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Is it okay if i have the KSP source code?

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My sides. Thanks for the laugh OP, you are cute.

In case it wasn't obvious to you, releasing the FULL unobfuscated source code to an in development game that works on the model KSP works on (sell it to people) would be suicide for Squad. NOT TO MENTION that KSP is Squad's only significant source of revenue at present. Who's to stop anyone who gets access to the source from just releasing it through not so legitimate channels to anyone with an inkling of knowledge about how to get things on the internet which anyone who could do something with the source has.

The absurdity of your request makes my sides hurt.

10/10, btw.

In any case, as others have said before me, good luck with your project.

Probably not much, however there could be grave consequences for anybody caught using said source code in their own products.

Software copyright claims never get far.

Edited by Glockshna
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The big question is: Why Unity? You know what it do to KSP? If you want to make a KSP clone at least make it able to do multithreading and optionally OpenCL GPU calculation so things won't be as laggy

And NVIDIA-only PhysX. Definitely not good, even they haven't implemented GPU compute yet.

Then there is another problem: Is your idea could be implemented as mod in KSP? Again it is the cloning problem, if your clone is worse that the original one bye bye. However I think you may be confused on how to make a mod, in first page and they already told you

EDIT: Ignore all my performance related rantings, yet! It might be really wrong

Edited by Aghanim
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You see, i'm making a game similar to KSP in unity, and i'm interested in having the source code

The main problem with this post is that it suggests a couple of things that, giving you the benefit of the doubt, are not necessarily true:

  • You have a tremendous lack of experience because the source code will tell you nothing. Figuring out how things work by looking at code is much, much harder than figuring out how things work by reading tutorials.
  • You underestimate the scope of the project. A sizable group of coders has been working on this project for a couple of years. How large do you think the resulting code base is?
  • You underestimate the difficulty of the project. Many people seem to think that a simulation game like KSP is trivial (hence the requests for multiplayer, n-body physics, interstellar travel, black holes, etc) where in reality it is not and there are many unexpected problems you run into (see Harvesters talk at the Unity convention)
  • You do not understand the economics of running a software business. As pointed out before, this is like writing Coca Cola "I'm starting my own softdrink company. Can I have the recipe of Coca Cola, please? Thanks"
  • You make it look like you have not done any work yourself and want everything presented to you on a platter. Nobody likes helping someone who has not indicated making a serious effort in solving the problem themselves first. "In my game I can launch craft and put them in orbit, but I cannot get the orbits to behave mathematically stable, how have you solved this" or something along those lines would be more reasonable

So, assuming you have a working version of your own space simulation, I urge you to word your request more specifically to the exact problem you're struggling with right now ("The LU decomposition of my position matrices takes a disproportionate amount of time. How do you guys quickly solve the equations needed for 3D transformations in the VAB window?") and maybe, just maybe somebody may be willing to shine a light on it.

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They showed source code because the studio was disbanding if i remember correctly. And it was long after the game was released. KSP have a long term development approach so its kind of hard to compare them. That said and considering many other things, I think there would be more good than harm if the source code was leaked right now probably.

Also while FS2 Legacy is great, does any original creators actually benefit from gog sales?

interplay (the publisher) collapsed (but just wouldnt die). volition (the dev studio) switched over to thq. because interplay retained rights to the franchise, it was not possible for volition to continue the series under thq, since they could not further develop the engine for another sequel, they released its source code. the game was released in 1999 and the source code came out in 2002, so it was not a huge delay (and during this time many mods were made). its been under active development ever since.

im pretty sure the gog proceeds go to the rights holders, but those rights may have been sold. its not an ideal arrangement. with ksp being on steam however, presumably indefinitely, gives you a sales platform in the long term. even if source is released, the sales platform would not need to change (except perhaps lowering to a bargain bin price). the code would be released under a license that protects squad from having their code exploited. but were talking several years after ksp 1.0.

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sheesh, the gall... "I'm trying to make something in direct competition to your product, please make it for me and then give it to me for free so I can take all credit without having to put in any effort"...

I don't want to make the assumption that this is the reason behind the request, but I do agree that it appears to be so. I feel I can safely say that the source code is not available. Thread closed.

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