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[0.90] Custom Biomes 1.7.0 [17 Dec]


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  Trueborn said:
Which biome set are you loading? If you are trying to load "Disable" while "Basic" is loaded, you won't notice any change. This is because there are no biomes to load in the "Disable" set. If you load the "Empty" set, you should see the new biomes disappear. At least that's how it behaves for me. Let me know if that's not the behavior you're experiencing.

Download 1.6.5

Version 1.6.5 fixes the bug where a GUI button would still display even if the GUI is disabled via the config file.

Download Source

Ok, I will give that a try to see what it does. I also have my own custom biome set that I'll be releasing within the next couple of days that includes simply a Kerbin biome map and nothing else.

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Looking forward to seeing how it turned out!

Here's a little more detail on the biome loading process. Once a set is selected (which is of course, just a folder in the mod's directory), the mod looks at each celestial body loaded in the game. It then tries to open a definition file for each of those bodies. If the file exists, it looks for the texture file. The current biome for that planet is then overwritten with the new information. That's why loading the "Disable" set doesn't do anything: it's just an empty folder. The "Empty" set is a set of correctly named, but empty definition files and black textures. Hopefully that makes sense.

So for Raven to release a biome set that only contained Kerbin, he would make a folder named, say "Raven" and include KERBIN.att and KERBIN.png. Alternately, he could copy the "Basic" folder's information and include that with his Kerbin info.

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  Trueborn said:
Looking forward to seeing how it turned out!

Here's a little more detail on the biome loading process. Once a set is selected (which is of course, just a folder in the mod's directory), the mod looks at each celestial body loaded in the game. It then tries to open a definition file for each of those bodies. If the file exists, it looks for the texture file. The current biome for that planet is then overwritten with the new information. That's why loading the "Disable" set doesn't do anything: it's just an empty folder. The "Empty" set is a set of correctly named, but empty definition files and black textures. Hopefully that makes sense.

So for Raven to release a biome set that only contained Kerbin, he would make a folder named, say "Raven" and include KERBIN.att and KERBIN.png. Alternately, he could copy the "Basic" folder's information and include that with his Kerbin info.

I just released it :) : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/88605-WIP-Kerbin-Science-Initiative-140-Biomes-for-Kerbin?p=1313061#post1313061

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Unfortunately, ScienceDefs.cfg does not work with custom biomes. I believe this is because of the order things are loaded in. There is a sciencedefs like functionality built into Custom Biomes, however. Inside the biomes set folder (Custom Biomes\Plugin Data\Custom Biomes\Basic) you'll find ScienceResults.txt. This file has the same type of information as ScienceDefs.cfg. Feel free to add to it. Some day I'll include some more entries in the release.

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The mod doesn't seem to be loading anything for me... Anyone able to help me troubleshoot why? I'm running the 32-bit version of KSP.


I noticed my SCANSat wasn't displaying any biome data for Duna. I opened up the Custom Biomes menu and started paging through the planets on the Biome List page. Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus are there. But for Duna and all the others I don't see anything. I click "Toggle Map" and get an error that "There is no biome map for Duna" (or whichever planet I try). I confirmed that the Basic set is defined as the Default Set for my save game. I even clicked the "Load Biome Set" button for the Basic set. I confirmed in the addons plugin folder that there are maps and .att files for all the worlds in the Basic folder. Just to be double sure, I deleted the entire CustomBiomes folder, redownloaded it, and reinstalled it (v1.6.5). Still nothing. I'm at a loss. Everything looks like it should be fine...



Active Texture Management mod was the culprit. Had to create a CustomBiomes.cfg file with the following:



folder = CustomBiomes

enabled = false


That kept the mod from touching it and now it looks good. Hopefully that info might be useful to someone else down the road.

Edited by jfjohnny5
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  SorensonPA said:
Where did you have to sign in to download? Opening the link just opens up the file dump, click on a file tile, boom, download prompt.

Ah, I cleared all live.com cookies and suddenly yeah, don't need to sign in. Thanks microsoft, that's dumb as heck.

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  Xiong said:
Running KSP 0.23.0 (64-bit version for Linux) with CB 1.5; a career with 'Basic' map set does not load any of the custom biome maps at all; they are visible neither with ScanSat nor directly through the CB toolbar-button window (which itself works fine). The 'Basic' set clearly is set; the three stock bodies' maps display in living color. All other bodies display a little tab with the text, No map for X.

Encountered exactly the same problem with CB 1.6.5 in KSP 0.24.2, Linux X64. As I understand there is a kind of fix or correction for it, but beeng completely Linux noob, couldn't find it out. Could somebody explain the solution?

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  Khargee said:
Encountered exactly the same problem with CB 1.6.5 in KSP 0.24.2, Linux X64. As I understand there is a kind of fix or correction for it, but beeng completely Linux noob, couldn't find it out. Could somebody explain the solution?

Yeah, I wasn't quite sure when he was changing directories exactly either, but it worked for him I guess. In the mean time, maybe send him a private message asking what (exactly) he did, but I assume that somewhere I'm making some Windows file system assumptions when I shouldn't be and it's breaking under Linux. Unfortunately I don't have a Linux box to test on, so it is a bit of trial and error when fixing these things. I'll try to look into it tomorrow. Is anyone using this successfully under Linux? And Khargee, could you let me know what your directory structure (path to KSP.exe and CustomBiomes.dll) is like? Thanks.

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  Trueborn said:
Yeah, I wasn't quite sure when he was changing directories exactly either, but it worked for him I guess. In the mean time, maybe send him a private message asking what (exactly) he did, but I assume that somewhere I'm making some Windows file system assumptions when I shouldn't be and it's breaking under Linux. Unfortunately I don't have a Linux box to test on, so it is a bit of trial and error when fixing these things. I'll try to look into it tomorrow. Is anyone using this successfully under Linux? And Khargee, could you let me know what your directory structure (path to KSP.exe and CustomBiomes.dll) is like? Thanks.

Well, it's default Steam version install:

/home/khargee/SteamGames/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP.x86_64

/home/khargee/SteamGames/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData/CustomBiomes/CustomBiomes.dll

Tested also with /KSP/ instead /Kerbal Space Program/ folder name - doesn't work too.

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  NathanKell said:
The issue is that you're doing filename.ToUpper(), and only Windows is a case-insensitive OS.

You need to specify the exact, cased, filename in your code.

Also you can safely always use '/' as directory separator; Windows is fine with that.

Thanks. I'll try and get it fixed tonight.

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So I did end up putting it on Curse, and unfortunately its been getting a fair number of downloads, so expect the patched version there as well as here (link on the first post if your search-fu is broken). Alternate downloads will remain on OneDrive until/unless I eventually put stuff on GitHub like everyone else.

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Unfortunately, that's a problem with how KSP is resolving the biomes near the borders between two biomes. Mainly, it is because the maps are a little smaller than it could be, and also how it appears to interpolated between two colors. The moral of the story is, biomes aren't super precise, and Custom Biomes isn't really a mapping mod. For actual mapping, I suggest SCAN Sat.

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I got ScanSat. Somehow i got the feeling that my biomes are simply wrong. I had the RSS mod installed. I have like 6 different KSP versions atm. one for each set of mods. Probably copyied something i shoulnt have. Maybe some config of rss. Would be the reason why my complete KSC biome is suddenly a Water biome. Its not like just the edge of a biome its like 10km difference or something cant really tell, didnt find the edge of the bioma at KSC yet

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KSC itself is also something of a special case. There isn't a KSC biome, and yet you clearly get unique science results there, so it's a little different for some reason. As for RSS, I don't use it so I can't help you out there. When you leave KSC and go elsewhere, are you getting more accurate readings, or is it still wildly off?

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