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Unindentified Flying Obiect :D


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First of all: Happy New Year Everyone!

Second: I've seen an UFO!

Couple minutes after the midnight (I live in Central Poland) my father, nephew, his friend and myself went to the backyard to shoot some fireworks (like the rest of our town :D) While watching the lightshow i've noticed a big, orange, not blinking light moving fast from east to north. All four of us watched it for almost 40 seconds, before it moved behind the houses out of our field of view. No, it was not a huge firework. No, i am not drunk ;) One glass of champagne for me, since i'm babysitting two teenagers. And yes, i know how a plane or helicopter looks at night. International and local air corridor is essentially above our heads - plenty of occasions to see human-built machines in flight. And i bet it was not a meteorological baloon LOL. So yeah - i have no idea what we've seen. Thus the title. Watch the skies guys, who know what is out there tonight.

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  rpayne88 said:
If you don't know what it was, than it is, by definition, an unidentified flying object. Now where it came from is a different story...

It's obvious that it came from Minmus.

The best UFO encounter I had turned out to be a B2 Stealth bomber practicing low clearance approach for landing at a local military airstrip.

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Obviously it was from Mars, the origin planet of the Reptilians who are secretly controlling the Illuminati, who are secretly controlling the Free Masons, who are secretly controlling the world, which created Mars as a cover-up for this very event, rewrote history, and fooled you with chem trails! Wake up, sheep!


I agree with the paper lantern hypothesis.


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I've seen an many flying saucers in my lifetime, and i know where they are coming from, its really not a huge secret..


Nothing special to it, when the missus gets really deeply angry at me, the flying saucers all come from the kitchens cubboard heading towards me!!! :D

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i saw a ufo when i was about 4 (mid 80s). it looked an awful lot like an f117. oh wait it was (it just wasnt declassified yet to the best of my knowlege). makes me wonder what kind of planes they got now.

Edited by Nuke
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  Duxwing said:
Obviously it was from Mars, the origin planet of the Reptilians who are secretly controlling the Illuminati, who are secretly controlling the Free Masons, who are secretly controlling the world, which created Mars as a cover-up for this very event, rewrote history, and fooled you with chem trails! Wake up, sheep!


I agree with the paper lantern hypothesis.


I need my tinfoil hat!

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Based on your description I too would say Chinese Lantern. They are very common during new year celebrations.

With pretty much all Chinese Lanterns the fire is actually inside the balloon envelope so it won't flicker in the wind. The envelope itself is opaque wax paper and will light up, glowing bright orange.

Even though there might be almost no wind on ground level you'd be surprised how strong the wind can be 50 to 100 meters up.

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  Scotius said:
Not enough wind tonight to move a baloon so fast. Besides fire would be flickering, right? That light was stable, and i've never seen a fire burning such bright, clean orange.

Wind on the surface and wind higher up are very different. Usually high winds go way faster and are way more stable. That also explains why the flame wouldn't flicker: To make a flame flicker you need to have turbulent air, something you wouldn't have when you move with a stable wind. And they usually soak the fuel of those balloons in some chemicals to make it burn brighter so its more visible.

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Hmm, yes - a paper lantern would fit nicely. There is one problem with that, though - no one uses them in Poland. It simply is not a part of our culture. Kites, yes - but you can't buy a toy hot-air baloon in Poland. I don't even think it's legal due to fire safety regulations. Oh well - unindentified means unindentified :P I tell you this though: it's easy to scoff, laugh and call bull**** until you actually see something truly weird above your head. Then all kinds of questions crop up - and you are left uncomfortable, without answers and craning your head up every night. Because something...or someone... might be out there.

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  Scotius said:
Not enough wind tonight to move a baloon so fast. Besides fire would be flickering, right? That light was stable, and i've never seen a fire burning such bright, clean orange.

There are winds higher up even if there is zero wind at ground level.

Will light flicker or not depends of lantern design. Some flicker, some not, and sometimes there are colored red or green lanterns (it seems some chemicals are used in them).

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  Scotius said:
Hmm, yes - a paper lantern would fit nicely. There is one problem with that, though - no one uses them in Poland. It simply is not a part of our culture. Kites, yes - but you can't buy a toy hot-air baloon in Poland. I don't even think it's legal due to fire safety regulations.


Simply because it's not a part of your culture doesn't mean nobody will use them. Somebody has to be the first. Until a few years ago you didn't see any of those balloons in the Netherlands either. Then suddenly they were all the rage. And nowadays you don't see them anymore as they are banned. Some landed on thatched roofs with a still lit flame. The results you can imagine; house burnt to the ground, happy new year.

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Wind on the ground is not the same as wind higher up, it can be different in different layers.

It's quite possible that the light is diffused so it turns orange depending on the paper.

Also the flame is protected from the wind so there's not much flickering going on and they are fairly stable.

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  Scotius said:
Hmm, yes - a paper lantern would fit nicely. There is one problem with that, though - no one uses them in Poland. It simply is not a part of our culture.

I doubt that there are no Chinese or other asian communities in Poland.

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  PT247 said:

look quite common in Poland to me! :P

Damn it, that's beautiful. :confused:

I'm quite sure he saw an orange paper lantern. People release all kinds of stuff in the air. Someone eventually gets the chance to see it. I myself have launched few objects that I'm sure someone had no idea what they were because they were way up in the atmosphere, floating and shimmering or glowing.

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