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InfiniteDice -=Skillful=- Combat Damage & Weapons Mod


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Is there a section in the guide that explains how the cannon RNG works, if there is any at all? I cannot find it. Yes I have read the guide on the cannons. However the shots seem to go right through things at close range, and no sights mean that I cannot hit squat at ranges > 400m. If we had the RNG mechanics available, we could maybe tweak them to out own liking?

There is a minimum range, this had to be imposed because of self inflicting wounds but this shouldn't really affect gun usage much. I can hit other targets at ~50m no problem. IRL you're not having vehicle to vehicle combat under 50m, not in most cases anyways.

There are a few ways a projectile gets terminated. 1) it runs out of time... all rounds have timers because it would be very wasteful to allow thousands of bullets to proceed at relatively low velocity, or much past a range that would be accurate. 2) Minimum velocity, rounds that fall below 50m/s are destroyed, simply because they have little chance at that speed of penetrating, and like #1, having potentially thousands of ineffective projectiles lingering around isn't going to make anyone's computer very happy. 3) the projectile collides something other than a projectile.

I think most light projectiles have timers of 4 seconds. At 780+ m/s this gives them a ballpark range of ~2.5km or so, depending on what the velocity is over the course of it's flight. They aren't going to be very effective past 2km, again depending on their initial velocity and penetration power.

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Ah ok... but my problem is that I am engaging at ranges from < 50m to 150m, it is natural for me to do so because of certain tank games I play *cough WOT cough*, but I wish it was easier to simply edit the projectiles themselves to suit individual needs. Thanks for the feedback though - I will see if I engage at 500m or so, what the hitrate is.

EDIT: I tried it at ~ 800m and I had some success. Then I stuck a battleship turret on top of my tank chassis and almost died of laughter as the target tank, well over 40 tons, flew more than FIFTY METERS into the air! Thanks for the tip, this mod just got a HELL of a lot better... *turns on two steps from hell music and goes back to the carnage* ;)

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are all the files thats in the download used? some to seem to be from the boat parts mod for example SSN-VLS-Trident folder. if someone could if any of the files not used till next version tell me which ones so i can take them out to save ram

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Just wanted to make a small request for the repair station to be able to spawn or generate ammo.

With Skillful and Extraplanetary Launch Pads I have effectively created a interstellar war that would make george lucas jealous.

Aside from all ammo is flown from kerbin. No matter which side im "playing" at the time.

Having this feature would let bases be eeffectively self sustainable.

Basically lletting my red base and blue base spawn tanks, planes, etc as they fight over the resources to make these things.

Also is there anyway to cut a rockets effective and guard range to 2m or so. With that and and a small model you would have a mine you could toss on a probe core.

Just some thoughts.

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For some reason i cant hit ships using the mechjeb comand pod. the shots just pass right thrugh it, only occasionaly causing damage if i use armour piercing. Rockets, Incindiary and HE rounds simply pass through and do nothing. I dont have this proplem for ships with comandpods for kerbals.

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Infinite Dice

I have an issue/bug with the trident. I can not switch to the missle to follow it as the guide in r4.5 boats states. Im posting this here because you mentioned that the missle was now under skillful.

Has use changed? And if so has the range of the missle been affected?

Edit typo

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Infinite Dice

I have an issue/bug with the trident. I can not switch to the missle to follow it as the guide in r4.5 boats states. Im posting this here because you mentioned that the missle was now under skillful.

Has use changed? And if so has the range of the missle been affected?

Edit typo

Usage is now identical to the Kerbender. Double click a target (so it's green) then launch - no longer requires ride-along. It also remembers the target, something the kerbender can't do. So it's totally fire and forget! I think the range could be capped at 90km, try going to the map, and selecting something further than 100km. Then fire the Trident and see. It should fly straight up for quite a distance, then track to the target. If it doesn't let me know.

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what is the difference between the different types of missile?

Sorry I might have gotten them mixed up:

Lau 68 Guided Rocket primarily air to ground --- low damage --- locks to whatever the ksp target vessel is target lock MUST be maintained till hit is made (no vessel switching or target switching) --- contact detonation --- moderate speed.

Zephyr primarily air to ground --- moderate damage --- locks to whatever the ksp target vessel is target lock MUST be maintained till hit is made (no vessel switching or target switching) --- contact detonation --- moderate speed.

Aim 9k Kerbender surface to air/air to air/air to ground --- moderate to low damage --- Heat seeking, targets hottest part within in it's search cone --- Guard mode (vertical launch) allows it to fire defensively as SAM at AIR targets of OPPOSING team, multiple AIM 9k's can be placed set one to guard, the one set to guard will fire, then the next AIM 9k will become armed and fire --- proximity detonated --- High speed

Trident vertical launch tactical missile, surface to surface --- high damage --- locks to whatever the KSP target vessel is at the time it's fired --- fire and forget (will track original target even if player switches vessel) --- proximity detonation --- moderate to high speed

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Sorry I might have gotten them mixed up:

Lau 68 Guided Rocket primarily air to ground --- low damage --- locks to whatever the ksp target vessel is target lock MUST be maintained till hit is made (no vessel switching or target switching) --- contact detonation --- moderate speed.

Zephyr primarily air to ground --- moderate damage --- locks to whatever the ksp target vessel is target lock MUST be maintained till hit is made (no vessel switching or target switching) --- contact detonation --- moderate speed.

Aim 9k Kerbender surface to air/air to air/air to ground --- moderate to low damage --- Heat seeking, targets hottest part within in it's search cone --- Guard mode (vertical launch) allows it to fire defensively as SAM at AIR targets of OPPOSING team, multiple AIM 9k's can be placed set one to guard, the one set to guard will fire, then the next AIM 9k will become armed and fire --- proximity detonated --- High speed

Trident vertical launch tactical missile, surface to surface --- high damage --- locks to whatever the KSP target vessel is at the time it's fired --- fire and forget (will track original target even if player switches vessel) --- proximity detonation --- moderate to high speed

I find the use of the Zephyr as a Air-To-Ground missile funny, seeing as it is the Isreali Air to Air WVR IR guided missile, much like the AIM-9X Sidewinder.

ID I have several requests.

Can you tell me how to get my own designs or other weapon systems to use the Skillful tracking and damage module?

And can you have the LAU become unguided?

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I find the use of the Zephyr as a Air-To-Ground missile funny, seeing as it is the Isreali Air to Air WVR IR guided missile, much like the AIM-9X Sidewinder.

ID I have several requests.

Can you tell me how to get my own designs or other weapon systems to use the Skillful tracking and damage module?

And can you have the LAU become unguided?

#1 I'll be working on allowing other modders to add weapons to the core of Skillful, as you can imagine a few things need to be re-written and balanced for this to work. I did start on it, but I'm on modding vacation for a bit.

#2 the LAU is unguided if no target is selected when it fires. Funny thing is there's a bit of a bug where the missile will track the originating vessel for a second or so after launch.. so if you want to fire unguided you'll need to hold the vessel very still for up to 2 seconds after they launch. I'll be fixing that likely at the same time as #1.

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are there plans for other surface to surface missiles besides the trident? it is massive.

also, what are valid values for the "targetMaterial" variable and what are the differences? I have several posts because I something is making "edit" malfunction

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I have a problem with my weapons. It appears that they travel right through my target and same goes for the zephers and swarms. Anyone else have this problem?

it is an issue with ksp's physics engine. this can occur when you have anything hitting something at high relative velocities.

if you are in atmosphere, try taking a few steps back; the bulets and missiles experience drag, and they will be less likely to malfunction at low speeds

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it is an issue with ksp's physics engine. this can occur when you have anything hitting something at high relative velocities.

if you are in atmosphere, try taking a few steps back; the bulets and missiles experience drag, and they will be less likely to malfunction at low speeds

This isn't the case with Skillful, all Skillful weapons hit properly at over 1000 m/s. His issue is likely that he didn't apply the cfg changes to put the targetPart module on all his parts.

are there plans for other surface to surface missiles besides the trident? it is massive.

also, what are valid values for the "targetMaterial" variable and what are the differences? I have several posts because I something is making "edit" malfunction

wood, hardwood, aluminum, aluminum2, lightsteel, hardenedalloys, steelarmour, compositearmour

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wood, hardwood, aluminum, aluminum2, lightsteel, hardenedalloys, steelarmour, compositearmour

I guess that is in order of "toughness"?

This isn't the case with Skillful, all Skillful weapons hit properly at over 1000 m/s. His issue is likely that he didn't apply the cfg changes to put the targetPart module on all his parts.

if the issue was because of missing cfg components, wouldn't the missiles just hit but o nothing? it is your mod, so you know more about it than I do, but I wouldn't expect it to simply pass through in this case

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if the issue was because of missing cfg components, wouldn't the missiles just hit but o nothing? it is your mod, so you know more about it than I do, but I wouldn't expect it to simply pass through in this case

Yeah it would just fly through. The weapons are only coded to collide with other parts under certain conditions, the weapons don't exist to KSP, unless coded to, they don't follow any rules of the KSP world or universe.

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Yeah it would just fly through. The weapons are only coded to collide with other parts under certain conditions, the weapons don't exist to KSP, unless coded to, they don't follow any rules of the KSP world or universe.

that's certainly a valid way of going about weapons though it is not what I would have expected.

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