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The HELO challenge

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This is the second helicopter I completed, back in February. It uses my own designed turboshaft engines. 100% stock.

It is the largest helicopter ever built, both in KSP and real life (dimensions match those of the Mil-V12).

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I did make a flying barrel with IR and land it on the VAB launchpad a while back... I'll see if I can find pics of it.

EDIT: Found some pics although they're more taken to show off the craft because this was a while before I saw this challenge. It took off from the launchpad, flew up to and landed on the VAB helipad, then flew down and landed next to the SPH.


I don't have the .craft file any more though so if these pics aren't enough tell me and I'll make a new entry. I have firespitter and IR so I could use either.

NOTE: IR motors use electricity so they would technically be Tesla fanatics entries.

Is TCA allowed? The hover function may be too OP for the Church award (although after more thought firespitter heli rotors have that built in) but idk whether the engine auto-balancing is too OP for the other challenges or not.

Yea, that one looks fine. It mostly looks like a helo. As for TCA, dunno, never used it. In the old challenge firespitter hover was allowed and you can tweak engine throttles now so I don't see why not.

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