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Work-in-Progress [WIP] Design Thread


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Still working on getting this one to kiss the ground instead of .....-slapping it.




Nice. I like the layout and gizmos. Do you need that many airbreaks though? :P

Took me about a week or two to get a similar design to land. Still waiting for the instant overheat bug to be fixed so I can test a bit more.

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YES ( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)



(Believe it or not, this was the rebuild of the B-17, yet it looks pretty much the same. Just with a higher part count.. :blush:)

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YES ( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)



(Believe it or not, this was the rebuild of the B-17, yet it looks pretty much the same. Just with a higher part count.. :blush:)

But does it work better?

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I'm working on a hyperdrive ring for my V-Wing so it can travel longer distances without having to wait several years for ion burns. I need some input on how best to attach the Ring to the ship. I've come up with this.



It's sleek, low profile, and only four extra parts. It also has a 1.25 meter docking port, which can be used for attaching to other ships or stations. The only worry I have about this setup is that the Inline docking port's doors like to push around other parts when they open or close. I've tested this, and it doesn't do anything catastrophic, but it does jostle the S-Foil mounts around a little.

My other idea was to put a claw on the hyperdrive ring and use that. It would be less parts on both the ring and the ship, and would allow any other ship to connect to the ring (useful if I ever try to build a Jedi interceptor, which also uses the same type of hyperdrive ring). However, the Claw setup doesn't seem very realistic and the pivot feature may be an accident waiting to happen.

What do you people think?

EDIT: Nevermind, using the Inline Clamp O' Tron just makes the airbrakes jack up the ship when you try and extend them. I think it's time for somebody (SQUAD) to fix the doors on that thing so it can see more use. Anyway, I'm going to have to use the Claw.

Edited by pTrevTrevs
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Nice. I like the layout and gizmos. Do you need that many airbreaks though? :P

Took me about a week or two to get a similar design to land. Still waiting for the instant overheat bug to be fixed so I can test a bit more.

I really do need that many airbrakes. What you're seeing is what I did for it after discovering that 16 airbrakes wasn't enough. The rocket still weighs around 200 tons even after dropping the payload and emptying fuel. If I don't drop under about 1900 m/s or so before falling to around 20km, lets just say it gets a little toasty, a little REALLY QUICKLY. I also retroburn any remaining fuel around 22k if I haven't already burnt it.

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How did you do that?! it looks very cool

Do what exactly? Presuming your talking about the missiles, I basically offset them away from the craft, added a quick smoke domain, sampled the kraken out of it, added colorRamp, added lamps with a strength of 500 facing toward the craft (flame glow), rendered at 1920x and 200 samples :D not that simple

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Here's me trying to test my modded space shuttle that will fly my Galileo/Ulysses replicas to Jool on Columbia's SCA, turns out my shuttle is a bit too long compared to Inigma's so it has... Unfourtunate results.


..Seeing that made me feel slightly guilty for not making it longer. :P

I suggest you move the Shuttle slightly forward and angle it *just a bit* upward, or if not, add sepratrons, as many as you can. Awesome!

- - - Updated - - -


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Hyperdrive Ring Test Flight



Can't embed them right now, stupid phone is stupid.

I'll try and release it this afternoon, but I want to check to make sure everything works right. I also want to try and use the ring to fly to either Eve or Duna, which might involve adding more fuel. I also plan on adding some device to ensure that the V-Wing is aligned correctly when connected to the ring.

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I found these numbers on the wikipedia page:

[table=width: 500, align: left]
















[td]Delta IV M+(5,2)[/td]







[td]Delta IV M+(5,4)[/td]







[td]Delta IV Heavy[/td]







These numbers were found on spaceflight101.com:

[table=width: 500, align: left]


[td]Delta IV M+(5,2):

11,06t to LEO

5,43t to GTO


[td]Delta IV M+(5,4):

13,77t to LEO

7,43t to GTO




[td]Delta IV Heavy (RS-68):

22,95t to LEO

13,13t to GTO


[td]Delta IV Heavy (RS-68):

25,98t to LEO

13,80t to GTO




The RS-68A upgrade is basically a thrust upgrade, mostly geared toward an increase in performance of the Heavy variant. For production ease, the other variants will have this engine as well, even though this means a small decrease in performance for most of the Medium variants. The RS-68 will be phased out starting march this year. Any fluctuations may be due to the Payload Attach Fitting which can weigh 240 kg to 1.221 kg, depending on the payload.

As for Orion, the Wikipedia page states it will weigh 21,25t total (8,91t for the capsule , 12,34t for the service module). It will have 7,91t of propellant, resulting in a dV of ~1340 m/s.

Hope that helps :)

thanks a lot :)

i go with 10,5t, 13t, 25t payload ratings now :)


which means ...

[table=width: 500]



[td]payload to LKO[/td]

[td]TWR @ liftoff[/td]




[td]10,5 t[/td]





[td]13 t[/td]





[td]25 t[/td]




Edited by Darth Lazarus
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Finished up the Tiger 1. SOMEONE PLEASE SLAP MY PM BOX if I dont post this tomorrow on the thread! I always forget and don't have the time to post!

Anyway, the Tiger 1 is happy to get released....

The tank turret is being resized to better scale!


Edited by ghostbuzzer7
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Does this remind anyone about anything?


I call my version... Clicky Clicky Boom Boom! :sticktongue:

I'm still having trouble trying to smooth out the back end like the actual thing, and want to keep it stock. Any suggestions?

Edited by NeatCrown
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