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Is DLC for KSP a good idea?

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If i misinterpreted then i apologize, But as the good conduct guide says it is hard to know what people mean over the internet.

And what you have "Heard" Is completely wrong. Just because you hear something dosen't mean it's right. Does that fact have anything to prove it? NO. The roblox community welcomes new players. (Just not the ignorance of the guest players PEOPLE WITHOUT ACCOUNTS = Guest they can't see your chats only they can see their chats so they use that as a way to troll) We are a nice and involved community with the game. We don't insult when people get something wrong like CoD Does alot. We just say hey! It's just a game we'll win next time! as alot of games on roblox are based on sports or shooters.

Very well, I now contain both sides of the argument and therefore have no real opinion as to the community.

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Very well, I now contain both sides of the argument and therefore have no real opinion as to the community.

Thank you :), I wasn't trying to be in-civil (Would you say that?) I was just very shocked that someone would say that :P and not really thinking as to how you said your post.

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You can easily get all the fun from games like COD or battlefield without buying a single map pack.

You know there was a time that map packs were offered for free. There were a few map packs of around thirty or so maps released for UT99 for free. Other little addon gameplay features and playable characters were included in them too, also free. A pretty good chunk of addon content overall, more than your average paid DLC contains. So the idea of paid DLC is sort of disgusting to those of us who are.. "old school" gamers.

Miniature expansions like NEW SRB BETTER THRUST DLC would never happen in KSP. It's not a free game, and on top of that, it isn't PVP either. It would be much larger updates that actually require more than what most modders would be otherwise willing to do for free.

May not happen. Non-free non-PVP games also have little BS paid DLC items although not to the extent of TF2 or LoL, etc.

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Changing subject, As i know see the original poster who posted my arguments we're invalid has edited his post to change his "subject".

Overall DLC's Are a bad idea. We've been flaming over this little post, How about we just stop flaming and try to talk about why DLC's are bad or good for KSP. We don't want to have communities insulted for little things, Such as spelling or grammar.

Edited by ThatKerbal
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You know there was a time that map packs were offered for free. There were a few map packs of around thirty or so maps released for UT99 for free. Other little addon gameplay features and playable characters were included in them too, also free. A pretty good chunk of addon content overall, more than your average paid DLC contains. So the idea of paid DLC is sort of disgusting to those of us who are.. "old school" gamers.

May not happen. Non-free non-PVP games also have little BS paid DLC items although not to the extent of TF2 or LoL, etc.

Maybe back in the day when your "old school games" had maps that took literally a day for one person to make. It has become a bit more intensive since then.

And I'm confused as to your last post. TF2 and LOL aren't even pay to win since the paid stuff is cosmetic. Any DLC for a game that is not competitive PVP is entirely optional would have no negative repercussions if you didn't buy it, so why complain?

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Why so nervous? The idea from the first post was just an example, nothing more.

oops,looks like I ragequited :D

anyway,there will ever be 2 sides. One side likes dlc,like,the other side hates.

KSP has to stay as it is,and upgrade slowly,but steadily

Edited by JiWint
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Changing subject, As i know see the original poster who posted my arguments we're invalid has edited his post to change his "subject".

Overall DLC's Are a bad idea. We've been flaming over this little post, How about we just stop flaming and try to talk about why DLC's are bad or good for KSP. We don't want to have communities insulted for little things, Such as spelling or grammar.

Very well, you still have yet to address my other points, so we can start there.

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Maybe back in the day when your "old school games" had maps that took literally a day for one person to make. It has become a bit more intensive since then.

And I'm confused as to your last post. TF2 and LOL aren't even pay to win since the paid stuff is cosmetic. Any DLC for a game that is not competitive PVP is entirely optional would have no negative repercussions if you didn't buy it, so why complain?

I don't agree to the old school thing but i do agree to the TF2 and LoL.

TF2 You can get great things random dropped to you.

LoL Can't say much because i've never heard or played LoL. (Though i think the name is League of Legends?)

Old school gamers. Like myself still play CoD4. CoD4 Has so much players because we don't have DLC's (If im not wrong i'm not sure of any DLC's)

Black Ops 2 Is great.

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I don't agree to the old school thing but i do agree to the TF2 and LoL.

TF2 You can get great things random dropped to you.

LoL Can't say much because i've never heard or played LoL. (Though i think the name is League of Legends?)

Old school gamers. Like myself still play CoD4. CoD4 Has so much players because we don't have DLC's (If im not wrong i'm not sure of any DLC's)

Black Ops 2 Is great.

COD4 is old school now? lol! You're still in the wrong decade...

And yes, that does have map packs you can buy, although no doubt they aren't very expensive now.

LOL does indeed refer to League of Legends. It is a free game and you can't spend real money on better weapons etc. It is all simply skins and stuff you don't want to save up ingame currency for. (although even that isn't hard to come by)

I don't play TF2 personally, but I believe the stuff you pay real money for is different hats and weapon skins? Not more damages.

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I am a long time backer, and therefore apparently I get any expansions anyway, but I would still happily buy copies to gift to friends.

Things like a dedicated colony builder/management system would make excellent DLC beyond the core game. Competing AI space-race program would be another interesting one.

If they keep the DLC cheap but highly effective, $5 and under for major content, then I will be very happy. What I Don't want to see is 99 cents for a new space suit for the kerbals.

I have no issues with very small content DLC that is present as "Patron Packs", that are up front a way for loyal customers to throw extra money at the company to further support future development or act as 'tips', and anything you as the customer get in return don't actually matter, but it really annoys me when developers offer exceptionally worthless content as if it is worth something to anyone.

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COD4 is old school now? lol! You're still in the wrong decade...

And yes, that does have map packs you can buy, although no doubt they aren't very expensive now.

LOL does indeed refer to League of Legends. It is a free game and you can't spend real money on better weapons etc. It is all simply skins and stuff you don't want to save up ingame currency for. (although even that isn't hard to come by)

I don't play TF2 personally, but I believe the stuff you pay real money for is different hats and weapon skins? Not more damages.

CoD 4 is indeed old school. If CoD Ghosts is old school (SARCASM) Then you got your decades wrong lol.

Also TF2 You just buy hats and some skins for like tattoos Or you can simply just trade something of yours for the things you want with another player.

Also some hats or things are earned by earning achievements.

Random drops give you weapons and things for every single class.

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So resources and interstellar travel, the two most revolutionary and anticipated features since since the Mun and docking, have been scrapped for multiplayer. I know Squad is an advertising company that doesn't know much about game development, but pre 0.19 there was a very clear direction of where the game was going. What caused the sudden shift in vision? :(

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Maybe back in the day when your "old school games" had maps that took literally a day for one person to make. It has become a bit more intensive since then.

And I'm confused as to your last post. TF2 and LOL aren't even pay to win since the paid stuff is cosmetic. Any DLC for a game that is not competitive PVP is entirely optional would have no negative repercussions if you didn't buy it, so why complain?

Fiddling around with masses of BSP brushes wasn't a whole lot easier than today's methods of using a heightmap for terrain and prefab static meshes for structures. I've used the UE editor since the days it would crash if you simply looked at it wrong and while the process has changed dramatically, the time invested in making a good map from scratch hasn't really increased or decreased.

And TF2 might have nothing but cosmetic stuff, but last I knew with LoL you basically had to buy a character to play it if it wasn't being offered for free that week. I haven't played it in a year or so, it might not be that way now. But that would have negative repercussions, since some characters were simply better than others.

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You know there was a time that map packs were offered for free. There were a few map packs of around thirty or so maps released for UT99 for free. Other little addon gameplay features and playable characters were included in them too, also free. A pretty good chunk of addon content overall, more than your average paid DLC contains. So the idea of paid DLC is sort of disgusting to those of us who are.. "old school" gamers.

this, 10000%. What EA has done with Battlefield, for instance, is disgusting. Pre-selling "premium" packs on the promise of 5 future DLCs, which are planned concurrently with the main game, frankly is highway robbery as far as I'm concerned. These gorram publishers are mad with greed and want to squeeze every penny out of gamers by holding back content deliberately. I refuse to buy any DLC as a matter of principle (KSP would be an exception unless I see they're deliberately holding stuff back), especially since they (publishers like EA) reward loyal customers by cutting the full "gold" or "premium" or "goty bundle" to 1/3 the price of what it would cost people who were with them since day 1. Absolutely infuriating. Back in the day (the actual day, lol@ the kid who thinks COD4 is old school, we remember when COD 1 came out son) map packs and additional content were provided as a thank you to the community for making the game a hit. I almost would prefer, if indeed the game prices right now are just too low for proper development, for them to just raise the damn sticker prices and be done with it. But I have suspicion this is not the issue, nor would it make DLCs go away.

Whew that was quite the rant. As for KSP DLCs, I would actually be a big fan of them getting to work on KSP 2 with a real gaming engine (sorry I'm just not a Unity fan)

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Fiddling around with masses of BSP brushes wasn't a whole lot easier than today's methods of using a heightmap for terrain and prefab static meshes for structures. I've used the UE editor since the days it would crash if you simply looked at it wrong and while the process has changed dramatically, the time invested in making a good map from scratch hasn't really increased or decreased.

And TF2 might have nothing but cosmetic stuff, but last I knew with LoL you basically had to buy a character to play it if it wasn't being offered for free that week. I haven't played it in a year or so, it might not be that way now. But that would have negative repercussions, since some characters were simply better than others.

Well I'm not sure how old school you are going, but the old CS 1.6 maps and Doom maps were not difficult per se and a 8yr old kid with access to the internet could at least make a square room. They don't even bother releasing map editors for things like COD or Battlefield now.

As for LOL, you are incorrect in that you have to buy a character. You can purchase characters using the in-game currency, which you get for playing the game, win or lose and it doesn't take an extortionate amount of time to acquire enough. You can pay real money to get special in-game credits, but the only thing they buy exclusively are skins. Everything else is free.

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There will be illegal mods which give you the dlc features. I feel it will happen.

i can see it: "Hey guys, squad here to introduce the mechanical Jebediah dlc! with this you can see your total dv, and you can use some of the new parts to automate landing/launching/docking,

oh and any mention of the thirdparty mod "mechjeb" will get you sent to azkaban, forever.

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If it was of GOOD quality and not some silly pack of new skins or something else frivolous then yeah. But only if they finnsih the core game to good standard first. Building a half baked game selling it then makeing you pay again for parts that complete the game NO.

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Half life 2 had a very lengthy life due to the modding community. as will ksp, no dlc needed. and i still want someone to give me an example of dlc squad would make. i hope docking is locked unless you buy dlc. just cuz itd be funny.

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