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Chaka Monkey - Closed Development Thread


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Hello everyone :)

I took a week off while my Fiancé arrived from Colombia for the first time and we had an excellent holiday. On the way home we stopped by the Air and Space Museum expansion near Dulles Airport and met Shuttle Discovery which was awesome.

I've made numerous updates to the craft files since the last version including SRB separation motors which work really nice.

We will go through all the issues reported since the last alpha and release a new update in a few weeks with exciting improvements!

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@YANFRET you going to release the there rover 2 from the American Pack ?

EDIT And boy them kerbals look happy with all that room.

I think we will use the ALCOR MONKEY ROVER exclusively and drop the original american pack rover cab.

They are very happy because there is room for making sandwiches.

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It's part of MechJeb. In "Ascent Guidance" there is a check box at the bottom marked "Edit Ascent Path" or something like that and the window pops up

Edited by YANFRET
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And I was wondering why are the parts so large as memory.

Also, do you plan on integrating them in the tech tree, been trying to do it via an MM cfg, but I can't make it work. They just don't show up at all. Yes, they are only a few, I don't need the rest :)

@TechRequired = advElectrics

@TechRequired = advElectrics

@TechRequired = advElectrics

@TechRequired = fieldScience

@TechRequired = fieldScience

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Many of the textures are quite large, and there are numerous examples where I can trim size in the future, but if memory is an issue, I do consider it a priority that this pack is compatible with Active Texture Management.

Yes in fact MeCripp helped out with some of the leg work updating the CFGs for that and you will see it fixed in the next alpha.

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And I was wondering why are the parts so large as memory.

Also, do you plan on integrating them in the tech tree, been trying to do it via an MM cfg, but I can't make it work. They just don't show up at all. Yes, they are only a few, I don't need the rest :)

@TechRequired = advElectrics

@TechRequired = advElectrics

@TechRequired = advElectrics

@TechRequired = fieldScience

@TechRequired = fieldScience

The reason its not working is because you are referencing the nonexistent "techrequired" rather than creating new entries. You just need to remove the "@" before techrequired and it should work. But as yanfret said it should be fixed for the next version

Edited by landeTLS
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Try this



TechRequired = advElectrics




TechRequired = advElectrics




TechRequired = advElectrics




TechRequired = fieldScience




TechRequired = fieldScience




TechRequired = fieldScience


EDIT Glad it worked

Edited by Mecripp2
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Inflation Flight Test 1

Talisar and planeguy868 have been helping with research and technicals for a possible inflatable habitat for Monkey Exploration. We decided to test NovaSilisko's original hab using Lando's update to the model as a base.

For a flight test, we used the brand new Monkey Cargo System Type X which will be included with the next alpha. It features superior rigidity and flight stability as well as nice booster sep motors, new textures and an optimized core stage setup.










The habitat looks plain because this is just an example texture for research. Also I have not yet discussed licensing with NovaSilisko or Lando for their work on this part.

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mechjeb, unneccessary in my opinion but good for people who are leaning the game

I agree in principle but I have found the ascent guidance a very useful tool for optimizing rockets. Since I know it will follow the same flight path each time its a very practical way to test changes in my designs.

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