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Because people would make money setting it on the floor for stunts in colonial India, so the British government made it illegal to put salt anywhere except on the table. But Ghandi protested that by going to a river with a bunch of followers and he put salt on the floor. That's why Ghandi is

@Sturmgeschutz You son of a ninja! I was working really hard on that reply! You know what, fine.

6 minutes ago, Sturmgeschutz said:

After all, what is the sound of fox?

I don't know about live foxes, but dead ones are usually silent.


What if snails had hands?

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1 hour ago, cubinator said:

Because people would make money setting it on the floor for stunts in colonial India, so the British government made it illegal to put salt anywhere except on the table. But Ghandi protested that by going to a river with a bunch of followers and he put salt on the floor. That's why Ghandi is

@Sturmgeschutz You son of a ninja! I was working really hard on that reply! You know what, fine.

I don't know about live foxes, but dead ones are usually silent.


What if snails had hands?

They,de climb instaed of leaving snot everywhere.

What if cube.. had beaten sturm....., for that matter what if both shortened their names. 

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4 hours ago, PB666 said:

They,de climb instaed of leaving snot everywhere.

What if cube.. had beaten sturm....., for that matter what if both shortened their names. 

Quantum stuff would've messed stuff up, real bad...


Will Elon Musk conquer Mars and make it his hideout?

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1 hour ago, PB666 said:

Not as near or far as it actually once was. 

What do you get when you homogenize prune juice with fermented goats milk?

The elixer of life... (plz dont tell alchemists)

I heard the moon doesn't have an atmosphere, could we make one by playing some jazz music and dimming the lights?

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30 minutes ago, ToukieToucan said:

The elixer of life... (plz dont tell alchemists)

I heard the moon doesn't have an atmosphere, could we make one by playing some jazz music and dimming the lights?

Yes, but it will be classical gas. 

Does fried icecream stay frozen?

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1 minute ago, DaMachinator said:

You've been...NINJA'D

The pointy end. Or the blunt end. Results vary.

What happens when you light Jool on fire?

He sings only the good die young one last time. 

Where does the man in the moon live?

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17 minutes ago, DaMachinator said:

Isn't a socialist someone who believes in being social?

What happens when you land on the helipads on top of the VAB?

Your vehicle and kerbalnauts turn into baby helicopters, I believe that's how they multiply.


How deep do we need to dig into the mantle of the sun before we find a hollow-sun thingy?

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4 minutes ago, ToukieToucan said:

Your vehicle and kerbalnauts turn into baby helicopters, I believe that's how they multiply.


How deep do we need to dig into the mantle of the sun before we find a hollow-sun thingy?

To the other side. 

How fast does a black hole have to travel to become white? 


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40 minutes ago, cubinator said:

Just fast enough to hit you; you'll see lights no matter how fast it's going.

Is it raining?


When did the first raidrop hit the Earth?

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