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Antenna bandwidth ratings

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I noticed the second tier antenna is only .6Mits/sec while the first is .8. .8 is more then .6. The DTS-M1 not only seems to have LESS bandwidth, but also pulls 50% more power and is 6 times heavier. So how is it better?

And the 88-88 is only .36Mits/sec. Nearly 1/2 16 and twice the power and 5 times the mass. So how is it better then the first two? The 16 has the highest data rate, lowest power consumption per packet and lowest mass.

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What is displayed should come from the same cfg file the game uses so you don't get these screw ups. Something I've noticed in a lot of online games. Even Eve does or did it wrong. They put data for the same thing in several places and then have to change every place instead of putting the data in a common place which would then update every place that uses it at once, but would also allow changing it on the fly while the severs are running instead of having to wait for a restart to apply changes.

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What is displayed should come from the same cfg file the game uses so you don't get these screw ups.

It does come from the part.cfg, but the bandwidth isn't in there directly, it's calculated from 2 parameters which are in there. The behaviour is correct when transmitting for the parameter values, but the displayed bandwidth value uses an incorrect calculation to get the number it shows.

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