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New Titan Lander Design


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What's teminal velocity on Titan? Only 0.14g gravity and (with a vague ideal gas calculation) around 4-5 times the atmospheric density of Earth at sea-level.

If it's slow enough they could realistically do away with a parachute altogether and just have a heat shield.

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It's just too weird.

I'm a bit worried about all those cables getting snagged on a rock.

I'll try and keep an open mind, but it's so weird. Like War of the Worlds weird, it just needs a three eyed death ray.

....did I mention it's weird looking?

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It seems like an amazing concept, but I'd be wary until they show a bit more. How is the thing powered? RTGs are heavy, and 75kg doesn't exactly leave a lot of wiggle room...

This may fall under the category of concepts that are hurt by the cancellation of the ASRG, as that would've only been 20 kg as opposed to the 45 kg of the Curiosity-type MMRTG.

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