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[1.1.2] WernherChecker v0.4.1 - Customizable Editor Pre-Flight Checklist ; (May 18)


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Nice mod, but I've had to remove it because it does not play well with KCT.

A bug report of that type is kinda useless. I need to know under which circumstances the problem appeared and mainly what the problem is!! If there are any red lines in your debug log, then I'll need your output_log.txt

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A bug report of that type is kinda useless. I need to know under which circumstances the problem appeared and mainly what the problem is!! If there are any red lines in your debug log, then I'll need your output_log.txt

Actually, Magion, this is my bad. This statement was not intended for your plugin. I apologize. (And, you are right; that kind of reporting is woefully insufficient. Fortunately, for the offending mod that was just the beginning sentence. Note-to-self: when reporting bugs DO NOT attempt to process multiple reports simultaneously. Focus, Padawan. Focus.)

My intention for you was to request you add an option allowing for WC to not be automatically displayed. Or,include a launchbutton hook that interrupts the scene change to generate a popup similar to what you already have.

Currently, WC is always on and it gets in the way of Squads action group settings as well as other mods. In this case, I'd recommend a config.xml to provide placement persistence.

Again, my sincerest apologies for the misunderstanding. (Now, to find who it was that got your report.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for understanding. I really appreciate it!

Or,include a launchbutton hook that interrupts the scene change to generate a popup similar to what you already have.

Do you mean showing the checklist just before the launch? The only problem with this is, that the "check just the selected parts" feature would be unavailable then.

Also, excuse me for being not very active now. The transition from the holiday mode to the school mode was pretty rapid.

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  • 3 weeks later...

first off: thanks. a very handy mod.

I do have some small suggestions, even though I didnt read through the whole Thread. Shame on my if I repeat things.

Since I use B9 Aerospace and NEAR some parts have different modules, making for some rather empty checklists. I have also merged the rocket and Plane Lists for Spaceplanes, since I havent been building anytihing BUT SSTO Planes in KSP :D

For Controlsurfaces I added "FARControllableSurface" and for landing Gears "FSwheel". Im sure there are a million other Definitions to be had. Ill add them if / when I come across them.

Now for Features i would suggest the already discussed (optional) List check before Launch. Also the Crew Assignment checker might stay Put the second time I press Launch IF I havent moved from the crew assignment page. (I probably havent forgotten if I already closed the Popup and havent navigated to another editor).

Im havent looked into how saves and Mods play together or how other mods do persistence, but it would also be cool if the checklist type stuck with the vehicle when saving / loading.

Also a long time from now in a release far far away you might split Lists into "Item definitions" and "List compilations". This would probably only help when you have a larger number of checklists since it would deduplicate the config file.

If you would prefer an Issue on GitHub let me know. I felt like killing two birds with one (Forum Post shaped) Stone.

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Here's definitions for RealChute and RemoteTech2 support, plus lights and RCS. Feel free to integrate into the default list.

name = Parachutes
modules = ModuleParachute,RealChuteModule

name = Communication
modules = ModuleDataTransmitter,ModuleRTAntenna

name = Lights
modules = ModuleLight

name = RCS thrusters
modules = ModuleRCS

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It seems that WernherChecker works fine with KSP .25, so you can download it without fear. If you are experiencing some issues, let me know, so I can fix it ASAP.

Recompile for 0.25 with some minor improvements will hopefully come before end of the week.

Also, thanks PlaneOtron K for very usefull feedback! I'm adding some more PartModule definitions to the following update.

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WernherChecker v0.3.1 is up!

Nothing really big has changed in this update. There are just some minor improvements as usual and I also added some non-stock PartModule definitions as many of you requested.

Full changelog:

* KSP 0.25 support
* Added button to reload the config file
* Main window automaticly hides, when switched to the Action Groups or Crew Assignment panel
* Editor locks, when the CrewCheck window is displayed
* Minor visual changes
* Added some new PartModule definitions


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  • 1 month later...

For those looking to use this mod with AntennaRange, that mod replaces each antenna's ModuleDataTransmitter with a "ModuleLimitedDataTransmitter", so you'll have to add that to the list of Communication modules.

Also, for the next version, it would be nice to have the checklist save its position so I don't have to keep dragging it out of the way of the parts menu. Thanks!

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  • 1 month later...


thanks for the nice words. I'm glad that I finaly have a time to write here something. The Christmas madness was just CRAZY, so I HUGELY appologise for the lack of updates. The original targeted release date was on Friday. But on Friday the 19th! Stupid Christmas :)

v0.3.2 is completed a few days now, but I just didn't have a time for a release. With a little luck the update will be out today, but I don't promiss anything. If not, you'll have to wait at least until Wednesday :(

During developement I spent a lot of time improving the launch button hook, which displays the CrewCheck dialog instead of launching the vessel.

Currently, there is just an area in the place of the launch button, which, if you mouseover over it, it disables the launch button and if you click while the mouse is in the area, it displays the CrewCheck window. It has one major problem. The tooltip of the button remains displayed, eventhought the mouse isn't over the button. In 0.90, the tooltips became a lot greater, so the more it's ugly. Additionaly, the disabled button doesn't look nicest either.

Originally, I was thinking just about manualy changing the visual state of the button, but that didn't work very well - the button set itself enabled, eventhought is was supposed to be disabled. Then, I tried to integrate it with the stock PreFlightChecks (that thing, which tells you, that the launchpad is destroyed and you have not enought money to launch the vessel), but it's probably instantiated inside the launchVessel() method, so I can't access it and add own pre-flight test. Creating my own instatnce worked, but it behaved really strangly. Then, I was browsing documentation for the EzGUI and I found two interesting methods - AddInputDelegate() and RemoveInputDelegate(). That was great, but I couldn't find the stock InputDelegate, so I could add custom InputDelegate, but I could't remove the stock one. After a few hours of searching, I didn't find the delegate, but I found another method, which I overlooked - SetInputDelegate(). That method overrides all delegates, so that was finaly the solution. How could I miss that?!?

So much for my developer adventures. I hope it wasn't boring :)

Also, yesterday was the WernherChecker's birthday. Whole one year. Happy Birthday!

Happy Holidays!

Edited by Magion
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I seem to be having this bug, Every load of a craft, the werner icon on the toolbar(stock) uncontrollably duplicates until I can't click anything anymore(but the game doesn't crash)

Also, it seems to be conflicting with Kerbal Construction Time on the Launch button on the editor. I've uninstalled the mod as of now. I can't properly troubleshoot what exactly causes the problem above (I have other mods) but it only does this when I have this mod.

Just putting it out here in case others experience the same.

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Does this mod account for the electrical charge drained by kerbals with TAC-LS?

This mod doesn't track whether or not you're getting enough electric charge, only that the spacecraft has some source of it. You might be thinking of FuseBox, which did account for TAC-LS, but not in the 0.90 version because TAC-LS doesn't yet support 0.90 (TaranisElsu has provided a simple recompile, which people say is working, but he hasn't had the time to make a thorough check to get all functionality up-to-date).

Also, I can confirm the amazing multiplying toolbar button bug (edit: which I see is a known issue). Only one of them actually brings up the checklist (which I'm very happy to see does remember its position and does support AntennaRange, so hooray for that!).

Edited by Kerbas_ad_astra
Mentioned a mod but forgot to link to it.
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I'm really sorry for the duplication bug. The part of the code, which destroys the toolbar button was subscribed to the wrong GameEvent, so only two lines of the code had to be changed. Now I'm figuring a solution to the KCT compatibility issue. When I'm thinking about it, in .90 crew assignment is finally persistent, so the crew-checking feature might be useless. What's your opinion? For those, who don't wanna wait for the fix, you can switch to blizzy78's toolbar and disable crew checking in the .cfg

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On the other hand, crew experience means that it can be important to check crews to make sure that all astronauts get their turn. I haven't gotten enough astronauts to where this is an issue, so I don't know whether I want that feature or not. Maybe just tweak the default config so it's turned off?

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I'm really sorry for the duplication bug. The part of the code, which destroys the toolbar button was subscribed to the wrong GameEvent, so only two lines of the code had to be changed. Now I'm figuring a solution to the KCT compatibility issue. When I'm thinking about it, in .90 crew assignment is finally persistent, so the crew-checking feature might be useless. What's your opinion? For those, who don't wanna wait for the fix, you can switch to blizzy78's toolbar and disable crew checking in the .cfg

Even with the new crew-saving feature I've found myself really, really missing WernherChecker. So please have it still ask about crew lineup, or at least have that feature be toggle-able! Thanks so much for your continued efforts!

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Fix is now available for download at Kerbal Stuff, CurseForge or GitHub.

Regarding KCT compatibility, I just disabled the crew checking when KCT is installed, because you assign the crew outside the editor, so it's useless.

Full changelog:

* Fixed the stock toolbar button duplication issue

* KCT compatibility

I hope there're not gonna be more issues today.

Enjoy and Happy New Year.

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Sorry to say, there is a major bug I came across:

I'm having a strange issue. I have a modded install, with about 60 different mods (see below). I traced this problem to this mod:

Total memory usage after initial startup is about 2.6 gig.

I have my first space station, right now consisting of a zoology lab and a science lab docked together. This is in the save file.

I tried setting up a new mission, and things went screwy, so I restored from a backup and so far have isolated the problem to the following:

1. I reduced the new ship to a Stayputnik and an SRB, nothing else.

2. I go to the launch pad

The game will briefly show the ship on the launch pad, and then after 2-5 seconds, the screen goes blank. The normal toolbar is showing at the top right, and when I hit the escape key, the menu shows up in the center of the screen. However, it is unresponsive.

The really annoying thing is that the game saves a new save file, but my space station is deleted. I can restart the game, but the station is gone. The size of the save file is about 200k, while the size of the file with the space station is over 300k

If I replace the Stayputnik with a manned pod, it seems to work.

When I remove this mod, it works.

FYI, I downloaded the latest version just now before posting (0.3.3)

Mod list (with WernherChecker removed):

Following installed by CKAN:

KSP Version: 0.90.0

Installed Modules:

- ActiveTextureManagement-Aggressive A1.0_x86

- AmbientLightAdjustment

- AnchoredDecouplerFix autodetected dll

- BackgroundProcessing 0.3.5

- Chatterer 0.8.0

- ChuteQuickloadFixer autodetected dll

- CIT-Util 1.1.1-unofficial

- CoherentContracts 1.02

- CommunityResourcePack 0.3.2

- CrewRosterFreezeFix autodetected dll

- DeadlyReentry v6.4.0

- DistantObject v1.5.1

- DistantObject-default v1.5.1

- EnhancedNavBall 1.3.4

- EVAEjectionFix autodetected dll

- FerramAerospaceResearch v0.14.6

- FinalFrontier 0.6.1-604

- FirespitterCore 7.0.5463.30802

- FreedomTex 1.4

- GovFunding autodetected dll

- HyperEdit 1.3

- InFlightWaypoints 1.2.5

- KerbalAlarmClock v3.1.1.0

- KerbalDebrisFix autodetected dll

- KerbalEngineerRedux

- KerbalJointReinforcement v3.0.1

- KSP-AVC autodetected dll

- LandingHeight 1.2

- LoadOnDemand autodetected dll

- MechJeb2 2.4.2

- ModularRocketSystem 1.4.4

- ModuleManager 2.5.6

- NearFutureSolar 0.4.0

- NovaPunch 2.08

- OrbitalMaterialScience 0.3.90

- PlanetShine

- ProceduralParts v0.9.21

- RCSBuildAid 0.5.4

- RCSLandAid 2.1a

- RealChute

- RealRoster v2.1

- Regolith 0.1.2

- RLA-Stockalike 12.1

- S autodetected dll

- SafeChute 1.6

- SCANsat 8.1

- ScienceAlert 1.8rc2

- Service-Compartments-6S 1.2

- SmartStage v2.4.0

- SpaceY-Lifters 0.7

- StageRecovery 1.5.3

- StationScience 1.4

- StickyLaunchPadFix autodetected dll

- TextureReplacer 2.1.2

- ToadicusTools autodetected dll

- Toolbar 1.7.8

- Trajectories 1.1.2

- TWR1 1.16a

- UKS 0.22.3

- USITools 0.3.1

- VOID 0.16.4

- WernherChecker autodetected dll

- ZeroPointInlineFairings 0.9.1

Legend: -: Up to date. X: Incompatible. ^: Upgradable. ?: Unknown

Following installed by hand:

Gov Funding


SCART91 TexturePack


Stock Bug Fix


Modified IVA

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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Download v0.3.4 from Kerbal Stuff, CurseForge or GitHub right now!!

It fixes the issue described above. I also added basic in-game settings and rewritten the crew-assignment-checking feature to make it use the stock PreFlightCheck class.

* Added in-game settings

* Fixed an issue causing the game to go crazy after launching an unmanned ship

* Crew-assignment-checking feature rewritten


Edited by Magion
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Sorry to say, there is a major bug I came across:

I'm having a strange issue. I have a modded install, with about 60 different mods (see below). I traced this problem to this mod:

Total memory usage after initial startup is about 2.6 gig.

I have my first space station, right now consisting of a zoology lab and a science lab docked together. This is in the save file.

I tried setting up a new mission, and things went screwy, so I restored from a backup and so far have isolated the problem to the following:

1. I reduced the new ship to a Stayputnik and an SRB, nothing else.

2. I go to the launch pad

The game will briefly show the ship on the launch pad, and then after 2-5 seconds, the screen goes blank. The normal toolbar is showing at the top right, and when I hit the escape key, the menu shows up in the center of the screen. However, it is unresponsive.

The really annoying thing is that the game saves a new save file, but my space station is deleted. I can restart the game, but the station is gone. The size of the save file is about 200k, while the size of the file with the space station is over 300k

If I replace the Stayputnik with a manned pod, it seems to work.

When I remove this mod, it works.

FYI, I downloaded the latest version just now before posting (0.3.3)

Mod list (with WernherChecker removed):

Following installed by CKAN:

KSP Version: 0.90.0

Installed Modules:

- ActiveTextureManagement-Aggressive A1.0_x86

- AmbientLightAdjustment

- AnchoredDecouplerFix autodetected dll

- BackgroundProcessing 0.3.5

- Chatterer 0.8.0

- ChuteQuickloadFixer autodetected dll

- CIT-Util 1.1.1-unofficial

- CoherentContracts 1.02

- CommunityResourcePack 0.3.2

- CrewRosterFreezeFix autodetected dll

- DeadlyReentry v6.4.0

- DistantObject v1.5.1

- DistantObject-default v1.5.1

- EnhancedNavBall 1.3.4

- EVAEjectionFix autodetected dll

- FerramAerospaceResearch v0.14.6

- FinalFrontier 0.6.1-604

- FirespitterCore 7.0.5463.30802

- FreedomTex 1.4

- GovFunding autodetected dll

- HyperEdit 1.3

- InFlightWaypoints 1.2.5

- KerbalAlarmClock v3.1.1.0

- KerbalDebrisFix autodetected dll

- KerbalEngineerRedux

- KerbalJointReinforcement v3.0.1

- KSP-AVC autodetected dll

- LandingHeight 1.2

- LoadOnDemand autodetected dll

- MechJeb2 2.4.2

- ModularRocketSystem 1.4.4

- ModuleManager 2.5.6

- NearFutureSolar 0.4.0

- NovaPunch 2.08

- OrbitalMaterialScience 0.3.90

- PlanetShine

- ProceduralParts v0.9.21

- RCSBuildAid 0.5.4

- RCSLandAid 2.1a

- RealChute

- RealRoster v2.1

- Regolith 0.1.2

- RLA-Stockalike 12.1

- S autodetected dll

- SafeChute 1.6

- SCANsat 8.1

- ScienceAlert 1.8rc2

- Service-Compartments-6S 1.2

- SmartStage v2.4.0

- SpaceY-Lifters 0.7

- StageRecovery 1.5.3

- StationScience 1.4

- StickyLaunchPadFix autodetected dll

- TextureReplacer 2.1.2

- ToadicusTools autodetected dll

- Toolbar 1.7.8

- Trajectories 1.1.2

- TWR1 1.16a

- UKS 0.22.3

- USITools 0.3.1

- VOID 0.16.4

- WernherChecker autodetected dll

- ZeroPointInlineFairings 0.9.1

Legend: -: Up to date. X: Incompatible. ^: Upgradable. ?: Unknown

Following installed by hand:

Gov Funding


SCART91 TexturePack


Stock Bug Fix


Modified IVA

I'm running into a similar problem with any launch vehicle using unmanned probes. Manned flights will work fine, but upon trying to Launch an unmanned vehicle from the VAB I run into a similar problem.

For the first few seconds everything seems and looks fine, then the ground and ship disappear leaving only the skybox visible. The game appears to freeze here for a moment. But, shortly afterwards the normal image is restored, unfortunately at the same time as the audio to freezes and all menu buttons become unresponsive.

I'm running quite a few mods as well, but I've isolated the problem to WernherChecker. And it only happens with unmanned probe controlled vehicles. Manned vehicles work. Quite strange!

Love this mod to death, hope there's a simple fix for this very wonky bug! :)

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