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Hello from DLM


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I am (obviously) new here. And what better place to make a first post than in a section of the forum for first posts. Anyways, I got KSP during the STEAM Autumn sale because one of my favorite youtubers played it and it looked like fun. After logging 24 hours of game play, I managed my first Mun landing (unmanned). Soon thereafter, I reached Minmus and, finally, Duna.

Now more about me. I live in London, KY. I am going to college for an electronics degree. I also write amateur music sometimes, and short stories. And sometimes I.... You know what? Just choose a hobby. I probably tried it before. I probably didn't do well.

The DLM in the topic title stands for my username, Delta Lambda Mu, my three favorite Greek letters. You see, I took AP Physics B in high school. I failed the course but passed the exam with a 3 (out of 5). And because it was AP (Advanced Placement (it was college level)), I got credit for it that transferred to my college.

So before I somehow get talking about wanting to build an elevator, I am going to stop here. Ask me any questions you want and I most likely will answer them.

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I actually have a website named after the physics constant, mu knot. And I am in the process of starting a YouTube channel with the same name I used here. I was going to use my typical username, qazxsw21000, but chose to go differently. But anywho, thanks for the welcome.

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