toolbar 1.7.1 is the latest.

All is explained in my OP, along with links to most everything I just discussed.

Hope this helps!

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New version out. Lots cleaned up. Hope I squashed the TAC Life Support Bug...

Version - 22 Apr, 2014 - Bug fixes Edition.

- New: Resource/Part Button Improvements:

- http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/62270-0-23-5-Ship-Manifest-%28Manage-Crew-Science-Resources%29-v0-23-5-3-2-16-Apr-14?p=1058979&viewfull=1#post1058979

- General clean up of contrast / formatting for better readability in hover, unselected and selected modes.

- New: Add Auto Popup of Debug console on Error. Configurable, Off by Default.

- Bug: Highlighting fails for source Part when selecting any resource other than crew.

- Internally found, Post release of

- Bug: Resource Pump transfers fail wen xfering small amounts.

- http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/62270-0-23-5-Ship-Manifest-%28Manage-Crew-Science-Resources%29-v0-23-5-3-2-16-Apr-14?p=950355&viewfull=1#post950355

- Bug: Tanks sometimes go negative.

- http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/62270-0-23-5-Ship-Manifest-%28Manage-Crew-Science-Resources%29-v0-23-5-3-2-16-Apr-14?p=1082740&viewfull=1#post1082740

- Bug: Crew event triggers not firing in Pre-flight.

- http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/62270-0-23-5-Ship-Manifest-%28Manage-Crew-Science-Resources%29-v0-23-5-3-2-16-Apr-14?p=1100162&viewfull=1#post1100162

- Bug: Resource Transfer noises too low.

- www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_TNxjnW234

- Bug: Crew event triggers causing duplicate life support resources in TAC Life Support.

- http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/...=1#post1108035


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Oh the new toys I have to play with!

Heads-up by the way, new version of Module Manager out as well, since it's a dependency.

Thanks for the heads up!

The dependency is actually via CLS. CLS adds a part module to maintain pass-ability info for setting up living spaces. I don't expect any issues, as the modules are pretty basic fare.

BTW, this also means you can customize your own parts for pass-ability, and make your fuel tanks or mono-propellent tanks pass thru. Very cool.

I'm thinking that the addition of CLS adds a new dimension to the concept of space stations, bases, and living spaces on vessels. It has opened my eyes to my own designs. I can't wait to see what other mod developers come up with for it.

Now some feedback. I'd love to see some pics of folks using SM and CLS. I like to smile :)

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