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What mods would you add to a Realism pack!


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I am thinking of going through the new career mode ( done it in .22 ). What i want is a nice realistic experience, doing missions as if i was running a space program. So my question to anyone who would like the same, or have recommendations to post what mods they would or would not use. I will list some i think should be added, if you can suggest better mods, or new ones please do.

FAR - Farram Aerospace

Deadly Reentry

Remote tech 2 ( i like the signal type aspect )

TAC - Life support


And some that i like and think would be usfull with the way i want to play

Kw Rocketery

B9 Aerospace


City lights but possibly the replacer, tho they are aesthetics not game play wise.

Was an old robotics mod not sure if its still about cant find it but i did find infernal robotics.

So what do you think? what would you add, Change? or remove.

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IMOH, the single biggest lack of realism in KSP is its lack of in-game instrumentation both in flight and in the editors, and also automation. So if you want to be real, you need to add those things, which no real space program does without. Thus:

Enhanced Navball

RCS Build Aid

Improved Maneuver Nodes

Kerbal Engineer

TAC Fuel Balancer (leaving out the part that allows cheating)


Navyfish's Docking Indicator

Things that are definitely not realistic are life support mods that impose humanocentric biology and psychology on alien Kerbals :).

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  Andrew Hansen said:

I suppose it's personal preference. In real life, I don't think nodes can be projected on real navigation balls / artificial horizons like that. It would go on an a HUD, or in the case of something like Navyfish's tool, on a separate screen.

If you're going to run FAR, I recommend 2 of Ferram's other mods to make it work better. Kerbal ISP Difficulty Scaler, as running FAR will make it a little "too easy" to get into orbit - I set mine up to reduce the ISP in atmosphere, but keep it default in space. I figure that's fair, since FAR only affects atmospheric flight. FAR also drives you to build more vertical, than horizontal. The default joint strength in KSP doesn't work very well with vertically oriented rockets. So I also suggest Ferram's Kerbal Joint Reinforcement mod - as it bring the joint strength more in line with reality.

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  Andrew Hansen said:

*ahem* Yes.


Also, NavyFish's docking indicator gives you more details than the navball-based solution, such as hard numerical relative velocities, as well as a display that's easier to interpret at a glance. I can use it to achieve almost perfect static station-keeping with another vessel, even if I'm not actually docked to it.

  Soda Popinski said:
I suppose it's personal preference. In real life, I don't think nodes can be projected on real navigation balls / artificial horizons like that. It would go on an a HUD, or in the case of something like Navyfish's tool, on a separate screen.

To be fair, it is possible, if the navball is digitally generated in the first place. For example, SpaceShipOne's Tier One Navigation Unit (TONU):


Edited by Deadweasel
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Mechjeb. Don't fool yourself. If you are going for realism then you have to use autopilots because nobody flies a spaceship manually. When they do they crash. See Mir manual cargo docking experiment. Some sort of docking cam would also be valid. While the Navyfish mod is great, I use it, the real stuff has a docking camera.

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  dr_jt said:
Mechjeb. Don't fool yourself. If you are going for realism then you have to use autopilots because nobody flies a spaceship manually. When they do they crash. See Mir manual cargo docking experiment. Some sort of docking cam would also be valid. While the Navyfish mod is great, I use it, the real stuff has a docking camera.

Well, to that point, real stuff doesn't necessarily get an external 360 camera view at crazy distances either.

If you want the ultimate realism, there needs to be a mod that abolishes the external camera and limits the view strictly to IVA (though of course that could be left up to the honor system anyway).

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Weird to toot my own horn, but: Realism Overhaul, in my sig. Read the thread for lots of stuff other people are working on too (SFJackBauer's engine, jrandom and eggrobin on life support, etc).

If you want to play career, I suggest Medieval Nerd's Realistic Progression Lite tech tree

MFS should be done in a day or so (3.3 is totally broken in .23); RSS a few days after that (depends on how much I find broken), although it APPEARS RSS is playable at the moment.

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