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0.23 career mode I need more science

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Okay guys and I feeling quite unhappy. I am totally stalled gathering science and do not know what to do next. I have attached a link to where I am in the tech tree. I need over 6k science to complete the tree and have no clue how to proceed. I have been sitting here for days accomplishing nothing and it's quite frustrating!

I got so tried trying to figure out how to get more science I just spent the last couple days doing things that in my opinion should grant science (like putting a geostationary satellite network into orbit). Unfortunately, although I accomplished this. It currently serves no purpose other then a interesting project. I installed the remotetech addon but I currently cannot use it because all the signal processors and antennae are in the last freaking level of the tech tree, which I feel I am totally cock blocked from!

Can anyone please help and suggest what my next missions that can bring in the thousands of remaining science I need?


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Have you explored ALL the biomes on Kerb in, the Man, and minimus? Using ALL available experiments? Also, you could easily get to Duna and beyond with what you have. Also, I'm pretty sure RemoteTech changes the way stock antenna behave as well, so if you have them on your SATs they should work.

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Hammer the biomes on Mun and Minmus with your experiments. Don't forget to plant a flag at the various biomes that you've visited so you can keep track of which ones you've visited.

I pretty much maxed out the tech tree doing that, and there's still some experiments left that I could get further research from.

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A list of where you've been and what you've done would be most useful. I've opened nearly as much as you have and only been to Mun, Minmus and Duna. Working on a Jool explorer next I think, that will go to many moons and more...AND RETURN. There's still biomes on minmus that I haven't been to yet as well.

Are you returning your guys and craft, that makes a HUUUUUGEEEEEE difference in science gathered.

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Try to recover more crafts. The way science works gives manned, return crafts much more advantages. Make sure you recover your experiments as well, or transfer the data into the pod using EVA before returning.

As far as RemoteTech 2 is concerned, are you using the latest version (and installed correctly?), since I am using it myself and the communication parts are all spread out (use stock devices near the beginning).

Note that Kerbin, Mun and Minmus have biomes. If you have not already, do some low passes around the Mun and Minmus carrying all your experiments. You can even put a small science station there, since you have docking. This way you can do experiments on the surface and then transmit them with higher rates from orbit. Rinse and repeat.

Once you get some good science, unlock more experiments and do some manned missions to other planets, like Duna. The Joolian systems also has a boatload of science. Anyways, have fun.

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To be honest, I always push for all the science parts before I bother with the larger engines. The negative gravioli detector benefits from biomes even at "High over" altitudes, so that's 27 experiments for Minmus, 45 experiments for the Mun. With that, especially now that Minmus has biomes, I tend to be pretty close to maxing out my science before I go to Duna, and even Duna I usually do with the 1.25m parts.

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I got 1400 science the other day from a single Minimus mission. I landed somewhere, did science there, then spent a while jetpacking around the landscape, doing EVA reports and samples. Hit up four or five different biomes.

And that's not counting what I already harvested from Kerbin and Minimus orbit, or could have gotten with a Mun encounter on the way.

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I like to recommend that you build some small propes that you send out into the solar system with the only purpose to make fly by's and send back data with the radio. This will give you allot of science points very fast ;-)

A small "hint/cheat"... when you do science with a kerbal on eva, then for example take a surface sample and right click your ship and click "store"... Then take another sample and leave it on your kerbal, and also do not put your kerbal instide your ship again... If you now end and delete both the ship and kerbal you get x2 science for eva report and surface science.

This only work on kerbin, and I think you should have done this from the start since you now already done most of the science on kerbin.

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Have you explored ALL the biomes on Kerb in, the Man, and minimus? Using ALL available experiments? Also, you could easily get to Duna and beyond with what you have. Also, I'm pretty sure RemoteTech changes the way stock antenna behave as well, so if you have them on your SATs they should work.

Yep I have hit all the kerbin and its moons biomes using material bay, thermometer and barometer (where allowed). I have not landed on duna or ike yet but have gatherer all low and high flyby science. I also collected all the high kerbal sun science. I have returned all data for max science.

Yes, remotetech changes the way data is transmitted. You must have line of sight and you must have proper signal processors and antennas. Without you cannot transmit beyond low kerbal orbit. Since I have been returning all science this does not bother me. I would however like to get to the last levels of the tech tree so that I can get said communications components. In fact, since I was stalled on getting science I put up a dummy geostationary comsat array above kerbin just to learn the procedure.

Have you gone interplanetary yet?

only flybys of duna and ike. No landings yet and I really need the advanced landing tech in the second to last tier first but I need the scince to get it.

Really? Just the biomes? I got all 12 or 13 on mun and the other 9 or so on minmus and I return all my science, so no transmission loss and you see whwere my tree is. Even if I did possibly miss one or two of the biomes it's not going to get me the remaining 6k+ science I need to complete the tech tree.

I have done the following -

I have eva, crew, material, temp, and barometer science for the following (all science was returned and collected until result were less then 1):

1, kerbin and moons all biomes 12 or 13 for kerbin and 9 or so for the moons

2, high sun

3. high and low flybys of duna and ike.

That is impossible. I have all the kerbin and moons science with the instruments I have (material bay, temp, barometer) and I return all science (nothing transmitted with data loss) and you can see I am still 6k short of capping the tree!

oops I left off goo. So I have done goo, mat, crew, eva, temp and barometer on kerbin and it's moons.

yep I have done

crew, eva, material, goo, temp and barometer on kerbin and moons biomes but that does not get me all the tech in the tree. I looked at the wiki page and my science log in the tracking station and have all the kerbin and its moons scince with the tech I listed except for one biome on minus that I was too lazy to go back for but that is far shy of the 6k I need

yes I know so have I but that does not help when I have to use it on the 90 and 160 and a couple of the 300 bits! I need the remaining 300 and 500 level stuff

Edited by sal_vager
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Personally, I've filled out the tree with Minmus, Moon, Kerbin, and one mission that spent 12 hours outside the Kerbin SOI.

. And to put it bluntly, the Gravscanner is possibly the most useful science instrument that you don't appear to have yet. The Gravscanner gets science from The surface of [biome], In Space Near [biome], and High Above [biome]. There are more individual report-capable locations in the Kerbin SOI for the gravscanner than for any other scientific instrument. Grab Electronics, get the Seismometer, and start throwing that places. Use the science from those experiments to get the Gravscanner, (Advanced Science Tech) and you'll have pretty much have everything you need to fill out the rest of the tree.

But if, as you say, you have scraped the interior of the Kerbin SOI clean with the experiments you have available, yeah, you're going to have to start doing some interplanetary science to crack things open.

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Sorry about the messy responses for some reason every time I would respond I'd get kicked out of the forum with a nasty gram about my reply having to be reviewed by a moderator. After responding to a bunch of messages by having to go back to the main post it finally stopped so now I can respond properly.

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Well I am trying to see what I may have missed. I thought I was pretty thorough. Is there a way to get at the science I have already acquired directly? I thing the built in the logs are nice but hard to make sense of what I have missed. It does group them e.g., eva, crew rep, material; however I think I could make a cleaner report laid out in table format.

I would like to write an app that digs the data out of my persistent file (if that is where it is stored) and make a clear table, e.g., list all the biomes plus modifiers (hi and lo space and atm) and across the top all the experiments I have run, e.g., atm, goo, mat, temp,etc. Then I would fill in the squares with the science I have gotten already and easily see what I have missed and as a bonus I can easily see where I can get the greatest bang for the buck when planning missions.

I tried making an excel spread sheet and manually pulling the data from the in game log and after more then an hour I was like 1/10th of the way done I said to myself screw this there has to be a way to get at the data and I could write a c# or java app to put it all in tabular form.

NOTE: I am not interested in cheating and finding any science I do not already have. I would simply like to lay it out in a form that I can quickly see what I have and what I am missing.

Oh and also I have left a great deal of science in the form of crew reports on the table because I have the remotetech addon and I cannot transmit beyond near kerbin orbit in LOS of KSC intil I unlock two more items at the far end of the tech tree, that's 300+550=800 just for that one ability! Even then I have to build a satellite relay network. However, I do not mind that as I find it more realistic to assume I cannot use the starting omni $3 radioshack CB whip antenna to broadcast through planets from eeloo! lol If I did not have that I believe I could transmit multiple unique crew reports from a single mission with 0% signal loss.

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Okay, I am just going to dumb it down for the noob. No offence, please. We've all been there.

1. Make a craft consisting of a capsule, that is it. You are not going anywhere. Launch. Have Jeb file a report (rightclick on capsule, "crew report"), then get him out (EVA), let him take a sample from the launchpad. File an EVA report from the Launchpad too. If you have some 2 minutes to spare, get off the Launchpad (after returning to the capsule and storing the sample and the EVA report), get another sample (and EVA) from "KSC". Store that too. If you are feeling greedy, run over to the Runway and take a sample (and an EVA) from there. Return.

2. Develop your scientific sensors branch first. Rinse and repeat with more scientific instruments.

3. Launch a capsule with mat lab (you should have it by now), the Goo and the rest (you will have at least a thermometer). Do the same stuff with it on the launchpad. On the runway. In between.

4. Make your full instrument suite, make sure your pilot can get in/out of the capsule (I usually did it with the capsule low down, matlab on top.) Chutes, the works. Plop that on top of a (very) modest rocket, shoot for the pole. And then the deserts. The full list of biomes can be found in the KSP wiki.

By the end of all this you should be able to just proceed the way you want. A long high munar orbit ? With like 12 Gravioli (and a few other ones) strapped to it? and a Goo or four? And a few Matlabs? All geared to return and parachute into Kerbin atmosphere after they've done all their tasks? As in "Over Kerbin", "Over Kerbin up High", "Over Mun (insert biome here), "<Biome here>in space just over Mun.

Now, that's a probe. Oh yeah, make sure you have a an astronaut to collect all that stuff and store it in the capsule and return it back.

That is it in a nutshell. Must give you some idea.

Best of luck!

Edited by BlackBicycle
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only flybys of duna and ike. No landings yet and I really need the advanced landing tech in the second to last tier first but I need the scince to get it.

no you don't :P

build smaller, i recently did a 3 landing Duna/Ike return mission using less of the tech tree than you have. you can build a lander capable of taking every scientific instrument and a Kerbal down to Duna and back to orbit in less than 10 tons using the T1 landing legs (hell, you could probably do it without landing legs at all, just use girders :P).

(if you like i can post pics of the landers/interplanetry stages i used when i get home)

since you have nukes you should be able to do manned return missions to Duna, Jool's moons except Tylo, Dres, and Eeloo. another option would be one way lander probes to pretty much anywhere (send one to Eve, Laythe and Jool, parachutes work well on all of those). or have you done a low altitude Kerbol flyby?

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Are you returning surface samples? They have the most scientific value.

Try landing on Duna and Ike. You will get at least twice the scientific points doing landings compared to flybys especially if there is an atmosphere.

Or make a mission to Eve and land on Gilly.

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Oh and also I have left a great deal of science in the form of crew reports on the table because I have the remotetech addon and I cannot transmit beyond near kerbin orbit in LOS of KSC intil I unlock two more items at the far end of the tech tree

Two things: First, you can get around that. Take a crew report, EVA a kerbal, "take data" on the capsule twice. Reenter the capsule. You can now do another crew report, though you'll want to move to a different biome/altitude before you do that.

Second, the DTS-M1, which you should have, has the range to reach the Mun and Minmus. If you're patient and have enough life support (if you're using a life support mod), you can wait for KSC to come over the horizon and transmit directly to it without needing a relay network. Note that if you're on the Mun and you can't see Kerbin, it's not going to appear, the Mun is tidally locked to Kerbin.

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Thanks for the response guys I figured it out. I did not unlock the correct science research instruments before I went rushing off to the moons. I went back last night with the seismometerr and gravometer and see where I was losing all my science. I just have to revisit all the biomes again but mun and minus are pretty much easy mode. I should have the tech tree filled out now by the weekend.

Thank you all for your helpful replies.


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