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car confiscation of car for drunk driving


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My fellow Polish compatriots are in outrage after drunk driver killed 6 people including 9 years old kid.

This madman was under influence of alcohol and marijuana.

This is articles in English about this event



Your conservative politician propose confiscation of car for drunk driver as punishment, what do you think?

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Around here (UK), just driving without insurance is "congratulations, we will now turn your car into an oxo cube" territory.

Well, really they just do it up and sell it at auction, but same net effect of the offender not having their car any more.

Driving while high as a kite and then killing a bunch of people? Uhm, be seeing you in a few years when you get out the other end of the prison system, pal.

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Around here (UK), just driving without insurance is "congratulations, we will now turn your car into an oxo cube" territory.

Well, really they just do it up and sell it at auction, but same net effect of the offender not having their car any more.

Driving while high as a kite and then killing a bunch of people? Uhm, be seeing you in a few years when you get out the other end of the prison system, pal.

I wonder how this kind of thing are handled in other countries.

From what I know in the U.S., for such a thing, did not even go to jail, if you have a powerful and wealthy parents:D


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