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[WIP][0.23+] AKSTechnologies Weapons Pack (release very soon)


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Well finally released and in ALPHA stage!


Original code by DYJ

Modified and improved my panzer1b

3D modeling by panzer1b

and special thanks to Romfarer for his lazor mod which made my guided missile possible

I will upload this later to spaceport, but for now enjoy. Hopefully there aren't too many bugs left (i had a few issues come up so a few features had to be disabled temporarily, as i really wanted to get this released at least in a preliminary stage). A few features that were suppose to be in didn't make it, but at least i managed to make the general mod work without any obvious issues.

Currently complete and included in this pack:

Mg-13 13mm heavy machine gun *animated belt feed

Mk-20 20mm gunpod

Mk-30 30mm gunpod

Mk-23®z dual 23mm gunpod

FlaK-X/37 37mm dual purpose ground-air mounteable cannon

RD-3 guided missile (uses Romfarer's DLL to operate, i did not include it here, so you need the Lazor mod for it to actually spawn in and work)

I had a few issues with my X-6 missile's 3d model bugging out, so it did not make alpha release, but will be back in beta.

I will use this as the main thread regarding my weapons pack.

Here are a few pics of what i have now, all is subject to change, especially the not so great skins which i am definitely going to make more detailed and better in the beta and final releases. But the models for these 3 gunpods are pretty much going to stay more or less as is.



A few eventually planned features that will not make 1st release but are going to be in this mod:

* heavy caliber guns, eg howitzers and something to use on your gigantic warships and tanks

* turreted guns which will have traverse and elevation controlled via keypad (now you need the robotics packs to make makeshift turrets)

* lockon point defense turrets (will have very short ranges, but be designed to lock on and fire on missiles or debris)

* tech tree integration with different weapon branches (eg heavy caliber tank guns, small caliber lightweight aircraft mounted guns, missiles, defensive technology, ect)

* limited ammo

* ammo extensions allowing one to bring extra ammo in a similar way to fuel

* ammo production parts, allowing one to convert fuels, materials, ect, perhaps even electricity into ammunition

And these are potential features i may or may not include but have thought about:

* laser based weaponry

* radar guidance for missiles that is subject to being jammed (mostly for multiplayer implementation)

Finally, ive reconsidered my original stance and will take requests of specific weapons if enough people want them.


Please do not redistribute my 3d models without my permission and do not redistribute any code based on this mod without permission of both me and DYJ. Otherwise feel free to tinker with it as much as you like for personal use, just ask before releasing anything based on it.

Edited by panzer1b
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  Rivvik said:
Modern vulcan cannons, perhaps...Just for that WHUUUUUUUUR sound. :D

They never get it right in movies. The firing rate gets slowed way down, like when the F-35 STOVL is firing into the Helicarrier in The Avengers. I assume there's two reasons they do that. First is the amount of metal those guns can throw comes close to vaporizing targets, and second is their real sound is like the world's loudest fart.

Gotta draw out the action and can't have the audience laughing at a fart gun turning the baddies into a spray of blood. I don't care how tough The Hulk is, two thousand forty rounds per minute of 20mm is gonna put him down hard and permanent. http://www.dtic.mil/ndia/2006garm/thursday/maher.pdf

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ok since apparently alot of people want a minigun in my pack, i will add one to the pack

do you guys think a turret mounted minigun for my point-defense turrets (once they get implemented) would be a good idea?

does a Phalanx CIWS sound like a good idea? I can make something like one of these 9it has a minigun, automated lockon targeting of incoming missiles, and well looks cool)

as i cant justify that rate of fire for a normal weapon (the point-defense guns would be defensive and allow locking onto targets at close range, similar to the current naval minigun, unsure what its called, to shoot down missiles) itd probably be unbalanced if i make it realistic and useable as a standard weapon (DYJ's minigun isnt firing ANYWHERE near real life, even a three barreled minigun will fire way way faster then that, his minigun based on my calculations fires at 750 rounds per minute, nowhere near the 3000 or so rpm minimum for a average minigun, my 13mm machine gun fires about 750 rpm).

  Galane said:
They never get it right in movies. The firing rate gets slowed way down, like when the F-35 STOVL is firing into the Helicarrier in The Avengers. I assume there's two reasons they do that. First is the amount of metal those guns can throw comes close to vaporizing targets, and second is their real sound is like the world's loudest fart.

Gotta draw out the action and can't have the audience laughing at a fart gun turning the baddies into a spray of blood. I don't care how tough The Hulk is, two thousand forty rounds per minute of 20mm is gonna put him down hard and permanent. http://www.dtic.mil/ndia/2006garm/thursday/maher.pdf

and as for sounds, i will do my best to make them realistic (so if i make the minigun, it will sound more or less like a actual recording of one)

im also working on making a single sound to play per shot (so i can have tweakeable rates of fire and not make the thing out of sync)

i could use some help with coding sounds, and anyone who is willing to step in and help me with this would be greatly appreciated (i have enough sound files for my needs, but i cant code them to work the way i need)

i will probably start up a company in the proper thread, so once its up there anyone willing to help me out with this or any other way, is welcome to join AKS Technologies

Edited by panzer1b
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If you give them a realistic spin up time, around half a second to get up to speed and another half at full speed... typical one second burst from stopped is under 100 rounds. 'Course the latest versions use 4,000 PSI hydraulics to get up and rocking much faster, practically instant acceleration to running RPM. ;)

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You know, with al of these powerful weapons, there is a definite need for.......... ARMOR! Seriously, if there are battles, one is going to have to defend themselves, and with all of these new powerful weapons calls for new powerful armor. Like the weapons there need to be different strengths of each, each more heavier. If in KMP Warfare, maybe upgrade able armor to make it more lightweight or strong. And lots of sizes. Maybe you could do procedural armor( like DYJ's pWings!) Some armor souls also attach like fairing for your rockets. Just a thought.

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  likke_A_boss said:
You know, with al of these powerful weapons, there is a definite need for.......... ARMOR! Seriously, if there are battles, one is going to have to defend themselves, and with all of these new powerful weapons calls for new powerful armor. Like the weapons there need to be different strengths of each, each more heavier. If in KMP Warfare, maybe upgrade able armor to make it more lightweight or strong. And lots of sizes. Maybe you could do procedural armor( like DYJ's pWings!) Some armor souls also attach like fairing for your rockets. Just a thought.

eventually i will make all this stuff

lets just take it one step at a time, im just one guy, so unless we decide to get a team together im not sure how much i can do alone

im already working on making different levels of lethality with my weapons (just try the 37 vs the 13mm and you will see, the 13 just knocks stuff around, the 37 actually blows em apart)

also, structural panels right now are your armor, anything with a high breaking tolerance is by defenition resiliant to bullets as the bullets act as if a kinetic object struck the target, basically different levels of velocity and bullet mass determine lethality

im also working on a completely new code as the way the bullets interact right now is a bit odd for me (they push stuff way too much and dont seem to obey the laws of inertia, and a few other weird effects)

anyways, its just my alpha release, all these features will be done eventually, i will add specialized armor plating (which will be heavy but resilient against all but the biggest caliber guns)

and im also working on tech tree integration, its not done yet, as this is a relatively new feature, and i also want to make enough weapons to make this worthwhile (im working on a WW1 style mg now, to make a good starting point for KMP, and all better guns require researching, more and more science to get to the deadlier ones, and ofc there will be different branches, which i plan to have a very high entry cost, say very expensive to get your 1st guided missile, but not that much to increase to a slightly better version or missile)

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how do i change the title? i do not see any obvious options to change it?

im also working on the sound code, so there WILL BE SOUNDS!

i just have to figure out how to code this properly (as the sound code for the minigun is a looping sound, which cannot be used properly for my application), and i just havent figured out how to code it properly to work PER SHOT instead of whenever trigger is pressed

if anyone is willing to help me with this, if i dont figure out how to get it working by the end of today myself, ill use your ideas for it

Edited by panzer1b
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  7499275 said:
Can I ask, how do you fire the gun pods
You have to edit the part's cfg file. It should look like this:

// Kerbal Space Program - Part Config





// --- general parameters ---

name = gunpod13mm

module = Part

author = DYJ(original base plugin)+AKS

// --- asset parameters ---

mesh = gunpod13mm.mu

scale = 1

rescaleFactor = 1

// --- node definitions ---

node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0

node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -0.17, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1

// --- editor parameters ---

TechRequired = start

entryCost = 1000

cost = 850

category = Science

subcategory = 0

title = Mg-13

manufacturer = AKS Technologies

description = 13mm heavy machine gun. Very lightweight, small, negligible recoil, and with a very high rate of fire, the Mg-13 machine gun will expel bullets at a high velocity (if it doesnt just go buy a new one, and dont tell anyone that only 3% of our guns pass the firing test without exploding or not working at all!). Its major drawback is very low firepower, barely enough to damage a exposed fuel tank, but still enough to take down anything that is not armored such as probes and small fighters. All in all, the perfect weapon for being a royal pain in the butt, annoying, fun, spammy, and best of all guaranteed to increase the amount of rage quitting, swearing, arguing, and general hate towards whoever dares use such a device. At least the bullet's velocity is very high making hitting things that are moving (lets face it, in space objects have a tendency to be in motion) somewhat easier.

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision

attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0

// --- standard part parameters ---

mass = 0.15

dragModelType = default

maximum_drag = 0.2

minimum_drag = 0.3

angularDrag = 2

crashTolerance = 6

breakingForce = 50000

breakingTorque = 50000

maxTemp = 3400



name = AKSKineticEnergyWeapon //change to "dyjmachinegun" if using DYJ's plugin

ProjectileType = bullet

keyFire = f

keyFirealt = [0]

BulletMass = 0.1

BulletDrag = 0.02

BulletPower = 35

RocketPower = 35

recoilreductionfactor = 0.005

fireRate = 0.08

//lackofkrakensbanontrailrendererscompensation = 0.1 //nolonger used with AKS plugin, uncomment when using DYJ's original plugin!

rotationSpeed = 300

animatedlinkfeed = true //replace with original isGatling cvar if uring DYJ's plugin, renamed to a more appropriate term given some guns have animated ammunition belts that move while firing and it doesnt make sense to rotate the barrel of a single barrel cannon? or at least the marketing department keeps complaining about customers feeling uneasy around moving parts, so we try to keep this to a bare minimum

shellejection = false //new cvar to designate if a gunpod will eject shells when firing, set to false if you want a small FPS boost or dislike the effect of shells ejecting from a gunpod (note: some gunpods arent designed for this, so setting it to true if it was originally false can have side effects like shells coming out of weird places, or spawning in mid air 20 meters behind the ship, or even not spawning in the 1st place, you have been warned)

heatProduction = 500

Muzzlesize = 0.5




name = ModuleAnimateHeat

ThermalAnim = Thermalanim



At the "keyFire = joystick button 0" you need the change the "joystick button 0" to whatever button on your keyboard that you like. Make sure you've left a space between the "=" and the "joystick button 0".

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  7499275 said:
Can I ask, how do you fire the gun pods
You have to edit the part's cfg file. It should look like this:

// Kerbal Space Program - Part Config





// --- general parameters ---

name = gunpod13mm

module = Part

author = DYJ(original base plugin)+AKS

// --- asset parameters ---

mesh = gunpod13mm.mu

scale = 1

rescaleFactor = 1

// --- node definitions ---

node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0

node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -0.17, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1

// --- editor parameters ---

TechRequired = start

entryCost = 1000

cost = 850

category = Science

subcategory = 0

title = Mg-13

manufacturer = AKS Technologies

description = 13mm heavy machine gun. Very lightweight, small, negligible recoil, and with a very high rate of fire, the Mg-13 machine gun will expel bullets at a high velocity (if it doesnt just go buy a new one, and dont tell anyone that only 3% of our guns pass the firing test without exploding or not working at all!). Its major drawback is very low firepower, barely enough to damage a exposed fuel tank, but still enough to take down anything that is not armored such as probes and small fighters. All in all, the perfect weapon for being a royal pain in the butt, annoying, fun, spammy, and best of all guaranteed to increase the amount of rage quitting, swearing, arguing, and general hate towards whoever dares use such a device. At least the bullet's velocity is very high making hitting things that are moving (lets face it, in space objects have a tendency to be in motion) somewhat easier.

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision

attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0

// --- standard part parameters ---

mass = 0.15

dragModelType = default

maximum_drag = 0.2

minimum_drag = 0.3

angularDrag = 2

crashTolerance = 6

breakingForce = 50000

breakingTorque = 50000

maxTemp = 3400



name = AKSKineticEnergyWeapon //change to "dyjmachinegun" if using DYJ's plugin

ProjectileType = bullet

keyFire = joystick button 0

keyFirealt = [0]

BulletMass = 0.1

BulletDrag = 0.02

BulletPower = 35

RocketPower = 35

recoilreductionfactor = 0.005

fireRate = 0.08

//lackofkrakensbanontrailrendererscompensation = 0.1 //nolonger used with AKS plugin, uncomment when using DYJ's original plugin!

rotationSpeed = 300

animatedlinkfeed = true //replace with original isGatling cvar if uring DYJ's plugin, renamed to a more appropriate term given some guns have animated ammunition belts that move while firing and it doesnt make sense to rotate the barrel of a single barrel cannon? or at least the marketing department keeps complaining about customers feeling uneasy around moving parts, so we try to keep this to a bare minimum

shellejection = false //new cvar to designate if a gunpod will eject shells when firing, set to false if you want a small FPS boost or dislike the effect of shells ejecting from a gunpod (note: some gunpods arent designed for this, so setting it to true if it was originally false can have side effects like shells coming out of weird places, or spawning in mid air 20 meters behind the ship, or even not spawning in the 1st place, you have been warned)

heatProduction = 500

Muzzlesize = 0.5




name = ModuleAnimateHeat

ThermalAnim = Thermalanim



At the "keyFire = joystick button 0" you need the change the "joystick button 0" to whatever button on your keyboard that you like. Make sure you've left a space between the "=" and the "joystick button 0".

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