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Every man would panic in this situation, faced with the possibility of passing out in 15 seconds due to catastropic loss of suit pressure...

But you don\'t, because you remember that about 4 decades ago there was a cartoon called Macross and the main character managed to survive decompression with only a helmet and flight suit, after bandaging himself up!

If you remembered right, there were giant tuna fish in space too!

So amid an epic outflow of valuable gases which spew Mun dust everywhere, you calmly take a huge piece of plastic wrap and feather-soft packing to encase your leg in, duct-taping it to the open end of your space suit.

There, nothing like duct tape and a bit of anime influence. It\'s not just McGyvering, its redneck engineering!

Just then, you see a giant fish floating past. It looked like a silver tuna, and it was huge, the head itself was like 5 meters tall. You decide you MUST catch the fish, if only so you can post an epic photograph to Facebook later - not only did you have lunch on the Mun, you caught the biggest tuna in the whole universe too!

Hmm, facebook, must log on.

*You ask Siri to turn on the 3G and open the web browser*

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'I\'m on the Mün, bitches.' you post to your wall. You happily prance around until another explosion blows you back to the station.

A loud ding could be heard near the secondary trash chute as you fly in.

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Someone gave you a soft object to cuddle while you were out. Might be a pillow but you don\'t really care.

You then realize it\'s warm. And purring, oddly enough. You lift your head and turn it to see that a housecat came and snuggled up to you while you were out. D\'aaaw!

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The cat is rather angry, and tries to scratch your face off.

You shove it out of the disposal.

'Expect a bunch of hatemail from animal rights activists,' Jeb says.

You go to your computer....563...no wait 564 unread messages.

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You go to your computer....563...no wait 564 unread messages.

((my bro\'s had that many notifications for tumblr lol))

You click that little check mark on the left hand corner of the screen. Not the right, the left. The one that selects all unread. Yes, that one. You click delete all after clicking that button.

'Well then, I see you handled that well,' says Jeb.

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'I learned that from Richard Hammond in the \'How to Make Your Own Top Gear Film\' DVD'.

You proceed to walk- or what you call walking- through the station. You notice that there is an unusually high amount of duct tape surrounding the windows, then you hear hissing...

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You proceed to walk- or what you call walking- through the station. You notice that there is an unusually high amount of duct tape surrounding the windows, then you hear hissing...

Using your refined skills in duct tape-mcgyvering, you patch up the hole, then a small micro-meteor makes a new hole. The micro-meteor then bores a hole through your left hand, leaving you to scream in horror.

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Whatever the case may be, you manage to seal the airlock and jettison the capsule. As you lazily drift away from the station, you remember that you have a micro meteoroid-sized hole in your left hand.

It\'s merely an inconvenience; a few hours of holding it under a grow lamp, and you will have photosynthesized enough light to grow it back. It\'ll have to wait for now.

You turn to the other members of the crew, and...

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