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[1.8+] Real Fuels


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The problem described above was my fault. I was running the new 64 bit version of KSP. I switched back to 32 bit and the problem was gone.

Any chance to get this mod running stable under 64 bit some time? This would be nice, as there is out now a stable 64 bit environment for KSP...

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The problem described above was my fault. I was running the new 64 bit version of KSP. I switched back to 32 bit and the problem was gone.

Any chance to get this mod running stable under 64 bit some time? This would be nice, as there is out now a stable 64 bit environment for KSP...

Not until there is an official 64 bit release that is stable.

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rkman: post the next log then please.

Carraux: RF has no trouble on the stable, released x64 build (aka Linux).

enroger: Rates are about 600lb/hr in LEO for LH2, much less for LOX. If you want the cold hard numbers, loss rate is calculated as (tank temp - boiling point) * loss_rate * maxAmount liters/sec.

where loss_rate and boiling point are specified per resource per tank definition in RF/Resources/RealTankTypes.cfg (Cryogenic tanks have lower loss rates).

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Maybe in the RealFuels UI, put a pop up tool tip to show when hovered over each resource name, there you can write it's density and it's properties (cryogenic/mildly cryogenic/storeable).

Another idea would be to do that same pop up tool tip on the auto-add-for-engine-fuel-config button, writing there it's density, cryogenic properties, and if it's hypergolic or not and whatever else you see the need to write there.

I'm really sleepy now so maybe not the best ideas. I'll think about it again after I wake up.

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Oooh! Actually, that's an excellent idea. Just released 10.3 so won't be in this version, but yeah, that makes a lot of sense.



  • Added cost to unlock new configurations and new TLs for engines. Cost can be fully configured both globally and per part config, and can take from funds and/or science. See UPGRADE COSTS below.
  • Add hsp for Furfurfyl Alcohol.
  • Make the GUI draggable in action editor too.
  • Update for latest SolverEngines.
  • Clamp chamber temp to be no lower than part internal temp.
  • Allow random variation in fuel flow (defaults to 0 variation, set varyThrust to a >0 number to enable). Thrust variation is multiplicative, and will be in the range +/- (global varyThrust * ModuleEnginesRF.varyThrust). ModuleEnginesRF.varyThrust defaults to 1.0. Example: you set global varyThrust (in RFSETTINGS) to 0.008. Then all engines that use ModuleEnginesRF will have +/- 0.8% variation in their thrust during flight.
  • Fix a bug in detecting engines to autoconfigure for: let's check ourselves too.
  • Fix issues in basemass / basecost overrides in ModuleFuelTank nodes.

NOTE: If you are using AJE, you must update to the latest copy from the repo or things will break.


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I'm still getting loading freezes on some KW Rocketry engines when using RealFuels 10.3 and RealismOverhaul (RealEngines). I have no other engines configs installed. What would be the best way for me to troubleshoot this? (They were working with RF 10.2)

Edit: Also still getting lockups with RLA engines as well.

linux 64-bit

RSS/RO prerelease

Player.log (KW Rocketry)

Player.log (RLA Stockalike)

Edited by jrandom
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KW Rocketry appears to have no plugins included. The parts do have ModuleAnimateEmissive sections that look like this:

name = ModuleAnimateEmissive
ThermalAnim = GriffonEmissiveAnim
useHeat = True
lerpMin = 0
lerpMax = 1100
lerpOffset = -150
lerpPow = 0.875
lerpOuterScalar = 1
lerpInnerScalar = 1


There do not appear to be any duplicate module sections in the .cfgs.

Edit: a quick search shows that the only ModuleAnimateEmissive.dll lives in SolverEngines, which comes from the RF 10.3 mod in this case.

Edited by jrandom
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jrandom: Awesome. Ok, that sounds like they somehow have broken configs compared to others, and that brokennes meant that ConfigUnlocked was being run on a null config, and thus throwing.

As to what a config unlock is...10.3 includes support for having you pay funds/science to 'unlock' configs, rather than them just becoming available when you have the technology. So now, when you research a new tech node (that allows new configs) you have to pay in funds and/or science to unlock that config. Same with techlevels. It's explained in the changelog and the third post (just edited).

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I don't see what is wrong with my setup but my RCS is not working. I have the tank and thrusters configured for Hydrazine and have put the thrusters right on top of the tank. Crossfeed enabled.

Here is a screenshot of the craft. RT connection is online so that's not the issue here.

I have inputs applied as you can see in the bottom left, but no thrust is coming off the RCS thrusters. Would be great if someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong...


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jrandom: Awesome. Ok, that sounds like they somehow have broken configs compared to others, and that brokennes meant that ConfigUnlocked was being run on a null config, and thus throwing.

As to what a config unlock is...10.3 includes support for having you pay funds/science to 'unlock' configs, rather than them just becoming available when you have the technology. So now, when you research a new tech node (that allows new configs) you have to pay in funds and/or science to unlock that config. Same with techlevels. It's explained in the changelog and the third post (just edited).

Holy crap you guys make the career mod more complete then ever!

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rkman: you have an incredibly outdated ModuleRCSFX. Please uninstall it and grab the latest release.

That did the trick. I was mislead by google showing the old dev thread as the top result.


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ebigunso: First please uninstall ModuleRCSFX, then install the absolute latest version from the repo


If that still doesn't help, please post your output_log.txt (or player.log for OSX/linux). Note, NOT ksp.log.

If you don't know where to find it, go here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92229-How-To-Get-Support-%28READ-FIRST%29

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I am having trouble loading into KSP with the newest RealFuels version (checked that it is RealFuels by uninstalling the mod and KSP worked fine). I am also using the Stock configs for RF.

Here's the error from the output_log.txt:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at RealFuels.ModuleEngineConfigs.UnlockedConfig (.ConfigNode config, .Part p) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at RealFuels.ModuleEngineConfigs.SetConfiguration (System.String newConfiguration, Boolean resetTechLevels) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at RealFuels.ModuleEngineConfigs.OnStart (StartState state) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Part.ModulesOnStart () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Part+.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at FlightGlobals.get_Vessels () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ModuleDockingNode.FindNodeApproaches () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ModuleDockingNode.<SetupFSM>m__155 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalFSM.FixedUpdateFSM () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ModuleDockingNode.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

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