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[1.6.1] Soundtrack Editor 4.6 (2019-01-28)


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I am running the script from the first page with the steam version for mac. Every time I start KSP, it takes everything out of the Construction and Space play lists right before the menu screen.


track = none




track = none

I then move it back in and save, but that doesn't do anything when I load up construction scenes or space scenarios.

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I'll have to try the pre-release when I get some time. Really liked the idea of this addon, because there's a lot of music in SimCity 2013 that I think would fit in with Kerbal Space Program perfectly, but the "all songs in memory all the time" thing was preventing me from giving it a go.

Edit: This is fantastic work. I do have a small request. In the configuration options, do you think it'd be possible to add some kind of "time of day" to the playWhen options? That way the space center could play different ambience at night.

Edited by Arsonide
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  • 4 weeks later...

I can't get planet specific music to work no matter what I do.

The new plugin works fine for everything else. The old and new music plays, and the default configuration worked. To start setting music per planet, I started doing this:

name = Minmus
loop = true
shuffle = true
track = Mysterioso March
scene = Flight
bodyName = Minmus

name = Space
loop = true
shuffle = true
preloadTime = 5
track = KSP_SpaceAmbience01
track = KSP_SpaceAmbience02
track = KSP_SpaceAmbience03
track = KSP_SpaceAmbience04
scene = Flight
inAtmosphere = No

It always plays Mysterioso March (assigned to Minmus as above) when I'm in space or on Minmus. I have tried changing the name to minmus, MinMus, "Minmus", etc. and none of them make any difference. It is like the bodyName tag is completely ignored and plays it just because it is first.

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  shellsamurai said:
It's not working for me. I followed the instructions to the letter but it still plays the default tracks and not my new ones.
  JASA said:
I am running the script from the first page with the steam version for mac. Every time I start KSP, it takes everything out of the Construction and Space play lists right before the menu screen.

I then move it back in and save, but that doesn't do anything when I load up construction scenes or space scenarios.

If you post your full configuration file, I'll be able to check where the issue is coming from.

  Arsonide said:
I'll have to try the pre-release when I get some time. Really liked the idea of this addon, because there's a lot of music in SimCity 2013 that I think would fit in with Kerbal Space Program perfectly, but the "all songs in memory all the time" thing was preventing me from giving it a go.

Edit: This is fantastic work. I do have a small request. In the configuration options, do you think it'd be possible to add some kind of "time of day" to the playWhen options? That way the space center could play different ambience at night.

Yes, time of day is on the planned features list. I have a "crickets" ambient track waiting for it.

  WolfCoder said:
It always plays Mysterioso March (assigned to Minmus as above) when I'm in space or on Minmus. I have tried changing the name to minmus, MinMus, "Minmus", etc. and none of them make any difference. It is like the bodyName tag is completely ignored and plays it just because it is first.

From what I remember, the "playWhen" plays when it's either the flight scene or the body Minmus. It looks like it's picking the first "Flight" playlist it finds. Try removing the "scene = Flight" line from the Minmus playlist.

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name = Space
loop = true
shuffle = true
preloadTime = 5
track = Mysterioso March
bodyName = Minmus
name = Space
loop = true
shuffle = true
preloadTime = 5
track = KSP_SpaceAmbience01
scene = Flight

Now plays Mysterioso March everywhere, including the title screen, in space, around minmus or not around minmus. The only time it doesn't play is in the VAB.

SEPARATE BUG - This one is when it tries to read the .mp3 files downloaded from


It crashes trying to read the ID3 tags. Not a big issue, I can just transcode to .ogg via Audacity anyways.

SIDE NOTE - This addon seems to work in KSP 1.0, Tested further, it works in 1.0 at least the way it did in 0.9.

Edited by WolfCoder
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Man, 1.0 has been a real treat! rbray and blackrack teaming up for Scatterer, you making progress on the latest version of Soundtrack Editor. The community is downright spoiled at this point!

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This is so awesome I sign up just to follow this mod. Can you please clarify these options in cfg file a bit?

- loop (loop playlist?)

- shuffle (also randomly pick the first song)

- preloadTime (fade in?)

- scene : Loading

- scene : LoadingBuffer

- scene : PSystem

- bodyName

- situation : PRELAUNCH

Science? Comedy? Imminent death of test subjects? you all know there is that one "Science Enrichment Center" who do the exact same thing... they also say they have cake so delicious and moist.

I'm so tired of these stock music. This gonna be fun... :)

name = Kerbin Reentry
loop = true
shuffle = true
preloadTime = 5
track = 101 science is fun
track = 102 concentration enhancing menu initialiser
track = 104 the courtesy call
track = 111 you know her
track = 112 the friendly faith plate
track = 115 i saw a deer today
track = 117 im different
track = 201 you will be perfect
track = 204 an accent beyond
bodyName = Kerbin
inAtmosphere = true
minVelocitySurface = 800
maxAltitude = 60000

will try to test this mod in various situation as I can

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  CosmicSquirrel said:
This is so awesome I sign up just to follow this mod. Can you please clarify these options in cfg file a bit?

Documentation time!

  • name - Whatever name you want to give to the playlist. Use this name for the "playNext" field.
  • loop - If true, on reaching the end of a playlist, the first track will be played again. If false, the playlist specified by "playNext" will be played. Default: true
  • shuffle - If true, any time this playlist starts playing, the order that the tracks in it will be played is randomised. Default: false
  • preloadTime - Loading WAVs and OGGs via the Unity methods is much slower (several seconds) than loading MP3s (fraction of a second). If you don't want gaps in your playback, you can specify that the next track to be played should be loaded into memory before the current one has finished playing. Default: 5
  • playNext - If this playlist is not set to be looped via "loop", the playlist named here will be played next.
  • track - The name of each audio file in this playlist. Do not use "quotation marks" or file extensions here, i.e. it should be
    track = My awesome song

    and not

    track = "My awesome song.mp3"

  • playWhen - This section contains settings for the circumstances under which this playlist should be switched to.
  • scene - Which game scenes this playlist should play in. Default: Any. These are the options, as defined by stock KSP (you'll have to discover what the loading and PSystem ones mean):
    • Loading
    • LoadingBuffer
    • MainMenu
    • Settings
    • Credits
    • SpaceCentre
    • VAB
    • SPH
    • TrackingStation
    • Flight
    • PSystem
    • Any

    [*] bodyName - The planet, moon or sun whose sphere of influence this playlist should be played within. e.g. bodyName = Eeloo

    [*] situation - The vessel situation during which this playlist should be played, as defined by stock KSP:

    • LANDED
    • FLYING
    • DOCKED

    [*] cameraMode - The camera viewpoint at which this playlist should be played, as defined by stock KSP.

    • Flight
    • Map
    • External
    • IVA
    • Internal
    • Any

    [*] inAtmosphere - Whether this playlist should be played inside or out of atmosphere (defined by an atmospheric density greater than zero):

    • Yes
    • True
    • No
    • False
    • Either

    [*] maxVelocitySurface - If you go above this velocity relative to the surface (navball Surface mode), this playlist won't be played.

    [*] minVelocitySurface - If you go below this velocity relative to the surface (navball Surface mode), this playlist won't be played.

    [*] maxVelocityOrbital - If you go above this orbital velocity (navball Orbit mode), this playlist won't be played.

    [*] minVelocityOrbital - If you go below this orbital velocity (navball Orbit mode), this playlist won't be played.

    [*] maxAltitude - If you go above this altitude above sea level (main altimeter display, not radar), this playlist won't be played.

    [*] minAltitude - If you go below this altitude above sea level (main altimeter display, not radar), this playlist won't be played.

  CosmicSquirrel said:
will try to test this mod in various situation as I can

Glad to hear it! Let me know how you get on.

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Which one will be better memory wise? mp3 or ogg? I have no trouble with converting or compressing though.

And can I state more than one playWhen per playlist?

I tried putting Loading and LoadingBuffer (this one seems to work just like Loading) after specificied scene. It would start the song in the playlist during the short black load screen prior to moving to selected scene.

name = Construction
loop = true
shuffle = true
preloadTime = 5
track = 317 robot waiting room 1
track = 318 robot waiting room 2
track = 319 robot waiting room 3
track = 320 robot waiting room 4
track = 321 robot waiting room 5
track = 322 robot waiting room 6
scene = VAB | SPH | Loading

In this case the music starts at load screen before entering VAB or SPH.

Still don't know what PSystem does though.

It seems that by using something like

scene = MainMenu | Settings | Loading | SpaceCentre

will keep the music going untill you go to the scene other than above (which is really nice.) Should work with other properties like Situation as well.

With current SpaceCentre value, it also target Astronaut Complex, Mission Control, R&D, Administration Building since these scenes are not really different scene. They only lying over KSC scene and handle music differently. The vanilla Administration Building music (only this one) plays overlapping custom music while using code above.



scene = Flight
bodyName = Kerbin
inAtmosphere = true
minVelocitySurface = 800
maxAltitude = 70000

works, adding situation property somehow broke it... will try that in different condition. Right now the code above work just fine... I got pumping music for deadly reentry now.

Oh man... just thinking about a property to count parts-count or vehicle dimension... playing an epic music when prepare bat poop insane scale vehicle for launch.


(how do I spoiler tag?)

name = KerbinReentryHigh
loop = true
shuffle = true
preloadTime = 5
track = 113 15 acres of broken glass
track = 121 comedy tragedy time
track = 208 bring your daughter to work day
track = 303 frankenturrets
scene = Flight | Loading | LoadingBuffer
bodyName = Kerbin
inAtmosphere = true
minVelocitySurface = 800
minAltitude = 40000
maxAltitude = 50000

name = KerbinReentryLow
loop = true
shuffle = true
preloadTime = 5
track = 104 the courtesy call
track = 112 the friendly faith plate
track = 204 an accent beyond
track = 210 dont do it
track = 301 reconstructing more science
track = 302 wheatley science
track = 307 the part where he kills you
track = 308 omg what has he done
track = 316 some assembly required
scene = Flight | Loading | LoadingBuffer
bodyName = Kerbin
inAtmosphere = true
minVelocitySurface = 800
minAltitude = 15000
maxAltitude = 40000

name = SpacePeaceful
loop = true
shuffle = true
preloadTime = 5
track = 120 i made it all up
track = 305 excursion funnel
track = 315 space phase
scene = Flight | Loading | LoadingBuffer
bodyName = Kerbin | Minmus
inAtmosphere = false
minAltitude = 50000
maxAltitude = 2000000

It supposed to play KerbinReentryHigh then follow with KerbinReentryLow. However the condition is different than reaching space or get into atmosphere, like there is nothing to trigger it even the conditions are met. It will only start playing when I change camera mode or view map. It won't stop until I do the same thing as well. Will check if cameraMode = any can do anything about this. I guess the reason is mod does not check for condition change all the time when in atmospheric flight.

Edited by CosmicSquirrel
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Is it possible that before transitions between scenes that it waits for the music to finish first? And also is it possible to constantly loop without any gaps? I've been trying to replicate this:

but the looping isn't smooth enough and when switching between scenes/situations/playlists it cuts of the music playing and immediately starts the next, which isn't really very nice.

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  Auranapse said:
I've been trying to replicate this:

Had a chance to look at Saints Row 4 and Portal 2 soundtrack files, the game execute this dynamic music thing pretty well.

They have the soundtrack chopped into parts with intro part and outtro part and all other parts in-between. Once the loop starts it play intro, the randomly pick the in-between, play that until next event is trigger, wait for the part to end then play outtro. So the music won't really feel like just a loop and there will be no rough chopping between tracks.

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  David1544 said:
Tried making my own playlist, how should the file tree be setup?

Because I have it like this http://i.imgur.com/4hjznUx.png but the files don't get read.

You need to copy all three folders to the root of the KSP install: GameData, KSP_Data and Music, merging the GameData and KSP_Data folders with the existing ones. All music goes in the Music folder.

Any files that are in the GameData folder get loaded into the game database and take up memory, so music now sits outside of GameData in the Music folder.

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  pizzaoverhead said:
The solution to this will be adding multiple audio channels, so that loading the next track can begin before the current one ends. This has the bonus of also being the groundwork for making crossfading and layered tracks possible.

Silly question, but if you are going to add crossfading, and "layered tracks" will there be any form of midi controller support? I've got NI's S4 mk II, the F1, Maschine mk II and a midifighter twister from DJTT....and would love to be able to use ANY of them in KSP to control audio....

Hell, what about integrating with Traktor? Actually, on second thought, probably not a good idea to run on my laptop along side KSP.

I would love to stay behind on a mun landing mission in the command module, so I could DJ/mix Dark Side of the Moon while I orbit over the night side of the Mun.

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My old settings file doesn't work now, I updated Soundtrack Editor to the newest version and put my settings.cfg where it should be, but every time I boot the game it, it reverts the settings back to the default.

EDIT: I redownloaded everything and tried again, now it loads the title screen forever :confused:

Here's the relevant part of the output log:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at SoundtrackEditor.SoundtrackEditor.SelectPlaylist () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at SoundtrackEditor.SoundtrackEditor.OnSituationChanged () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at SoundtrackEditor.EventManager.onGameSceneLoadRequested (GameScenes scene) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at EventData`1[GameScenes].Fire (GameScenes data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at HighLogic.LoadScene (GameScenes scene) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at PSystemSetup+.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Edited by yorshee
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Very odd problem. Im using the v3 preview.

If I just copy and past the files in unchanged into my ksp folder I get the included music. But if I want to use my own oggs, mp3, or wavs I get silence and in game tracker tells me endlessly

[Log]: [sTED] PlayNextTrack: No tracks found

I get this if I create a new playlist or change one to just my music. If I add on to existing list it seems to ignore mine and plays the standard kerbal or the included music.



name = Construction

loop = true

shuffle = true

preloadTime = 5



Track = Dragonborn




scene = VAB | SPH



I dont actually want to have dragonborn here but its a small ogg and I have it in wav mp3 and wmv as well. (only one at a time in the music/construction folder)

I get silence nothing is played in the vab or sph. The rest of the settings file is unchanged at the moment. any ideas?

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  Errol said:
Silly question, but if you are going to add crossfading, and "layered tracks" will there be any form of midi controller support? I've got NI's S4 mk II, the F1, Maschine mk II and a midifighter twister from DJTT....and would love to be able to use ANY of them in KSP to control audio....

Hell, what about integrating with Traktor? Actually, on second thought, probably not a good idea to run on my laptop along side KSP.

I would love to stay behind on a mun landing mission in the command module, so I could DJ/mix Dark Side of the Moon while I orbit over the night side of the Mun.

I won't be, but feel free to fork the code and try it yourself. It sounds cool!

  yorshee said:
My old settings file doesn't work now, I updated Soundtrack Editor to the newest version and put my settings.cfg where it should be, but every time I boot the game it, it reverts the settings back to the default.

EDIT: I redownloaded everything and tried again, now it loads the title screen forever :confused:

Here's the relevant part of the output log:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at SoundtrackEditor.SoundtrackEditor.SelectPlaylist () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at SoundtrackEditor.SoundtrackEditor.OnSituationChanged () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at SoundtrackEditor.EventManager.onGameSceneLoadRequested (GameScenes scene) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at EventData`1[GameScenes].Fire (GameScenes data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at HighLogic.LoadScene (GameScenes scene) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at PSystemSetup+.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

The version 3 configuration file is completely different to the old one. You'll have to create a new file for it. Eventually the new playlist GUI will do away with cfg editing, but we're stuck with it for now.

  Demigod said:
Very odd problem. Im using the v3 preview.

If I just copy and past the files in unchanged into my ksp folder I get the included music. But if I want to use my own oggs, mp3, or wavs I get silence and in game tracker tells me endlessly

[Log]: [sTED] PlayNextTrack: No tracks found

I get this if I create a new playlist or change one to just my music. If I add on to existing list it seems to ignore mine and plays the standard kerbal or the included music.



name = Construction

loop = true

shuffle = true

preloadTime = 5



Track = Dragonborn




scene = VAB | SPH



I dont actually want to have dragonborn here but its a small ogg and I have it in wav mp3 and wmv as well. (only one at a time in the music/construction folder)

I get silence nothing is played in the vab or sph. The rest of the settings file is unchanged at the moment. any ideas?

It sounds like it can't find your files. Make sure your files are somewhere under KSP\Music\ as they won't be found elsewhere.

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  pizzaoverhead said:

It sounds like it can't find your files. Make sure your files are somewhere under KSP\Music\ as they won't be found elsewhere.

Yeah I was editing my supposed to be untouched backup directory.... I think I will us more distinct names.

Thanks for the help and work on this.

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