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How do I get my kerbals out of the mobile processing lab?

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Have you go any mods installed which are not updated for .23 yet? If so, they could be causing a bug which is stopping you getting Kerbals out of it. Also, have you treid going back to the space center, and then going back to the spacecraft via the tracking station? If so, that might help.

Regarding the interior design, I don't think squad have created one for it just yet.


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Hover the mouse over the hatch until it says " crew hatch" .than left click. It should give you an option to Eva your kerbals.

On that note, I have noticed that the game seems to be having more trouble registering when the mouse is hovering over the Crew Hatch than it did in previous versions. That might be part of the problem.

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On that note, I have noticed that the game seems to be having more trouble registering when the mouse is hovering over the Crew Hatch than it did in previous versions. That might be part of the problem.

Same with docking ports. In fact, just getting the desired port set as the target is probably the most difficult thing about docking right now :cool:

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Yes, I have been having the same issue with other clicking. It happens more when the game starts slowing down from the processor doing too much at once. I had one situation in which a typical fuel tank wouldn't show its info when I right-clicked. I kept re-clicking and also trying click and hold for several seconds, but to no avail. I finally managed to get the info to pop up by right clicking really rapidly, and it popped up after about 8 clicks.

Only mod I use is Kerbal Engineer (not updated) but I only use it in the VAB or SPH to check vehicle attributes and I don't leave the part on, so I don't think that would be affecting it. I was not in time warp, and going back to it I still can't get them out. The game was not running slowly. It was the same story in space around Kerbin, passing by the Mün, and even after landing on Minmus. It just doesn't work at all. I guess it's vaguely possible Kerbal Engineer is messing with it but I rather doubt it.

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Clicking on the crew hatches has only ever worked for me if the camera is close enough to them. They don't work when zoomed out / clicked from a distance. I'm not sure if it's got worse in 0.23, possibly.

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I haven't had any trouble getting the mouse to note and highlight the crew hatch when hovering over it. It'll do that at any angle flawlessly every time. But at no angle can I get the right-click to access the crew hatch. It just brings up the MPL right-click as if the hatch is not there. I've quit and restarted KSP, I've restarted my computer, and I've made new MPLs. Nothing works.

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I haven't had any trouble getting the mouse to note and highlight the crew hatch when hovering over it. It'll do that at any angle flawlessly every time. But at no angle can I get the right-click to access the crew hatch. It just brings up the MPL right-click as if the hatch is not there. I've quit and restarted KSP, I've restarted my computer, and I've made new MPLs. Nothing works.

It's left-click for the hatch, not right-click, isn't it?

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  • 8 months later...
I had the same problem.

I use MechJeb and the only way is to click the Crew Hatch throw a MechJeb window. I don't know if it's the same with Kerbal Engineering.

If you are using the Kerbal Engineering Mod, you have to click thru the Kerbal Engineering window to get your Kerbals to EVA. I spent an hour beating my head against a wall trying to get this to work until I found this little tidbit.

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This is a pretty old thread. If you are having trouble getting Kerbals out of the mobile lab in the current version of KSP, try the fix posted here- http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/63355-HACK-IVA-for-lab-module?highlight=%5BHACK%5D

The issue in the original post in this thread is a different issue, I think. Currently, some installations are not able to click the hatch to EVA Kerbals, a problem that mainly affects OSX users. The workaround originally posted by Kashua works great.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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