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Kraken, or physics engine glitch? YOU DECIDE!!!!


What caused the accident?  

  1. 1. What caused the accident?

    • Kraken
    • Physics glitch
    • Other (specify in a post)

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OK, guys, this one has me scratching my head quite a bit, so I'm turning to the community for help...

I started a SCANsat radar mapping mission at about 11:45 this morning, and left it running for a while in real time...

I came back after work, some 8 hours after leaving, and 9 hours into the flight, only to discover that my craft had suffered a Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly. :( So, I pulled up the flight log to see when, and what happened.

I found this:


Needless to say, I was shocked. How did it hit the Launch Pad while remaining in orbit?

I've heard of other people leaving missions running for long time spans at real time rates, only to find upon returning to KSP that they have suffered a RUD.

I do have KJR, but that should not have had an impact while at 1x time warp. The craft WAS locked in a Prograde orientation with 0* forced roll, courtesy of MechJeb.

Anyone have ideas as to what the heck caused this?

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There's lots of reports of crashing into water pipes and statues and other such things far from their intended locations. In all cases it involves playing for a long time. Somehow their colliders aren't updating properly in some circumstances.

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This happens without mods, and it very common. Anyone remember the "Crashed into orbiting Statue" thread?

Basically, it seems to happen whenever you're in the flight scene for too long, then things such as the launchpad, water pipe, and other things (like the desert temple statue) smash your ship to bits.

For example, I has a cargo SSTO fly to Minmus, on the way back (several hundred Km above Kerbin) it crashed into the Launch Pad, and again right before reentry. Another time I had an SSTO go to Minmus, back to Kerbin, and then back to Minmus again. It broke apart as it approached KSC... The pilot nearly died (He managed to use the remaining engines to land vertically).

Edited by RocketPilot573
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First off, thanks for the replies to tell me I'm not going crazy! :P

Secondly, there was no time warp involved at all. NONE.

I'm guessing that it has to do with the fact that I was running it for nine hours before it exploded. KSP kept running just fine. Probably some sort of floating-point calculation error (the cause of the early "Kraken" attacks, if memory serves)

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