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[1.12.x] Ship Manifest (Crew, Science, & Resources) - v - 28 Apr 23


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I have some trouble with docking ports and crew transfer.

Squad Docking Ports are all working ok.

Mods with working docking ports:

KWRocketry (uploads_2013_12_KW-Release-Package-v2.5.6B)

FusTek Station Parts Expansion (ksp_fustek_station_parts_expansion_x0_04-3_dev)

HabitatPack (Habitat Pack)

Mods with docking ports that don't allow crew transfer:

Goodspeed (uploads_2014_04_GoodspeedAerospaceParts-2014.4.1B)

LLL (LLL-12-1)

KingEng Universal Docking Ports (uploads_2014_04_UnivDockingPorts4)

LazTek (uploads_2014_04_LazTekSpaceXLaunchPack_2.3.51)

NovaPunch2 (NovaPunch2_03_5)

I have installed "TweakableEverything" (uploads_2014_04_TweakableEverything-0-6-6)

CLS manages passibility for each part. It does this using Module Manager config files that get merged with the ship at run time. If you have parts that are not currently passable, it may be that there is a config pack for that parts pack, either with the Mod developer, or with CLS. on my OP, you will see a link to CLS. go there and you will see what part packs are currently supported, and how to create your own configs to make your experience exactly what you wish.

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I get a error whenever i try and transfer crew to the stock mobile processing lab its the only thing ive found to cause it.

Error: Error moving crewmember.  Error:  Object reference not set to an instance of an object 

at ShipManifest.ManifestController.TransferCrewMember (.ProtoCrewMember sourceMember, .Part sourcePart, .Part targetPart) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Thanks for that. I will examine the part to see what may be the issue. Stock part, correct?

Edit: Looking at the Lab (Large_Crewed_Lab), forgive my ignorance but I have a question. Does it actually have any seats?

I'm gonna be looking at that...

Resolution: Ok, that part has no internal model. as a result, I cannot place a kerbal in a seat, as there is no seat to place them. So, I've added a check for the internal model, and in the next release the Lab (and any other parts without an internal model) will no longer be contained in the list of source or target parts for crew transfers.

Edited by Papa_Joe
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CLS manages passibility for each part. It does this using Module Manager config files that get merged with the ship at run time. If you have parts that are not currently passable, it may be that there is a config pack for that parts pack, either with the Mod developer, or with CLS. on my OP, you will see a link to CLS. go there and you will see what part packs are currently supported, and how to create your own configs to make your experience exactly what you wish.

Thanks for the hint, I had hope that this code in a CFG-File can do the trick for all docking nodes... but no luck.

name = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace
passable = true

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Resolution: Ok, that part has no internal model. as a result, I cannot place a kerbal in a seat, as there is no seat to place them. So, I've added a check for the internal model, and in the next release the Lab (and any other parts without an internal model) will no longer be contained in the list of source or target parts for crew transfers.

Thanks for looking into it and keep up the good work

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inflatable hab modules not recognized even with realism turned off. Why couldn't the mod have just been left alone it was so simple now it seems far more complicated than need be. Not trying to be a jerk but I'm sure im going to come across as one...wats the point anymore? Crew Manifest accomplishes the same tasks without having to edit config files...

Edited by paramedicdoc
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Missing "@", now it works!

name = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace
passable = true

Sweet! I really think that once people get used to CLS, and start to design around it, their enjoyment will increase. I personally like it and plan to exploit CLS some more in the future.

For example, I know that codepoet is expanding support for hatches. I'm thinking a hatch dashboard, where you can manage the ships hatches from a single interface. Makes sense in the scheme of things... I'll be looking into that...

Like Titanic's Watertight doors.. only SM airtight doors...

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Resolution: Ok, that part has no internal model. as a result, I cannot place a kerbal in a seat, as there is no seat to place them. So, I've added a check for the internal model, and in the next release the Lab (and any other parts without an internal model) will no longer be contained in the list of source or target parts for crew transfers.

Could you elaborate on the above? Kerbals ought to be able to transfer to or from any crewable part regardless of whether or not it has an IVA. The lab in particular actually requires Kerbals in order to function, so I hope you're not saying that we won't be able to use ShipManifest to move crew into the lab.

Edited by Fraz86
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inflatable hab modules not recognized even with realism turned off. Why couldn't the mod have just been left alone it was so simple now it seems far more complicated than need be. Not trying to be a jerk but I'm sure im going to come across as one...wats the point anymore? Crew Manifest accomplishes the same tasks without having to edit config files...

Point well taken, and my apologies for the confusion with this release. It was a big decision to go forward with CLS, but I felt it was important for what it can bring to the game. Unfortunately I did not make it as user friendly as I usually do. I try to make the default settings the most popular ones, and that has worked well so far, but with the release of the CLS enabled version, my default settings failed for most.

As a result I have since released another version with most settings exposed in the Settings Window. If you like, I can think of 4 options:

- you can go to spaceport and download the latest version, or

- you can simply wait for the next release, with an even better settings window, and some reported bug fixes (including a resolution to the inflatable hab).. or

- you can download the latest release of SM that is NOT CLS dependent, which is version, at my Github repository (found in the OP). my understanding is this version works with the inflatable habs.

- Or, simply use Crew manifest. There is certainly many who do, and for good reason, I'm sure.

I'm all about choice.

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inflatable hab modules not recognized even with realism turned off. Why couldn't the mod have just been left alone it was so simple now it seems far more complicated than need be. Not trying to be a jerk but I'm sure im going to come across as one...wats the point anymore? Crew Manifest accomplishes the same tasks without having to edit config files...

I dunno. It's got some other merits, like being able to move science experiments around without EVA (seriously that bit I've always found silly).

It'd be easier to fix if we knew what was wrong though. What do you mean that the modules aren't recognized? Can you not move crew into or out of them at all, or is it just a CLS thing?

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As a follow up to the settings revisions, I have some images of the new settings window.


Now to make sure that when you switch settings, things change behavior as expected...

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Could you elaborate on the above? Kerbals ought to be allowed to transfer to or from any crewable part regardless of whether or not it has an IVA. The lab in particular actually requiress[/] Kerbals in order to function, so I hope you're not saying that we won't be able to use ShipManifest to move crew into the lab.

Ok, you got me. I just realized the error of my thinking. My code currently requires seats for the internal mode to support portrait updates, but I guess you really do not need the seats, if you don't care about portraits. Since there is no internal model, we have no portraits. So skip the portrait redraw and we are good. Thanks! I'll go add that and test now.

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I dunno. It's got some other merits, like being able to move science experiments around without EVA (seriously that bit I've always found silly).

It'd be easier to fix if we knew what was wrong though. What do you mean that the modules aren't recognized? Can you not move crew into or out of them at all, or is it just a CLS thing?

There is a state change on the crew capacity. I don't know if an event is being fired or not. if not, then I need to refresh my parts list more often to capture the changes. testing various options now.

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Yay! Fixing things and stuff!

I'm a fan of having more pretty-glowy-buttons-of-clicking for making settings changes.

Just an update:

As per the Pending section of my OP, the following bugs have been resolved.

x- Bug: SM generating an Error when attempting to transfer to a part with no internal model

- http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/62270-0-23-5-Ship-Manifest-%28Crew-Science-Resources%29-v0-23-5-3-2-2-2-May-14?p=1140559&viewfull=1#post1140559

x- Bug: SM still allowing negative numbers in resource transfers.

- http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/62270-0-23-5-Ship-Manifest-%28Crew-Science-Resources%29-v0-23-5-3-2-2-2-May-14?p=1136419&viewfull=1#post1136419

working the habitat issue now.

Release soon folks.

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I've just downloaded the latest bugfix for CLS, and it appears that it is incompatible with Ship Manifest :(

(i.e. Ship Manifest button no longer appears in toolbar, nor is it available from the add toolbar button option)

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I've just downloaded the latest bugfix for CLS, and it appears that it is incompatible with Ship Manifest :(

(i.e. Ship Manifest button no longer appears in toolbar, nor is it available from the add toolbar button option)

Yup, I was testing late last night, and lost one of my Dev save games (20+ ships). It appears, that SM is not tolerant of CLS DLL updates. May be in my Build configuration, but not sure.

I backed out CLS and all worked again.

Now what I have not done is test CLS on it's own to see if it is causing problems in general or if it is simply an incompatability with my tool. More testing tonite...

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If it's any use, I've got KSP.txt and output_log.txt in the zip files linked below. Minimum install, just toolbar, CLS and Ship Manifest.


There are quite a few error messages related to SM.

Thanks! any additional info is always appreciated. I will peruse it tonite after work.

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I expect that rebuilding SM against the new release of CLS will result in it working.

The reason is think (although I am not sure about all this) is that I update the version number in the assembly each time I make a release. Therefore the current release of SM knows that it needs CLS1.0.3.0 to work. Because the new CLS is v1.0.4.1, the assembly loader does not load SM as there is a missing dependency.

We could avoid this problem by CLS keeping the version number at v1.0.0.0 of every release, however if we did do that then there is a risk of problems arising from other incompatibilities (for example the new CLS does not have the HatchStatus property anymore.)

The better solution to the problem is to use reflection to soft link to CLS so that SM does not need to have a hard dependency on CLS at all. I will get a reflection wrapper for CLS ready for you asap.

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I expect that rebuilding SM against the new release of CLS will result in it working.

The reason is think (although I am not sure about all this) is that I update the version number in the assembly each time I make a release. Therefore the current release of SM knows that it needs CLS1.0.3.0 to work. Because the new CLS is v1.0.4.1, the assembly loader does not load SM as there is a missing dependency.

We could avoid this problem by CLS keeping the version number at v1.0.0.0 of every release, however if we did do that then there is a risk of problems arising from other incompatibilities (for example the new CLS does not have the HatchStatus property anymore.)

The better solution to the problem is to use reflection to soft link to CLS so that SM does not need to have a hard dependency on CLS at all. I will get a reflection wrapper for CLS ready for you asap.

I considered the assembly numbering issue by setting the version restrictions to false when building, but maybe I missed it after rebuilding references, not yet sure. I'll begin testing in an hour or so, and have more data then.

Thanks for all your hard work. I will be overcoming this obstacle as well as others in the mean time. :)

Edit: I just confirmed that a rebuild with the new version works correctly.

I will release an immediate Hot Fix.

Give me 30 min.

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New version out -, 9 May 14

CLS Hot fix Edition.

- Recompiled for CLS

- No other changes

I'm still working the next update. Just wanted to be sure we addressed this as soon as possible.

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I've updated toe OP.

- I added some clarifications,

- a bit of info about CLS (to help those that are unfamiliar with the plugin),

- updated the download location to CurseForge, and

- a few typo corrections.

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Just an update:

As per the Pending section of my OP, the following bugs have been resolved.

x- Bug: SM generating an Error when attempting to transfer to a part with no internal model

- http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/62270-0-23-5-Ship-Manifest-%28Crew-Science-Resources%29-v0-23-5-3-2-2-2-May-14?p=1140559&viewfull=1#post1140559

x- Bug: SM still allowing negative numbers in resource transfers.

- http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/62270-0-23-5-Ship-Manifest-%28Crew-Science-Resources%29-v0-23-5-3-2-2-2-May-14?p=1136419&viewfull=1#post1136419

working the habitat issue now.

Release soon folks.

Did something break the no internal model fix because I've got the latest CLS and SM but can't transfer crew into the mobile processing lab, getting this error

at ShipManifest.ManifestController.TransferCrewMember (.ProtoCrewMember sourceMember, .Part sourcePart, .Part targetPart) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Transferring between other parts seem fine, it just seems to be the mobile lab.

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