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Work-in-Progress [WIP] Design Thread


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My newest WIP Replica, The Messershmitt-262 Schwalbe. Best German jet in War Thunder (WoP Sucks Jebthepilot...)


Need to fix the gears, Any Thoughts?


Epic stuff going on ;)

Only thing that could make me more happy now is craft-files:wink:

Really nice Saturn V, btw there GusTurbo

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Cool ship! What's inside the hull?

Also, does anyone know how to counteract the phantom roll force that happens when clipping things together?

I think I have 6 1.25 meter ship-destroyer missiles and 12 I-beam missiles. It also has the 8 missiles on the outside.

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Cool ship! What's inside the hull?

Also, does anyone know how to counteract the phantom roll force that happens when clipping things together?

Sometimes the symethry mode is bugded and you place one more part on one sight at the same place.

and after it happend you cant reset the symethry mode

Normal -> .|.

bugded -> .|:

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Sometimes the symethry mode is bugded and you place one more part on one sight at the same place.

and after it happend you cant reset the symethry mode

Normal -> .|.

bugded -> .|:

And then your save file gets corrupted :(

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I know for certain that isn't happening. I'm very careful to avoid that. What I'm talking about generally happens when you have radially attached tanks that clip into each other. I think there's a way of fixing it with struts, and I feel like I've been successful with it before, but I can't seem to get it under control this time, which is frustrating. The craft will still do what it's supposed to, but I don't want to release something unpolished that you have to fight on the way up.

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I know for certain that isn't happening. I'm very careful to avoid that. What I'm talking about generally happens when you have radially attached tanks that clip into each other. I think there's a way of fixing it with struts, and I feel like I've been successful with it before, but I can't seem to get it under control this time, which is frustrating. The craft will still do what it's supposed to, but I don't want to release something unpolished that you have to fight on the way up.

I feel for you Gus. Is the rocket spinning after launch?

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I know for certain that isn't happening. I'm very careful to avoid that. What I'm talking about generally happens when you have radially attached tanks that clip into each other. I think there's a way of fixing it with struts, and I feel like I've been successful with it before, but I can't seem to get it under control this time, which is frustrating. The craft will still do what it's supposed to, but I don't want to release something unpolished that you have to fight on the way up.

I've had that happen. Completely rigidizing the structure works somewhat, sometimes, but I'm nowhere near figuring out what is happening or offering solutions guaranteed to work.

Rune. I know getting fairings to not bend a rocket's trajectory is tricky, that much I'm sure of.

Edited by Rune
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I actually managed to fix the slow spinning issue. I had to redesign the 1st stage, but now it's stable. It wobbles a bit while making the gravity turn. Feels like old times. I also have some minor fuel issues to deal with on the CSM and lander.

After that I'm going to recreate some of the the Saturn MLV concepts.

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I actually managed to fix the slow spinning issue. I had to redesign the 1st stage, but now it's stable. It wobbles a bit while making the gravity turn. Feels like old times. I also have some minor fuel issues to deal with on the CSM and lander.

After that I'm going to recreate some of the the Saturn MLV concepts.

Sweet! I just check those out and they look perfect for the new parts!

I look forward to seeing the results Gus!

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Looking great -- does it carry cargo?

Here's some early work on a Saturn MLV launcher. The Apollo spacecraft payload is a mere trifle with those big boosters.


Edited by GusTurbo
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You can stuff 4 jumbos lengthways in the center cargo hold. :)

But, it's made for long range hauling and sits on the runway with 200T of fuel in its wings. So, the cargo can be lot's of light gear like rovers and base/station modules. There's not much in the way of super-structure, it's very much inspired by, and using, Overfloater's basic construction approach. So, it's a quad I-beam cage with a walk-in/drive-in cargo hold.

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You can stuff 4 jumbos lengthways in the center cargo hold. :)

But, it's made for long range hauling and sits on the runway with 200T of fuel in its wings. So, the cargo can be lot's of light gear like rovers and base/station modules. There's not much in the way of super-structure, it's very much inspired by, and using, Overfloater's basic construction approach. So, it's a quad I-beam cage with a walk-in/drive-in cargo hold.

Does it have SSTO capabilities?

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Yep, that's the design. SSTO with 5km/s dV@LKO w/ 36T payload. My Flyingfox has the problem that there is not enough fuel capacity in the wings so you can't really do long distance space trucking with it. This one corrects that flaw with six jumbo 64s worth of storage in the wings plus a truelly massive cargo hold. You could use it as a wind tunnel to test smaller planes. :)

I'm doing ascent trails at the moment, she's under-going refits after every run. I've already upgraded the tail section and added a couple pairs or rapiers. All the bits and bobs will go in after I'm happy with the basic ascent. I'm at nearly 1100 parts, 1200 is the current goal.

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There have been a lot of Me 262s lately. Well here's mine, still a WIP and the third version I've made, they have come a long way. Made for FAR too, although buggy for some reason... :mad:


And here’s my Vampire, fourth version. Still have a lot to do, might make a fifth version yet :(.


Still need to paint both as well.

I sometimes forget this is a game about space...

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I've been working a lor with FAR lately. Tweaking this spaceplan for aesthetics and functionality both is difficult as heck.


So far, it gets to space, but re-entry is a bit...dangerous. Dunno why, but it really wants to fly backwards on re-entry.

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I've been working a lor with FAR lately. Tweaking this spaceplan for aesthetics and functionality both is difficult as heck.


So far, it gets to space, but re-entry is a bit...dangerous. Dunno why, but it really wants to fly backwards on re-entry.

Try seeing what happens to the CoL/CoM position with dry tanks in the VAB. Plus, I would bet you attempt reentry with all remaining fuel on the rear tanks, exacerbating the fact that you engines are very far back an your tanks very far forwards. Meanwhile, as the CoM moves backwards in flight, the CoL stays at the same spot.

Rune. Hope that helps!

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I've tried it with both full(I have a refuel station in orbit) and dry, and the same thing happens; I'm making my entry as shallow as possible to avoid overpressure, and as soon as the flames start hitting it, it just pitches up and over, and stays backwards.

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Ok, so I right now am trying to come up with a way to lift up a pretty big plane to put a dolly under it. It has a docking port on the top, so #1 check. Rockets and jets are not a option. I need help with a crane design.

Gentlemen, please contain yourselves. I know, i'm a master artist.





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Ok, so I right now am trying to come up with a way to lift up a pretty big plane to put a dolly under it. It has a docking port on the top, so #1 check. Rockets and jets are not a option. I need help with a crane design.

Gentlemen, please contain yourselves. I know, i'm a master artist.





Hum. Off the top of my head: giant forklift rover with just enough clearance to slip the fork under the wings, then lifting it on landing gear? If that is not enough height differential, you could do the same thing with landing gear. Or even better: same principle, but a rover could push the plane instead up an inclined, mobile rail track (one rail goes under each wing).

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