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My first heavy lifter.

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Though I've lifted plenty of warships to LKO I usually use all their fuel getting there and also have to rely on their engines as a boost. I finally set myself the challenge of getting an orange tank to a 500km orbit and this is what I came up with. :) The launcher weighs around 630 tons on the Launchpad and is around 330 parts.

I know that loads of ppl can do it but this is a first for me. :P

I've now managed 60 tons to LKO with this and if I replaced the skipper with a mainsail on the second stage it would probably be able to lift 72 tons (2 orange tanks) I'm not sure if this design counts as asparagus as the boosters use fuel crossfeed.

Sorry for the dark pics but a swear its always night at the KSC. :P

Manned Version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zr2jjg37l0srtj8/Jool%20VI.craft

Lifter Version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yv03bve9y8x9v4t/HLV.craft




I ended up with this in a 500km orbit with both the jumbo tank and the engine attached still full so I'm now going to test this things limits to get into a 100km orbit.


I tried to lift two tanks but the second stage didn't have enough power, despite easily having the fuel.


Manned Version





Edited by Comrade Jenkens
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My first heavy lifter was two of my moon rockets duck taped onto a payload. It's about 2000 parts and can lift a fully completed space station into orbit.

This is my standard rocket for everything. Also my interplanetary drive is about 470 tons and only has one engine. ;.;


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Edited by Forestgreenstaff
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Thanks for the craft file. This one has become my workhorse. I used it to finish out the last couple nodes in career mode with a trip to Duna. Thanks man! Wish I could design like this. Maybe I could but I cant stop backward engineering everyone else's designs. I suck.

Edited by Burtsp
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