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Low tech career flight is FUN.


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Interestingly, the skids make for awesome landing gear. I don't think I'll be using wheels, even in the bigger, later tier stuff. Just isn't necessary.

#EDIT: Notice the blown seperatron under the... eh... "truss wings"? Boosters. This sucker packed two JATOs.

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Actually, this is pretty modest for you...

I'm in unknown territory. I usually just stick to rockets. This is my first foray into the field of powered flight.

On a side note, I glided it all the way down and landed in the water. I say landed and not crashed, because I didn't shed a single part.


what is the name of the craft? Angel of Death?

I believe this is the "Misplaced Marmoset Mk3"

#EDIT: Just unlocked materials lab and batteries. TIME TO GO BIGGER! :D

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