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2 New things I learned in KSP today that may not be commen knowledge


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During a mission to send a small space station with the new science module to Jool today I learned 2 things.

1. If a Sepratrons exhaust nozzle is pointed at a fuel tank at a rather close proximity it can blow up the tank. (I learned this after trying to figure out why the middle stage of my rocket kept exploding at certain points when I jettisoned the outer boosters)

2. If you double click a window while in IVA of the Cupola module it jumps the camera up to a position by that window, thus creating a new pivot point for the camera. (I am a bit curious if this is an early implication of enhanced IVA. Kind of like the kerbal going up to a window he wants to look out of)

Edit: I just did some tests and this works most of the modules with multiple windows, such as the Mk 1-2. The only one that doesn't seem to work is the Mk 2 landing pod.

So did you know any of this? Or did I just somehow fail to notice these things for a long time?

Edited by DerpenWolf
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Knew both, but they're good to know. I tend to keep Sepratrons around as emergency decouplers, exhaust nozzles aimed at decouplers I feel might be tricky. If the nozzle fails to decouple, move some stages around, put the 2 sepratrons in a new stage and fire.

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Only knew of the 2nd, found that out by random clicking. The other I have not realised. I only use sepratrons to make pretty spinning patterns, which I assume was the original intention before they were found to also help decouple large stages

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  MalfunctionM1Ke said:
to 1.:

Do it this way then:

Sorry, if this is a stupid question. I'm still new at the game. :blush:

Wouldn't that rocket have worked just as well without any separators at all?

Or with the separators mounted on, say, the noses on the boosters (so as just to push them down and away faster)?

The ordinary explosive separators seem to have worked just fine for my rockets, but I haven't gone with too many boosters in any of my rockets yet.

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Going straight up it may or may not be a problem. But if you have a large rocket and have to separate a stage during your turn having them is a must. I have an orbiter built using B9 Aerospace and KW Rocketry it has 16 total separation motors. All my stage separation occurs above 10000m. Without them I would have major issues because in order for it to not rip itself apart I had to strut it to hell and back.

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I've used No1 as a (intentional) self destruct system on some craft before!

No2 is really cool, I use that in the cockpit of planes so I can land in IVA mode (which is really fun btw).

Also, you can scroll with the mouse wheel and get a very powerful zoom, like having a telescope.

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In some pods, you can actually see the kerbal if you angle that window clicked camera around enough. I wish you could turn it around more, to see them fully.

I tend to mount separatrons on the sides of boosters- mine tend to be large, and this reduces the risk.

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  78stonewobble said:
Sorry, if this is a stupid question. I'm still new at the game. :blush:

Wouldn't that rocket have worked just as well without any separators at all?

Or with the separators mounted on, say, the noses on the boosters (so as just to push them down and away faster)?

The ordinary explosive separators seem to have worked just fine for my rockets, but I haven't gone with too many boosters in any of my rockets yet.

There is currently a bug in the game, that nulls-out the ejection froce of your radial decouplers when the inner and the outer stage are connected with struts.

Also I dont like the idea to have sepatrons on top of an empty tank. it makes the tank uncontrollably spinning and dancing in a highly unpleasant area :D

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