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[SSI] Proton III (Type-1A Shuttlecraft) Mun Capable Mini VTOL SSTO [Pic Heavy]


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This is the SSI Proton III. It is a sport utility auxilliary VTOL SSTO spaceplane capable of round trips to Minmus, and one-way trips to the Mun, and forms the base model of a line of Proton series shuttlecraft intended for multiple mission roles.


The Proton Class

Is the latest series of shuttlecraft designed by SSI engineers to meet your auxillary spacecraft needs within a planet's SOI and its surrounding stations and natural satellites. Heavier variants are even intended to allow one-way trips to other planets, and if refueled, able to make it back to Kerbin.

The Proton III:

Is a Type-1A shuttlecraft, meaning the Proton will send a single Kerbal to his vacation resort on Minmus and back again in style without refueling. Technically speaking, any craft that can round-trip Minmus can also one-way the Mun. It does both well.

The Proton has now been rebuilt entirely from scratch with better landing legs, a universal docking adapter, and a simpler flight profile. Certified by SSI engineers, it is ready for inclusion in the SSI General Catalog. Enjoy!

Part Count: 62

Weight: 14.8 tons of pure awesomeness

Fuel Remaining at 110km orbit: 300+ (130 needed for Minmus roundtrip)

Real Time to Orbit: 9 Minutes

The Proton lands on landing legs (or nothing at all if you're daring)



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This is the certification video for the Proton I. It has since been deprecated. Do NOT follow its flight profile. A new Proton III video will be posted soon with a correct flight profile! In the meantime, please read below for the Proton III flight profile.

SPACEPORT: SSI Proton III (Type-1A Shuttlecraft) Craft File (Click Buy Now (it's free) since Spaceport is bugged.)

MEDIAFIRE: SSI Proton III (Type-1A Shuttlecraft) Craft File

MEDIAFIRE: Diplo-Rov Proton Transport & Refueler


1. Basic Jet VTOL engine (BJE)

2. TurboJet engine (TJE)


4. RAPIER mode switch (air/space engine toggle, emergency use only)

5. Nuclear space egine (space engine)

6. Two Rockomax 48-7Ss landing rockets

0. Undock Universal Docking Adapter

G. Landing Gear

U. Lights

Proton III Flight Profile:

Please read the craft description drop down in the Space Plane Hangar

Take Off: The Proton is heavy, as it is packed with all the technology needed to achieve its mission. It has the longest warmup period of any SSI craft. Engage the VTOL Basic Jet Engine, full throttle, until max thrust achieved. The craft weighs 14.87 tons, near the 15 ton max the BJE can lift. The Proton, packed with features, is heavy, and will take a long time to warm up and lift off. About 30 seconds (I edited the warmup out of the video). Don't be discouraged if the craft sits on the pad a long time prior to lift off. This is normal. Nothing is broke. It will lift off. :)

1. Take off using BJE.

2. Turn on TJE and RAPIER for climb.

3. Point 70 deg until 20km

4. Point 0 deg until 27km

5. Point 15 deg until 40km

(TJE flamesout near 30.5km), turn RAPIER off to restart TJE, then turn RAPIER back on until next TJE flameout.)

(Keep toggling RAPIER on each TJE flameout.)

(Cease using RAPIER above 34km)

(Orbital Speed: 2280m/s by 40km)

6. Point 0 deg until 70km

(TJE flameout by 42.4km. Decrease throttle 1 tick at a time until TJE restart. Do this all the way into orbit)

(Apoapsis should be over 110km, and Periapsis near 40km)

7. Circularize your orbit with the Nuke.

8. Land on airless bodies with the Rockomaxes as needed.

9. Use the RAPIER's space thrust for emergency space power only (it drains fuel fast).

You will need at least 130 fuel @80km Kerbin orbit or better to plan a successful round trip to Minmus. Experienced pilots should be able to arrive with up to 330 fuel or more at 110km orbit.

Craft Notes

The Proton represents the core of SSI engineering principles of avoiding clipped fuel tanks (it's not supposed to be a fuel cheat craft) while allowing clipping of other parts (representing the progress of Kerbal "minituraization" technology) to meet design aesthetics (to look like a Star Trek passable shuttlecraft).

TURAN Engine Design

Utilizing SSI-developed TURAN (TUrbojet RApier Nuke) engine stack technology for unprecedented power, this incredibly compact craft is capable of practical trips to nearby planetary satellites and back, and thus forms the backbone of the SSI fleet. The Proton is all yours for the low introductory price of a download and a like. Reviewers who post their test drive results will receive special mention in upcoming video productions of newer model Protons, and may even make a cameo appearance.


Why is SSI using a RAPIER of all things? To look cool? To jump on the RAPIER bandwagon? Hardly. :) Read on. Before the naysayers say their nays, SSI has discovered something about the RAPIER that apparently no one else has (as far as we know).

The only real advantage the RAPIER brings to the party is the discovery of increased fuel and speed efficiency during the cruising phase of SSTOs, but only when coupled with a Turbo Jet Engine, and not solo. This involves feathering/toggling the RAPIER on until the TJE flames out, and then recovers as demonstrated in the video. For some remarkable reason as yet unexplained by SSI scientists, this yields a 30% increase in net fuel efficiency for the entire mission. This discovery alone has made the Proton capable of fulling its mission objective as a small auxillary Minmus return craft. In short, without the Rapier, the Proton would not be possible. Please see the Proton development discussion for further reading about the advanced case for the RAPIER as a practical engineering solution:

The Case for the Proton RAPIER

Proton Tranporter & Refueler Craft

GR-1 Diplo-rov Transporter Refueler

Veeltch developed a refueler for the Proton. It also doubles as a Proton transporter. Thanks Veeltch!

1. Park the Diplo-rov with docking port straight above the Proton's docking port.

2. Switch to the Proton and target the Diplo-rov's service port.

3. Engage the Proton's vertical engines to lift up and dock.

If the Proton has no fuel to perform the dock, you can brake your Diplo-rov hard to force a dipping crashing dock (hence the name Diplo-rov).

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GR-X Transporter Refueler

In development is the SSI Ground Refueler, the GR-X capable of fueling and transporting a number of SSI craft.

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Upcoming Proton Variants

And to whet your appetite for more, here are some upcoming variants:

Proton H: Munar-return and one-way Duna capable heavy shuttlecraft

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Proton T: Kerbal transport shuttlecraft

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Proton U: Utility shuttlecraft with multiple docking ports for various attachments such as these extra lifting engines for dropship work

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SSIS: Your shuttlecraft HQ (Aeon, Ion, Neutron, and Proton T docked)

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All craft files are open source - so feel free to modify or copy any of the designs and technology. No credit necessary (but certainly appreciated)! We aim to further the KSP experience for all!

Your comments, thoughts, or suggestions about this craft are most welcome in this Spacecraft Exchange thread below!

Let me know what you think!

Edited by inigma
Added the GR-X development pics.
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  Veeltch said:
Make that T variant with 1-man lander cans with the window facing down. That'll look kewl. And they are lighter than Mk2 cockpit

Already have it (with windows facing angled in) for easy egress. It's the Proton T1. What's posted is the Proton T2 with the mk2 cockpits.

About the Proton: In the words of a famous starship commander... "that one tough lil' ship."

Worf: "Little?"

The base Proton can surprisingly carry a good amount of additional weight into space. It's just waiting to be tinkered by all as the Dremmel of small SSTOs.

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If you're looking for the rover it should be in "Prototypes" folder in Dropbox. Haven't polished it yet, but it's pretty much functional. And didn't really know where to put it

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  astropapi1 said:
Dayum. Those are beautiful!

Aw thank you. They took a little more than a month of development.

  Veeltch said:
If you're looking for the rover it should be in "Prototypes" folder in Dropbox. Haven't polished it yet, but it's pretty much functional. And didn't really know where to put it

I don't see the rover. Are you sure you uploaded it?

  Jon Tash said:
Amazing little thing, really great engineering and balance of every part used.

Thank you! Your Proton comes with a signed certificate of authenticity. Enjoy!

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  Redshift OTF said:
Out of interest, are you planning on doing a version of the Ion for 0.23? It's very nice but you probably don't need to use the dedicated cylindrical fuel tank now that there are tweakables.

All craft are compatible with .23. I am not sure I understand. Get rid of the fuel tank? The craft uses all of it to get up to orbit and back.

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  inigma said:
All craft are compatible with .23. I am not sure I understand. Get rid of the fuel tank? The craft uses all of it to get up to orbit and back.

Probably me not flying it correctly. I find I'm only using half the fuel in the Mk1 fuel tank to get up to 45km and then I have too much weight for the rockets to push me into orbit. I was thinking you could replace the Mk1 fuel tank with an FL-T400 tank and drain half the oxidizer out of it. I think you could still fly it up to 45km with the jets and then you would have a lot more deltaV for the rockets to use. You may find getting into orbit quicker plus the shuttle would have a much larger range in space when it is fuelled up at a space station in orbit. I'd test it myself but your part clipping skills are obviously superior to mine. :)

Very nice shuttle btw.

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  Redshift OTF said:
Probably me not flying it correctly. I find I'm only using half the fuel in the Mk1 fuel tank to get up to 45km and then I have too much weight for the rockets to push me into orbit. I was thinking you could replace the Mk1 fuel tank with an FL-T400 tank and drain half the oxidizer out of it. I think you could still fly it up to 45km with the jets and then you would have a lot more deltaV for the rockets to use. You may find getting into orbit quicker plus the shuttle would have a much larger range in space when it is fuelled up at a space station in orbit. I'd test it myself but your part clipping skills are obviously superior to mine. :)

Very nice shuttle btw.

Hey thanks for the compliment!

I'll be the first to admit that the Proton is a complicated craft to fly, but not impossible. It seems to me that you might be climbing too fast without gaining enough speed first.

If you're not jetting into a 34/100km orbit with jets alone, then you're wasting fuel and efficiency. That's prob what's happening. Have you checked out the flight video and the flight profile instructions I posted on the OP? In it it shows an exacting flight profile.

1. After VTOL launch, Engage Turbo Jet Engine (TJE) and RAPIER 70 degrees up to 20km

2. At 20km Pitch down to 10 degrees until 25km

3. At 25km Pitch down and up to keep altitude about 29km until 1800 m/s surface speed (use the rise indicator on your HUD to keep that needle above 0 but not too high)

4. At 30km Pitch up to 10-15 degrees until 40km.

5. Above 30km the TJE flames out with RAPIER enabled. Simply turn of RAPIER to restart TJE then immediatley turn RAPIER back on while TJE "warms back up" and then flames out again. Keep "feathering" the RAPIER with the TJE until near 34km, then cease cruising with the RAPIER. Your speed should be near 2000 m/s by 40km.

5. At 40km pitch down to 0 degrees and keep TJE full throttle until flame out usually near 42km, then throttle down by one tick as needed to re-engage TJE. You should actually be able to tick all the way through 68km. By that time, your Apoapsis will be above 100km, and I've even hit 105km.

6. At total flameout (68km) Coast to Apoapsis and circularize with the LV-N (Key 6).

Flying an SSTO is simple once you know the basics:

1. Get above the heavier air fast.

2. Cruise (fly at max Jet throttle) gaining speed until near orbital speed or higher (1800 m/s for most craft) (Cruise altitude is defined as the highest altitude possible which will continue to feed air to all your jets at full throttle - this is no higher than 29.9km for the Proton).

3. Climb out of cruising altitude steadily and decrease your throttle little by little to prevent flameouts, or to reignite after flameouts. (For the Proton this means turning off your RAPIER when the TJE flames out, to reignite the TJE and utilize its more efficient thrust; and then cease using the RAPIER above 40km)

4. Jet your apoapsis above 70km (Proton target's 100km easy)

5. Circularize with your space engines at Apoapsis.

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Ah, the new in-development Proton III. I can't seem to get enough tweaking this base model before offering the other models. Featuring a complete rebuild for even better aesthetics, universal sunken docking ports, better landing legs (again), intakes under the wing and not jutting over it, and balance, balance, balance. It is almost done. I have to do a certification run to make sure the added tonnage of the regular docking port plus cubic strut it took, will complete a Minmus return. I expect it to. I noticed no increase in takeoff time (30 seconds) over the Proton or Proton II, so I have no doubt it will do it. I might release it Sunday night.


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  Climberfx said:
Very Good. Now, you can start with gears deployed on .23!


I know. In fact deploying gears in SPH has saved me about 10 development hours on the Proton alone.

The Proton's gears start undeployed and for those that can manage it land undeployed (thus the reason for the bottom intakes acting as landing pads). Proton gears are simply landing training wheels for new pilots if you will. ;)

You will need to undeploy gears to ingress and egress.

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