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Moon Base Building

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Hello Kerbs! I am now petty far in the career mode now and am interested in building a moon launch outpost and or orbital space station. Are there any good wikis or videos? I will list my mods that I currently have.

KAS Kerbal Attatchment System

KW Rocketry

Kerbal Alarm Clock


Lazr System V31


Any advice would be sufficient.

Jeff Lovins

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orbital space stations around the mun or minmus are pretty useful if you still have some science to do...land/hit a biome/return to orbital base/store experiments at mpl/reset experiments/refuel lander/repeat

what are you looking for in videos/wikis?

I like to make it by designing a great lifter that will be used for the missions, then sending it piece by piece. I included extra fuel /dv for each mission, and each time i dock i fill up tanks and anytime i get an empty tank i discard it

i think it's important to have:

1. decent sized fuel tanks

2. a good store of RCS

3. mobile processing lab

4. a docking port of each size (or whatever you have at the moment)

5. LIGHTS (the softer ones) that illuminate the docks...nothing worse than rendezvousing right as it all goes dark

6. batteries +solar for said lights

7. plenty of snacks

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you want to have Kethane or interstellar to at least give some meaningful use to your base.

and if you are new to building bases... you may want to start it on Minmus because of its low gravity and there are huge flatlands (aka the frozen lakes) readily available

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What, good sir, is the purpose of KSP (except our own fantasy)?! (and making Squad rich of course)

well... making squad rich is still better than making the current Riot Games or the current Blizzard/EA even richer

IOW, buying KSP is still better than paying a single dime to the aforementioned game companies even tho KSP has no built in goal imposed to the players


(Riot was once good... the good old beta and season 1days...)

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