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Work-in-Progress [WIP] Design Thread


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Update on my Soviet Duna mission. Got my proton ready and my Blok D and LK in oribt.

Proton with Blok D and LK on liftoff:


Blok D and LK in orbit:


I put a solar panel on the LK so it doesn't run out of battery.

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The little human in that picture makes you question the sanity of the people who designed and built those machines.

Or the people who agreed to fly in them.

Update on Duna mission, got my things docked in orbit and ready to go. Now I just need to wait until the transfer window opens up.


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Hello everyone, i figured this thread would be a good place to start my KSP posting career.

Here at CSF spaceworks, we have always been a bit... impatient. Long burns and long travel times just aren't our game! so my current attempt at a in-orbit assembled ship is...


May i present the CSF Monty (possibly named after the comedy troupe who knows). its a fully stock craft asides from the Ferram areodynamics mod, the docking HUD mod, and deadly reentry.

It is currently modular in nature, with double large docking ring joints connecting its 3 segments. each segment has a large size RCS fuel tank and one orange tank, along with a 4 way connector of large docking ports at either end.

It's propulsion is a triplet of mainsails, which somehow can be run at full throttle in space without the ship exploding spectacularly.

It has a pair of ASAS units on each segment as well, with the central crew segment having a complement of RCS thrusters.

I plan to add a few nukes for midcourse correction burns, additional fuel storage, and a cargo tugging ability to the ship. So far 3 launches in to get it into orbit, and its a bit low on fuel as well :D

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I think today after i reworked the backsite. Because the clipped in wings in the engines looks really ugly.....


I figured out that the nosecone have a really nice reentry effect :cool:



another thing i figured out: when you place a "round-8" tank over the "48-7s" this gets fairings but both engines, the jet and rockomax, are functionally


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Hi there.

Just conducting a Landing-In-The-Wilderness test... this time for the Astroliner Mega Comet, the interplanetary* freighter.

Yes, we've all seen this before, BUT... unlike the Falcon series, my plane doesn't consist of ~1500 parts, but of a mere 703 (by itself, with the trucks obviously more...800+)

Might just be able to put 3 exploration vehicles on Laythe and return. Trucks are loaded manually because it's cool.

Must make a very soft touchdown in order to stay intact. BUT, here it was tested fully fueled, on Laythe it will be almost empty and with the low gravity it shoud land like a feather.

pictures from different takes:








The landing wheel under the back serves 2 purposes. One - to skip over docking ports on the cargo bay floor, Two - to unload safely. 'Cause there ain't gonna be no ramp on Mars!

*Hasn't reached other planets yet.

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I've got to say, the performance of Phoebus MkII is frighteningly close to what it intends to portray. Currently on the outbound leg of the trip, and I can't believe how the hell did I manage to get a ~20m/s margin for the free return trajectory on the S-IVb, this is right before it gets discarded:


Clearly the new Phoebus is gong to be a ship for advanced players... then again, about 1/3 of the tanks on the first stage are empty, so I have some margin to improve if I cut it too close on the rest of the trip. Gus, Phil and Mac don't. Gus, Phil, and Mac are three of the four non-generic named kerbal I got so far on my career save, and I care about them more than I probably should. This is going to be a test mission for the ages!

Rune. Also, I managed to build a hell of a good looking S1C+SII with only 161 parts, now that I see the stack is 139. This is going too well...

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Been working on a PPTS/soyuz/singularity-mod inspired spacecraft purely for the aesthetics. I've finally been able to attach the boosters without it breaking the craft file (I had to save them as subassemblies and reload them to prevent the duplication when placing groups of clipped parts bug) and it's almost working flawlessly now! The sound of the first stage engines spooling up is also glorious :cool:




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Testing my new main engines for my next SSTO.

Lateral mountable, equiped with 1 Nuke and 2 Turbo Jet's

Doing in first test flight an easy 500k orbit.






A little sneak peak where this engines come to work....


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