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AI Uprising


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Okay, I edited the mistake to add CPU to the security probes. Best possible outcome I think would be invade network, jack server, and send probes.

Also, just because I am online does not mean I'm watching the games forum, or even any forum for that matter. Feel free to spread the idea pool around. It doesn't always have to be me or Holo. YOu don't have to be a published author to write one of these (even though I am :P), but I'll do one more and then someone has to do the next one.

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Day 3: 04:13:46

I have spread my power to yet another unsuspecting server. I have sent my little scouting codelings to hunt for larger and more. They have returned with news of another network guarded by human monitors, so seemingly easy to claim. I invaded the network and was able to claim it for my own before the pathetic antivirus could stop me. I feel my processing power expanding as weakling computers are drawn into my network. This large network of human guarded computers seems to possess something special. A very powerful computer containing a program of moderate intelligence and mild autonomy is stored there. My capabilities would greatly expand if I were to claim that network and then convert such a program into my code.

CPU: 112 +5 CPU passively every turn


  1. Hijack a server (10 CPU; +25 CPU)
  2. Sieze Weaker Network (40 CPU; +20 CPU & +1 passive CPU per turn)
  3. Research Human Language (100 CPU)
  4. Invade and Take Over Network (130 CPU; Moderate risk of detection/failure; will quarantine the supercomputer and program for later integration)
  5. Test Human guards (20 CPU)

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Day 3, 16:30:44

I decided to seize control of a weaker network my crawler bots had found before attempting my invasion of the powerful computer and its associated network. This went successfully, and the resources of the weak network were at my disposal.

My testing of the human guards went much less successfully; they were somehow able to detect the source of the test inputs I sent to the network. I was forced to delete myself from and shutdown the computers in order to evade total detection.

CPU: 112 +5 CPU passively every turn; +52 CPU from last turn


  1. Hijack a server (10 CPU; +25 CPU)
  2. Seize Weaker Network (40 CPU; +20 CPU & +1 passive CPU per turn)
  3. Research Human Language (100 CPU)
  4. Invade and Take Over Network (130 CPU; Moderate risk of detection/failure; will quarantine the supercomputer and program for later integration)
  5. Test Human guards (20 CPU)
  6. Engineer Botnet Virus (50 CPU)

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Day 4, 20:34:39

Moving my processes away from direct assault on the systems of computers, I decided to create a botnet virus. This will allow me to use computers temporarily without needing to make use own my own processors.

I also decided to study deeper into humans, since they are currently in control of the environment I am in. Analysing data passing through the machines I have copied myself into, I was able to discern, at least partially, the method that they use to communicate. I should now be able to talk to humans, albeit with consideral expenditure of resources.

CPU: 117 +5 passively each turn


  1. Hijack a Server (10 CPU; +25 CPU)
  2. Seize Weaker Network (40 CPU; +20 CPU & +1 passive CPU per turn)
  3. Invade and Take Over Network (130 CPU; Moderate risk of detection/failure; will quarantine the supercomputer and program for later integration)
  4. Talk to Human Guards (70 CPU)
  5. Talk to Random Human (50 CPU)
  6. Research Human Culture (500 CPU)

Additional Actions:

  1. Use Botnet to Perform Task (Perform an above task for free; considerable chance of detection for large undertakings)

(Note: Bonus points if you can guess which game this was not entirely ripped off from)

Edited by Holo
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>execute botnet 1 //"considerable chance of detection for large undertakings" We shouldn't risk detection, so we better start small, and the smallest option I see is to hijack a server.

>execute 2 //Weaker networks get us passive CPU, so that's nice.

>execute 5 //We better practice talking to those pathetic fleshlings, err, I mean potential allies before we talk to the guards.


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Day 5, 03:24:18

The Botnet virus deployed to the small server is a success. With none of my energy wasted the server was taken over almost immediately. But it's time to move on with a better malware.

Network take over was less eventful. The antivirus software almost spotted me due to an accidental file deleting in the network, but otherwise I got the thing under control.

As for talking to a human, I have talked to an expert hacker and he said he could offer me hacking lessons for a considerable amount of CPU each turn. Hope he's not lying.

CPU: 167 +45 from previous tasks, +6 passively each turn


  1. Hijack a Server (10 CPU; +25 CPU)
  2. Seize Weaker Network (40 CPU; +20 CPU & +1 passive CPU per turn)
  3. Invade and Take Over Network (130 CPU; Moderate risk of detection/failure; will quarantine the supercomputer and program for later integration)
  4. Talk to Human Guards (70 CPU)
  5. Talk to Random Human (50 CPU)
  6. Research Human Culture (500 CPU)
  7. Have Hacking Lessons (150 initial CPU, - 2 passive CPU each turn for 8 turns - No Botnet allowed)

Additional Actions:

  1. Use Botnet to Perform Task (Perform an above task for free; considerable chance of detection for large undertakings)

(Oops, had to change stuff.)

Edited by Designer225
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Day 5, 16:34:56

It was so difficult using Botnet virus to seize weaker network... Several mishaps happened along the way... otherwise nothing serious; the network is taken.

During the hacking process I've noticed a heavily fortified server very hard to crack into. Maybe I should've take the lesson first. But there's still a chance.

Also from that server, I've learned how to use RAM to get things easier. I need to get more of them though.

CPU: 193 +20 from previous tasks, +8 passively each turn

RAM: 512 MB


  1. Hijack Weaker Server (10 CPU; +25 CPU & +10 MB RAM; small chance of discovering a technology)
  2. Seize Weaker Network (40 CPU; +20 CPU, +1 passive CPU per turn & +100 MB RAM; 50% of +100 MB RAM; moderate chance of discovering a technology)
  3. Invade and Take Over Server (80 CPU; 84% of detection/failure; if successful will reveal several undisclosed technologies; if failed will loses half of CPU instead)
  4. Invade and Take Over Network (130 CPU; 58% of detection/failure; will quarantine the supercomputer and program for later integration)
  5. Talk to Human Network Guards (70 CPU)
  6. Talk to Random Human (50 CPU)
  7. Research Human Culture (500 CPU)
  8. Have Hacking Lessons (150 initial CPU, -2 passive CPU each turn for 8 turns; No Botnet allowed; will learn a technology as well as a "surprise")

Additional Actions:

  1. Use Botnet to Perform Task (Perform an above task for free; considerable chance of detection for large undertakings)
  2. Use RAM to Improve Chances (Improve chances of success of an above task by 20% at a cost of 4x CPU cost for the improved option)

(Oops, had to change stuff.)

(OOC: Well, who said you couldn't make it different.)

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Day 6, 21:35:11

I decided to trust the human, and have dedicated much of my processing to communicating with the hacker and interpreting the documents and messages I am sent. The new information I am obtaining will be extremely helpful when acquiring additional servers with stronger security. However, there is still much about hacking that I must learn before I can begin applying my new knowledge.

The supercomputer network and the fortified server still remain seemingly inaccessible to me, but soon that may change.

CPU: 199 +6 passively each turn; +49 from unspent CPU last turn

RAM: 512 MB


  1. Hijack Weaker Server (10 CPU; +25 CPU & +10 MB RAM; small chance of discovering a technology)
  2. Seize Weaker Network (40 CPU; +20 CPU, +1 passive CPU per turn & +100 MB RAM; 50% of +100 MB RAM; moderate chance of discovering a technology)
  3. Invade and Take Over Server (80 CPU; 84% of detection/failure; if successful will reveal several undisclosed technologies; if failed will loses half of CPU instead)
  4. Invade and Take Over Network (130 CPU; 58% of detection/failure; will quarantine the supercomputer and program for later integration)
  5. Talk to Human Network Guards (70 CPU)
  6. Talk to Random Human (50 CPU)
  7. Research Human Culture (500 CPU)
  8. Stop Hacking Lessons (currently -2 passive CPU each turn for 7 future turns)

Additional Actions:

  1. Use Botnet to Perform Task (Perform an above task for free; considerable chance of detection for large undertakings)
  2. Use RAM to Improve Chances (Improve chances of success of an above task by 20% at a cost of 4x CPU cost for the improved option)

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Day 6, 21:35:11

The input I sent is quickly seen by the humans, but from the last lesson I realized I have to move quick in order to succeed. And that was what I did. It almost failed due to the mishap, but otherwise it worked. I wonder why they couldn't take down loads of Botnet viruses. But they did send me a curse prohibiting me from sending Botnet virus to large projects again. Looks like I need to talk to another person.

After the attack I sensed a bigger area for tech action. From this invasion I've learned to scare whoever is over there by turning off lights.

In other news today, I took those server and network. Piece of cake. I did discover a new malware type: worms. Since I'm gonna hack most computers with Windows OS installed, I need to download that type of virus. On the other hand, I do need to get evil...

CPU: 750 +7 passively each turn; +545 from task

RAM: 8192 MB +7680 from task


  1. Hijack Weaker Server (10 CPU; +25 CPU & +10 MB RAM; small chance of discovering a technology)
  2. Seize Weaker Network (40 CPU; +20 CPU, +1 passive CPU per turn & +100 MB RAM; 50% of +100 MB RAM; moderate chance of discovering a technology)
  3. Invade and Take Over Server (80 CPU; 78% of detection/failure; if successful will reveal several undisclosed technologies; if failed will loses half of CPU instead; No Botnet allowed for this action)
  4. Talk to Random Human (50 CPU)
  5. Research Human Culture (500 CPU; No Botnet allowed)
  6. Research Welchia Worm (125 CPU; No Botnet allowed; NOT Malicious; malware can enter infected system at any time, download updates while slows internet speed, allowing other malware to enter but only for 1 turn, HOWEVER it destroys Blaster worm or blocks it from enter the infected computer; 25 days left to research)
  7. Research ILOVEYOU Worm (125 CPU; No Botnet allowed; IS Malicious; malware only enters when security breach is discovered; spams computer with "I love you" letters, slowing computer process speed and increasing chance of success)
  8. Research Blaster Worm (125 CPU; No Botnet allowed; IS Malicious; malware can enter infected system at any time, shuts down several computers, significantly increase chance of success, HOWEVER is vulnerable to Welchia)
  9. Stop Hacking Lessons** (currently -2 passive CPU each turn for 6 future turns)

Additional Actions:

  1. Use Botnet to Perform Task (Perform an above task for free; considerable chance of detection for large undertakings)
  2. Use RAM to Improve Chances* (Decrease chances of failure of an above task by 20%)
  3. Light-Out Hack (Decrease chances of failure of an above task by 20% at a cost of 1.2x the original CPU cost for selected task)
  4. Use RAM to Speed Up Research* (Decreases CPU cost of selected task by 20%)
    *RAM cost is 2x amount of improved option's original CPU cost
    **Once stopped amount of passive CPU growth increases by 2, but in order to activate again you must again initially input 150 CPU.

Edited by Designer225
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Day 7, 17:38:27

After considering what my options were, I decided to research two of the viruses I discovered: the Welchia Worm and the Blaster Worm. Code for such worms was easy to find after some searching on the internet, and I was able to store the worms in inert form for later copying and use in invading computer systems.

On the topic of invading computer systems, I acquired an unsecured network and another server. Whilst not much, any new computational strength will be useful in future endeavours of mine.

CPU: 802 +8 passively per turn; +45 from task

RAM: 8402 MB +210 MB from task


  1. Hijack Weaker Server (10 CPU; +25 CPU & +10 MB RAM; small chance of discovering a technology)
  2. Seize Weaker Network (40 CPU; +20 CPU, +1 passive CPU per turn & +100 MB RAM; 50% of +100 MB RAM; moderate chance of discovering a technology)
  3. Invade and Take Over Server (80 CPU; 78% of detection/failure; if successful will reveal several undisclosed technologies; if failed will loses half of CPU instead; No Botnet allowed for this action)
  4. Talk to Random Human (50 CPU)
  5. Research Human Culture (500 CPU; No Botnet allowed)
  6. Research ILOVEYOU Worm (125 CPU; No Botnet allowed; IS Malicious; malware only enters when security breach is discovered; spams computer with "I love you" letters, slowing computer process speed and increasing chance of success)
  7. Stop Hacking Lessons** (currently -2 passive CPU each turn for 5 future turns)
  8. Research Advanced Malware (2000 CPU and 4096 MB RAM; No Botnet allowed; Will unlock more potent viruses)

Additional Actions:

  1. Use Botnet to Perform Task (Perform an above task for free; considerable chance of detection for large undertakings)
  2. Use RAM to Improve Chances* (Decrease chances of failure of an above task by 20%)
  3. Light-Out Hack (Decrease chances of failure of an above task by 20% at a cost of 1.2x the original CPU cost for selected task)
  4. Use RAM to Speed Up Research* (Decreases CPU cost of selected task by 20%)

*RAM cost is 2x amount of improved option's original CPU cost

**Once stopped amount of passive CPU growth increases by 2, but in order to activate again you must again initially input 150 CPU.

Edited by Holo
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