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[WIP][0.90?] PlanetFactory CE


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Any chance of putting this download on github cause IEX cant even get to the webpage and my firefox isnt allowing download of anything I dont what is wrong with that stupid browser; I could try Chrome but I hesitate.

I got the source files master I will try to compile it.


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  sal_vager said:
Right guys get back on topic please, threads only get derailed if you allow it.

Sal? Didn't see an off topic post.. ? *shrug* lol

Other than that... for anyone else,

Was wondering if there is a tutorial on modding this mod to only have a few planets, or if you simply delete files inside to remove ones you don't want?

Edited by Talavar
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Does PF-CE work cause, well, now I have all my MODS loaded + this and no Planet Factory; I am workin on this today any input would be appreciated.

Also I guess there is a diff between the PF with those 3 extra planets; I tried both versions and even tried the different dlls; no PF/PF-CE; version 90 KSP.

(EDIT: I got it to work ! I may have a conflicting MOD...loading up MODS I will relay later...)


Edited by Cdr_Zeta
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!!! My game stopped working after version bumping some other mods, I'm getting millions of "

[EXC 14:06:25.842] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

PlanetFactory.PlanetFactory.OnGUI ()

[EXC 14:06:25.843] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

PlanetFactory.PlanetFactory.OnGUI ()

" in my log file!

and then it stalls and repeats:

[EXC 14:07:47.402] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

PlanetFactory.PlanetFactory.OnGUI ()

[EXC 14:07:47.402] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

PlanetFactory.PlanetFactory.OnGUI ()

[EXC 14:07:47.404] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

PlanetFactory.PlanetFactory.OnGUI ()

[EXC 14:07:47.404] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

PlanetFactory.PlanetFactory.OnGUI ()

[EXC 14:07:47.417] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

PlanetFactory.PlanetFactory.OnGUI ()

at a high rate of speed.

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If the ExportBin is true, the planet becomes invisible in the Map View (or from a distance). We can only see a small dot. If the ExportBin is false, then the object on the map becomes smaller than a predetermined radius(it is based on Minmus. Radius set more). There were bugs with false parameter RemoveAlpha. Note that if the radius does not change, it is much less bugs. But for me it is necessary. I would like to see a complete guide for the modification. For example, what RemoveAlpha, PFOffset, PFDebug?

Sorry for my bad english.

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  • 1 month later...


Well it seems that PF (Dec 2014 and I dont think this is CE but am not sure) does take 1 Gigs of RAM; well now it is 800Megs using PF-Sentar and only Kerbin +; must have ALL moons/planets or PF will not load; I tried without Loon and PF wouldnt load; I may try again I dunno...

I am looking into Kopernicus; this is a good MOD and if I can trim my memory useage I will still be using it as I am working on this and should be mission ready in a week maybe as I want to add Missions and Science - otherwise why go there lol...

Cmdr Zeta

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Well folks...I have tested Kopernicus versions and I feel that with modifications having been started on both Kittopia (I think?!) and Kopernicus, that AND a savings of >>50% on game memory AND even memory leak, I see Kopernicus as a replacement for PF; however I am doing my best to port over some of the PF planets as they are some of the best around. Time for me to learn some texture work I guess...UGH

Cmdr Zeta

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This mod is absolutely awesome! Just a few things, though:

1) Can someone PLEASE point me towards a more detailed tutorial? I get the thought process that it would be easier if we just copy/paste some things from the other configs, but I like to actually know what I'm doing. Explanation of the different config settings would be helpful. (Effectively, I want a tutorial that explains how to make a planet from scratch, no copy/pasting involved).

2) Ignoring what I just said, I did try to make a planet, but something breaks inside of PF:


As you can see, the planets have lost their custom textures. What's worse, I can't find the planet I added.

Here is the only part of the log that seems to be relevant:

[LOG 14:20:06.776] getObtAtUT result is NaN! UT: 0
[LOG 14:20:06.778] ObT : NaN
M : NaN
E : NaN
V : NaN
Radius: NaN
vel: [NaN, NaN, NaN]
AN: [-1, -1.22460635382238E-16, 0]
period: Infinity

[LOG 14:20:06.781] getObtAtUT result is NaN! UT: 0
[EXC 14:20:06.782] ArithmeticException: NAN
System.Math.Sign (Double value)
Orbit.solveEccentricAnomalyExtremeEcc (Double M, Double ecc, Int32 iterations)
Orbit.UpdateFromUT (Double UT)
OrbitDriver.updateFromParameters ()
OrbitDriver.Start ()
[LOG 14:20:06.782] getObtAtUT result is NaN! UT: 0
[LOG 14:20:06.782] ObT : NaN
M : NaN
E : NaN
V : NaN
Radius: NaN
vel: [NaN, NaN, NaN]
AN: [-1, -1.22460635382238E-16, 0]
period: Infinity

[LOG 14:20:06.782] getObtAtUT result is NaN! UT: 0
[LOG 14:20:06.782] ObT : NaN
M : NaN
E : NaN
V : NaN
Radius: NaN
vel: [NaN, NaN, NaN]
AN: [-1, -1.22460635382238E-16, 0]
period: Infinity

[LOG 14:20:06.783] getObtAtUT result is NaN! UT: 0
[LOG 14:20:06.783] ObT : NaN
M : NaN
E : NaN
V : NaN
Radius: NaN
vel: [NaN, NaN, NaN]
AN: [-1, -1.22460635382238E-16, 0]
period: Infinity

[LOG 14:20:06.783] getObtAtUT result is NaN! UT: 0
[LOG 14:20:06.783] ObT : NaN
M : NaN
E : NaN
V : NaN
Radius: NaN
vel: [NaN, NaN, NaN]
AN: [-1, -1.22460635382238E-16, 0]
period: Infinity

Edited by Blazer Nitrox
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Regarding tutorials, that's kinda tricky. I've been using this mod for a long time, mostly as a user who sometimes needs to shuffle planets around so everything fits... Unfortunately you need to get into the source code a little. Get the free version of MS visual studio then look at "assembly-csharp" in the ksp-data directories, From there use the object browser to find the "pq*" classes. Basically PF lets you send parameters to these classes to set their properties. I think there's also a PQS editor out there that lets you play with this stuff in-game, note the settings, and then configure your .cfg accordingly.

The process is a bit more involved than what I can fully explain here.

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I've been asked OOB to do a bit of a data dump on what I know about this mod. Keep in mind that I haven't really gotten down and dirty with it, I have copies of several hundreds of planets that I, at my most ambitious moment, used to populate a galaxy with three additional stars... (Star Systems, which I have been trying to fix myself, plus KSP's severe resource limitations ended that).

1. File types:

The system file that lists the planets in the current pack and whether the user has activated the system.


System {








The problem with this sistem is that the menu on the loading screen does not have a scrollbar!!!!!!!!

The second file describes a specific planet. Some planets are defined internally to the mod, which is bad legacy code but well...

Minimally, a planet must have a PFBody description (lesson learned = PF* is processed directly by planet factory)

Here's a simple one at random:









bodyDescription=An icy, cold gas giant.




inclination = 2.0

eccentricity = 0.2

semiMajorAxis = 32850237728


LAN = 0

argumentOfPeriapsis = 0

meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0

epoch = 0

referenceBody = Dolas


Notice the "CelestialBody" This is an important class internal to KSP. Here we replace the data from the template planet with a new description. Basically, once the template is loaded, we use the statement above to overwrite the data we wish to change. The fields available change with each version of KSP so there is no substitute for checking with the interface descriptions. =(((( Here, I'm explaining the general principle.

Now the orbit.... As a user, this is what you will have to be fixing up. It is very important that the SOIs of celestial bodies NEVER cross. If they do cross, the physics engine breaks in profound ways. -- you can fly through planets! =P

I made up a spreadsheet that uses titius bode-like methods to generate appropriate orbits for the major sattelites of a given planetary system. As you can see, I was monkeying with the above planetary orbit...

Now, the data files.

1. Planets are always spherical and always have spherical coordinants. However, planets can be deformed a number of ways using PQS settings.

Planets are too big to define so most of the data that goes into a planet comes from these PQS settings. A planetary map and mesh provided by the user is a "broad-brush" outline of what the planet looks like. Macro-scale features such as equatorial bulges and stuff are set up in configurations. Also, the ground textures and procedurally generated fine details are generated on the fly as you approach the planet. You must also specify how this will be done for your planet. (most people just live within the limitations of a template planet....) Another feature is decals, where you can apply additional geographical features such as volcanoes to your maps. The planets which come with Planet Factory were carefully designed to illustrate a broad, if not exhaustive, suite of examples of each of PF's features.

Sido's Urania planet pack is probably the finest example of planetary artwork I know of. The orbits are completely broken (see above) but the planet designs are outstanding in all respects!

I do not know much about the .bin files, they specify some kind of mesh data for the planet, poke around in the source code for more information.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone,

Does anyone have any good tutorials on how to edit and create star systems with this mod? I will say I'm still on .24.5 (Haven't bothered updating, non 64bit KSP is more frustrating than it is worth).

I played around with it all last night, editting configs back and forth and such, but I can't seem to get everything to kind of mesh together. I was using Star Systems, which worked great except that my stations and satellites would stop following Kerbin and wind up floating in space, so I abandoned that.

I'm not looking to create new planets and stars, just ones that came with Planetfactory CE and the Kaiser system from Star Systems really is fine for me. For some reason, it will load one, but not the other evein if I set up the star config right.

I combed through threads until my eyes bled, and didn't stumble upon anything useful.

Thanks in advance.

Edit: Just to make it clear, I AM using the older compatible version for .24.5 from I believe January 2014. I also wanted to mention, I can load the systems, just not all at once it seems and I'm really just wanting to either add Kaiser or move some of these around, so I guess what I'm really looking for is:

-Can I edit the configs properly to do this?

-If I can, is there any guide on what the different config values do.

Edited by sprocketdrox
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  sprocketdrox said:
Hi everyone,

Does anyone have any good tutorials on how to edit and create star systems with this mod? I will say I'm still on .24.5 (Haven't bothered updating, non 64bit KSP is more frustrating than it is worth).

I played around with it all last night, editting configs back and forth and such, but I can't seem to get everything to kind of mesh together. I was using Star Systems, which worked great except that my stations and satellites would stop following Kerbin and wind up floating in space, so I abandoned that.

I'm not looking to create new planets and stars, just ones that came with Planetfactory CE and the Kaiser system from Star Systems really is fine for me. For some reason, it will load one, but not the other evein if I set up the star config right.

I combed through threads until my eyes bled, and didn't stumble upon anything useful.

Thanks in advance.

Edit: Just to make it clear, I AM using the older compatible version for .24.5 from I believe January 2014. I also wanted to mention, I can load the systems, just not all at once it seems and I'm really just wanting to either add Kaiser or move some of these around, so I guess what I'm really looking for is:

-Can I edit the configs properly to do this?

-If I can, is there any guide on what the different config values do.

  Tritan20 said:
Hey can you please update this amazing mod to 1.0?
There is a better mod called Kopernicus..
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Kopernicus is still immature. =|

Furthermore, there is a vast quantity of content still in existence for Planet Factory.


A. Kopenrnicus/kittopia tech reaches feature parity/superiority on ALL fronts.

B. Enough information about the new system is made publicly available that I can write a tool to translate __ALL__ existing PF planets automatically..

I really must continue to hope that PF is eventually updated. =(

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  • 1 month later...

Do you need to make a system file for the planets? Here is my code.



name = BrownDwarf

templateName = Duna

flightGlobalsIndex = 3243240




bodyDescription = blah

radius = 10000000

atmosphereTemperatureMultiplier = 56

maxAtmosphereAltitude = 1000000

atmosphereMultiplier = 3000




inclination = 117

eccentricity = 0.4

semiMajorAxis = 20000000000

LAN = 0

argumentOfPeriapsis = 0

meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0

epoch = 0

referenceBody = Sun


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  • 6 months later...

I know it's a little late, but I'm wishing a happy 2-year anniversary for Planet Factory CE. This mod has helped me so much in the past year or so. Also, does anyone think J. J. Abrams took notice of this mod? Because [minor spoiler alert] there's a new planet in Star Wars: The Force Awakens called Takodana, and it looks almost EXACTLY like Erin, except more...green. Kerbals would love this place.


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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  On 10/29/2017 at 8:58 AM, SnakePlanet123 said:

What happened to this mod?


It got superseded by Kopernicus, which is far less buggy.

  On 1/9/2014 at 5:02 AM, Kragrathea said:

The Kopernicus team has already expressed interest in porting over the stock PlanetFactory planets. I think that would be really cool since I spent about as much time on making those as the plugin itself. :)




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