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Never use the same part twice Challenge (Now accepting Alternis Kerbol!)

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Sure I will, I know what Alternis kerbol is. As long as you still only use stock parts. I will need your help on this though. I don't use it so it would be helpful if you could give accurate scores for the planets and moons, that is similar to the original. Make sure to make it accurate according to the current one, so i don't have to change the achievables. :D

Once i find out more i'll make another scoreboard. :)

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Sure I will, I know what Alternis kerbol is. As long as you still only use stock parts. I will need your help on this though. I don't use it so it would be helpful if you could give accurate scores for the planets and moons, that is similar to the original. Make sure to make it accurate according to the current one, so i don't have to change the achievables. :D

Once i find out more i'll make another scoreboard. :)

Moho and Eve aren't changed(except for the fact that Moho's orbit is more eccentric and Eve's atmo is thinner but scale height increased). :rolleyes:

Possible score: 77 for Moho, 35 for Eve(you still have to escape Jool)

Jool now orbits the Sun at the same point that Kerbin used to, and since Kerbin now orbits Jool, it won't award any points. :P

Minmus orbits Jool at a low orbit, so I'm pretty sure that it'll be like Moho Jr. :confused:

Possible score: 20

Laythe's orbit hasn't changed, but since it now has more soil, it will be easier to land on. Still has lots of drag for that precise landing, though. :huh:

Possible score: 17

The Mün orbits Jool at the same point Vall used to. Despite that, good ol' Mun hasn't changed. :)

Possible score: 15 (you cannot aerobrake)

Pol orbits Jool beneath Kerbin in a slightly inclined and eccentric orbit. The low gravity and lack of atmosphere may make captures harder. :wink:

Possible score: 15/20

Bop may either be the furthest moon of Jool or a sub-moon of Kerbin, depending on the player's choice. :D

Possible score: 25 (furthest moon)

Possible score: 5 (sub-moon)

Tylo orbits Kerbol just beyond Duna's original orbit, but it has a much higher gravity and an atmosphere 50% the density of Kerbin, making landings near impossible. ;.;

Possible score: 75(300 with Deadly Reentry)

Dres orbits Tylo now, but despite that, nothing much has changed. If one can pull a safe Tylo aerobrake(and survive the massive Gs), it'd be slightly easier to land on. :cool:

Possible score: 30

Duna is Tylo's second moon, and unlike Dres, it too has an atmosphere, providing yet another aerobrake possibility. :sticktongue:

Possible score: 30/25

Eeloo is now the furthest planet in the Kerbol system, making reaching it oh-so-much harder. Capturing into an orbit isn't a problem, what you need is delta-V. :(

Possible score: 70

Vall is a moon of Eeloo(Frozen planets rejoice!), and getting an actual Vall intercept makes dV requirements even fatter. :blush:

Possible score: 75/80

Ike is a fat comet in a highly eccentric orbit. Though it's trails are pretty, intercepting it is hard. :sealed:

Possible score: 125

Gilly is a comet not only in an eccentric, but in an inclined orbit, to mess with you even more. :mad:

Possible score: 140

EDIT: Woah, wait dude, we can't use multiple decouplers? :0.0:

Edited by Commissioner Tadpole
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Okay, I added the values, but I am up for possible change. If you do a mission, and then the journey scores are updated, then I will also update your score. They will change if anyone finds them odd, or i/someone else sees a problem. Also, for Alternis Kerbol, only the top 3 will be on the leaderboards, as i expect less people to use it. Everyone will still be on the scoreboard and listed as using the mod! :D Good luck with this challenge :D

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This is truly an awesome challenge.

Why? Because all the rockets you guys are making are the truest "kerbal" rockets I have seen in some time.


I would have to agree with that one. I can't wait to see what people come up with for Alternis Kerbol, and when the leaderboards are filled and the competition gets tough :D I'm going to try again eventually :P

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Still testing and tweaking the three probe design. I fly with the SRBs attached until just before burnout of the smaller one, then stage them. This gives enough boost to get the third stage to orbit with some fuel left in the second. The placement of the single separatron is critical to keep that other booster from crashing into the top of the mothership. It has to be at the center of mass of that booster probe at the time of staging.

Did a small redesign by replacing the LV-45 with a LV-N. That should extend the delta V for Duna and Eve missions. Have to relaunch as the staging got screwed up when I replaced the LV-45.

Edited by SRV Ron
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  • 4 weeks later...

I'l try and fly my krazy thing tomorrow...

btw : where's whackjob ? hes bound to have the biggest most successful thing of anybody..

edit : wont actually, but I did make lko, not going to submit.. my skills are not great enough

Edited by Nemrav
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I'm about half way through my entry - finished the design, launched and landed on Laythe. I'm hoping there is enough fuel for Pol and Bop before coming home but I don't know yet!

Going to Jool moons. No struts. Congrats! I can't wait to see what you do :D

And that landing, Jeb looks like he's faking a smile for the publicity :sticktongue:

Edit: Whoa! You're going to dock too? That's pretty cool!

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Okay, nice entry Jasonden!, although i do have a few questions. As of now, i'm adding you to the leader board for 80 points. I got Kerbin orbit+ike landing, with a return, so (5+25)*2=60, with one launch so 60+20, which would make your total 80? I'm not sure if you did the boderline relevant achievment, or any others, so if you need me to update your score with something i missed, just tell me. :P

You have been added to the leaderboard as #3, with 80 points. Congrats! :D

Edited by Mr.Rocket
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In the end there wasn't enough fuel for Pol.

Laythe + Bop + return, one launch, borderline relevant = (45 + 30) * 2 + 10 + 20 + 20 = 200

Going to Laythe was suggested by OP's rhetorical question what to do with all the jet fuel. And I hadn't thought of a separate lander until Rhomphaia's post about docking ports.

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Whoa, nice job Leibniz. And you actually get more points than expected, as i assume you got into both Kerbin and Jool orbit, along with Laythe and Bop. :P

So that would be (5+25+45+30)*2= 210+20(one launch)= 230+20 (borderline relevant)= 250+ 10 (two moons landed on)= 260. You can check that number and correct me if i'm wrong.

Also, nice use of the Jet lander for Laythe, thats cool. :cool:

And no struts? Wow! :)

Congrats, you are added to the leaderboard as #1! :D

Edited by Mr.Rocket
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