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Operation MANONMUN = Sucess Here's the story.


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My Kerbal Space Center is proud to say...We've launched man to the mun and back, Without any problems or complications. Here's the story! (WARNING I DIDNT THINK TO CATCH ANY SCREENSHOTS BUT ONE AND THAT IS US ON THE MUN)


Jebediah's Story: (Some narration used some in typing in his own words :P Not really i just wanna have that story arc) So jebediah and his brothers the 3 kerbals! In the KERBAL X! flying through cosmos and cosmos in a distant galaxy...Not really just about 2000 Lightyears away. The kerbals after a few game hours they've finally landed on the mun. Jebediah was happier than he usually is! That's saying something. I mean that kerbals pretty happy. So that was his accomplishment. Bill, Same as always but he was smiling to. Same with bob. They've finally landed on the mun. Their expressioned looked as if they didn't wanna leave when i boarded them back in their lander to go home. So during re-entry they we're kinda...scared. They saw fire going over their capsule. They thought that it was the END But it wasen't... Once we re-entered we got a perfect landing, Surprisingly, RIGHT AT KSC BY THE LAUNCHPAD. I wasen't even planning on aiming there. I was thinking heh its a landing. But as chance would have it i landed right by the launchpad. In my mind i heard the Kerbal Space Center Mission Control's shouts and laughter at the accomplishment! Then the 3 kerbals emerged...From the capsule. Mission success. Now to Minmus they said.

The end.

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