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[.23] Somnambulic Aerospace -- Life Support Parts .0.0.1 (18 Jan)


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Based on a chance discovery in Bill's coffee cup, the SA-200 Large Food Processor contains a colony of algae capable of turning waste products back into something resembling food. Remember to place in direct sunlight.

Again, inputs are waste, waste water and CO2 plus a little electricity for the pumps. I'm going to swap out the texture on one panel with badging like the other parts.

That looks amazing! Can't wait to download it!

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I think you shoudl add some distinctive textures to radial containers.

Its sometimes hard to tell if tank contains water or exygene while in VAB.

But still, these parts are about 640% better than oryginal TAC containers :)

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  • 2 months later...
I was referring the the Algae Food Processor part pictured above. It is not part of the download on the first page.

It's not upload anywhere and this project has largely been shelved due to real life getting in the way. I'll upload a compatibility updated once TaranisElsu reworks his consumption model, but anything beyond that is probably not going to happen. Honestly I'm putting my hopes on Universal Storage as Paul and Daishi already have life support parts in the pipeline and their work looks waaaaay more awesome than anything I'd be capable of. :)

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Shame to hear that you won't be working on this much, but your parts are definitely my favorite for use with TAC Life Support. I know the available textures for the original TAC parts have improved greatly over time, but these are still best, really gorgeous.

But if you do ever decide to add to it, perhaps a fourth set of radial containers that are a combination of the three resources, similar to the other life support parts?

Edited by Boomerang
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Shame to hear that you won't be working on this too much, but your parts are definitely my favorite for use with TAC Life Support. I know the available textures for the original TAC parts have improved greatly over time, but these are still best, really gorgeous.

Thanks for the kind words :) We'll see what's in store with Universal Storage -- there still might be a niche for some more parts from me.

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Thanks for the kind words :) We'll see what's in store with Universal Storage -- there still might be a niche for some more parts from me.

Yeah, I just watched the demo video for the fuel cell pack that they've released. That sort of system for life support mods would be great. It might even get me to overcome my dislike of random explosions and reinstall KAS :P Just don't diss your parts, I love the serious, real-world look to them while they're still fun. I inwardly chuckle at 'Push for snacks' every time.

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  • 2 months later...

Somnambulist - Thanks a bunch for these parts, I use them all the time. I realize that this project is somewhat shelved, and appreciate that your time is limited, but I'd like to make a request. Could you post alternate textures for your radial tanks for CO2 and Wastewater? Some of us (i.e. me, but I've seen others say similar) view the radial tanks as individual tanks, and want to model having separate tanks for supply and return of those items. My texturing skills aren't the greatest, or I'd try to mod the graphics myself - I'd imagine you could produce 2 textures a lot quicker than most of us could.

If you have the time, thanks!

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I've actually been mulling updating these and re-releasing. I'm out of town for the next week but should be able to look at them when I get back. Failing that I'll just upload the PSD template for anyone to use.

Yeah!! That good to hear. I have been using your containers exclusively because I like the stock like look. The official containers and the various retexures always look off somehow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having an issue with the 2.5 meter in-line container. It doesn't show up with the texture that is included in this file. It continues using the texture from the actual Cupola pod.

Great looking parts by the way!


Nevermind, I found the problem. The config for the 2.5 meter in-line container needs to have the model reference for the Cupola model changed from "model000" to "ksp_l_cupola_diff" in the two instances it is listed in the config file. This is due to the Cupola model names being changed between .23 and .23.5.

Edited by cdugas4
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, Somnambulist - since I use these parts regularly, and since TaranisElsu just posted the new pre-release of TAC-LS yesterday, I thought I should share some of the math I did. I see that the radial tanks are based off the goo container - here's the (approximate) part volumes:

Radial small: 0.1125 m3

Radial large: 0.9 m3

Radial X-Large: 7.2 m3

In-line 2.5m: 7.36 m3

According to TaranisElsu's new numbers, 1 m3 equals approximately this many units:

Food: 950

Water: 950

Oxygen: 210,141

For anyone using these parts and wanting something more in line with the new TAC-LS, you can edit the part.cfg files in the Somnambulic Aerospace parts to reflect the new units - just go into the cfg file and look for the RESOURCE definition. Here's the approximate numbers for a Large radial tank. Multiply by 8 for XL, and divide by 8 for S tanks:

Food: 855 (Food and waste are interchangeable - it's assumed that the sealed bags for each are about the same size)

Water: 427.5 (855 if you delete the wastewater RESOURCE and assume it's a single tank instead of 2 tanks)

Oxygen: 94,575 (189,150 if you delete Carbon Dioxide and assume it's a single tank) (this represents oxygen gas at STP, compressed to hundreds of PSI into a much smaller space)

For the 2.5m inline:

Food: 6992

Water: 3496

Oxygen: 257782

MaxAmounts for waste products:

Waste: 6992

WasteWater: 3496

CO2: 257782

WARNING: Someone should check my math - the only part I am 100% confident in is the approximate part volumes. In any case, these numbers should put the tanks somewhere in the ballpark of believability for the "new" system in TAC-LS.

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Hey thanks for the math panarchist. I'm going to hold off updating the parts just yet to see if Taranis makes any balancing changes before a full release of .9. I am going to get get around to adding a few more parts but life is kinda crazy right now. "Look at me, somnambulist, home owner!"

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Hey thanks for the math panarchist. I'm going to hold off updating the parts just yet to see if Taranis makes any balancing changes before a full release of .9. I am going to get get around to adding a few more parts but life is kinda crazy right now. "Look at me, somnambulist, home owner!"

I can relate - I just started a new job, and got married.

You should hold off anyway - I um... sanity-checked in the VAB, and I screwed up the numbers somewhere I think. The inline adds nearly 30,000 days of food - I think I slipped a decimal place or 3.

Congrats on the house!

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  • 3 months later...
Hey guys, still maintaining this?

Nope. It's badly broken due to path changes in newer versions of KSP and isn't balanced for the current release of TAC LS. I'd like to update but really don't have the time. I can put the texture PSDs up somewhere if anyone would like them.

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I'm going to play around with these parts in .25, checking back against .24.2 to make sure I get the scale of them right. The texture and model paths were easy enough to fix, but the scales are a bit messed up. If I can sort that, then I'll see about estimating the volume of the parts and figuring out resource values based on Taranis' numbers and post back here. Might be a day or two though.

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I'm going to play around with these parts in .25, checking back against .24.2 to make sure I get the scale of them right. The texture and model paths were easy enough to fix, but the scales are a bit messed up. If I can sort that, then I'll see about estimating the volume of the parts and figuring out resource values based on Taranis' numbers and post back here. Might be a day or two though.

Honestly the best way to do the scaling is to set the base volume in balance with Taranis' parts and then use tweakscale to handle the scaling. If you like, I posted a MM cfg in the main TACLS thread that converts the included parts to fire spitter for resource switching and tweak scale for the scaling. It's definitely the better way to go.

Re: the textures -- they're CS6 PSDs with embedded Illustrator CS6 smart objects. I can't include the font as it's not freeware. I'll put them up later tonight.

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