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On 8/31/2020 at 11:48 AM, Francois said:

I probably will eventually, but I'm definitely learning under constraint :) weirdly, I managed to make this solution work with a 74hc165 instead of a 74HC595. I need to post the schematic so anyone can point out the flaw.


That's a great video on the subject. I recently finished building a custom mechanical keyboard, and it scans the keys on a similar principal. Where it differs, is that int he keyboard setup, you have direct access to a number of rows and columns. By scanning each row, one at a time, you can read whether a key in each column is pressed or not. The cost is more I/O pins, but the benefit is a much higher number of keys scanned in the same time a shift register might scan only 8 inputs. Both are viable methods of scanning for inputs. One can also replace the buttons used in the example with transistors, so that a logic level state can be monitored by the scanning method, which inherently requires that the controller be able to both selectively sing and source current flow, e.g. how it does with these pushbutton switches.

Edited by richfiles
I wouldn't normally quote an entire video, but since my post jumped to the next page, I felt it would be more convenient to full quote you so your post is better seen.
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Hi, I've been looking into making a custom controller for myself and have no idea where to start. I know that an Arduino is needed but I don't know if I need a mod to send the input to the computer? I also want to know how to get outputs onto LCD screens (SASRCS, Fuel levels, etc). I was hoping that you guys could give me some where to start and a little help.

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Here's the mod most of us use. The general idea, is that the Mod communicates over USB to an Arduino or similar device. the Arduino sends and receives packets to and from the mod. It needs to interface to various devices (be it toggle switches, buttons, joysticks, etc, or to LEDs, meters, or digital readouts, or even to other Arduinos or similar controllers). Some people fit the entire controller mod on a single Arduino. Others (like me) will have several controllers, each doing their own prescribed tasks, and all communicating back to a central controller that will handle the USB data packet.

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  • 1 month later...

slow but steady progress. I tested my panel design on cardboard, then I 3d printed a 1mm thick panel to check that the holes were in the right place and the right size and now I'm testing the cutting and engraving on an acrylic sheet.
I had to build an enclose to prevent the mess and to get a special bit to prevent acrylic from melting.
A bit more testing to make sure it's all the right size and the right speed before trying to cut the real panel.


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  • 2 weeks later...


That printing company seems to have fallen through. They just sorta stopped replying to me. I guess they didn't wanna deal with such an awkward, one off, low run job. Seems rather unprofessional. Least they could have done was state that they didn't think they could successfully perform the project to my needs.

I still need to determine what type of ink would be best suited for the project, as it needs to survive flexing on a tape being run over rollers.

Ultimately, It looks like I will be stuck doing this one by hand. The ideal rig will likely be a simple jig to hold the tape securely and flat, and some sort of hinged arm that I can mount my rubber stamps on. I most likely will need to use tape to create a masked area to represent the "end of tape" zone that would sit between >9999 and 0m. I'll have to use something like pushpins to secure the tape in place by it's appropriate sprocket holes. I just hope the house don't completely wear out before completing the while thing.

On my own build thread, the tape meter has actually been my currently active project, with me mostly hurrying up and waiting for parts from China... Just waiting on the timing belts and pulley wheels, which are taking their sweet time. After that, I plan to assemble the timing pulleys to the tape drive, and construct a mechanism to both drive it, and sense the absolute position of the tape. It's all gotta fit underneath my navball instrument, which is pretty bulky, but I work out all those issues in the build thread!

Still have not tackled the tape printing though...


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11 hours ago, richfiles said:

Oh, that is NICE!!! :D
And I've already sent a request, asking if they sell the switches and guards in bulk (though I have a VERY easy means to create the guards, and for quite cheaply as well).

If you find out the part number please let us know. I’ve been looking for toggles with a good tactile feel. The cheap ones i bought for my project feel junky (and the shaft spins around, which makes them less than ideal for gluing apollo switch tips on them)

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They got back to me same day. I was told it's already in their plans to make the switches individually purchasable in the future. I think they wanted to promote the SCE to Aux switch clusters first. they said they'd check up on it next week and try to get me a price. I asked them about numbers for 20 pieces and 30 pieces. Haven't determined how many units I'll end up needing in the long run, as I want to have some switches to switch on different power supplies for my unit. I need a 24 volt supply and a 120 volt 400Hz AC supply for my navball and one of my meters, and also want to integrate a room lighting controler and a port to power my soldering iron into the panel as well... I know... Odd applications, but why not.

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  • 5 weeks later...


I don't usually post here about my own build, except for milestones, and this is definitely one of the bigger milestones!
I've managed to assemble the mechanism for my Radar Altimeter Tape Meter! Check it out! There's even a video of it!

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  • 1 month later...


I've posted my build process up on my build thread.
This meter took FAR longer to get to this point than I had planned, but I REALLY like how it turned out!
I wanna tweak some LED alignments to get the more uniform colors,
then I can reinstall the meter movement assemblies and close it up for good.
One down, four to go...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Ok @richfiles, I think I found something you might like. I know you said that switches like the ones from Honeywell go for ~$400 new. I found some that go for $50 new! They look really similar to the original Apollo/Space Shuttle ones, but they have been discontinued. You can still buy them from Arrow electronics here: 1TL62-7 by Honeywell | Switch Toggle | Arrow.com


The model number is TL62-7. You can also get to it by filtering for tab lever switches. The only thing these switches are missing are the grooves on the tab, but other than that, this is as close as we're gonna get, I think.

Of course, if anyone finds any that are exact replicas TAG ME PLEASE!!!!!

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19 hours ago, milkman said:

this is as close as we're gonna get, I think.

Those are pretty neat, but yeah... 11 discontinued switches at $50 a pop aren't gonna go far... budget wise or quantity wise. They are also center off momentary switches, meaning they are like a button that can be pressed two ways. The (ON)-OFF-(ON) terminology indicates the two ON positions are momentary, or sprung. That's why the ON is shown as (ON).

Concord Aerospace has been selling replicas on ebay, specifically modeling the infamous SCE switch that was crucial in saving the Apollo 12 mission (along with some humorous "conspiracy themed" switch panels, directly poking fun at a few conspiracy theories, and donating a portion of their proceeds to charity). The panels they make are certainly pretty cool, but it's not the bulk switches that people like us are in need of. I had been in communication with them back in October over a bulk switch purchase. I had even gotten a price, and I had agreed to it, but I've not been able to communicate with them, either by email, nor through their web form, since after October 2020, so I have no idea what happened. I was ready to send some cash their way, and get a box of switches in return... Never happened. Don't know if there is an email inbox not being read, or if something got erroneously flagged as spam? I've meticulously checked my email, and have seen nothing... And I am very bummed out by this lapse in communication. I've considered trying to communicate with them through ebay, but I have to very carefully word my message, as it wasn't a deal through ebay, and I don't wanna violate any terms.

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  • 4 months later...


Made some massive progress on my Instrument Panel build!
I have the power supply for the Navball designed, thanks to some major help from an internet bystander!

This part of the build stood out as difficult, because it's not simply a power supply that needs to be made, but a line voltage supply with a 400Hz synchronized sine wave output that matches the reference frequency that also goes to the DAC board. In essence, I needed to take an external analog signal, and boost it up to 115 volts AC, but where the AC frequency matched the input signal. That design is now done, thanks to one "Dr. Rockzo". He got curious about the project, and had experience in the field of line level power supplies, and lent a very appreciated hand in designing this circuit! I only know the absolute basics of line level power supplies. They are not my area of expertise. All that remains is to order parts and to tweak a few last second changes to the PC board layout, and send it off to be made, so long as I can budget it.  Honestly, just hoping for parts/hours at work soon... Finally got hit hard by the parts shortage. Starting to feel that sting...

All the details are in the build thread.


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  • 10 months later...
  • 7 months later...

With the return of income, comes the return to being able to afford projects! :cool:
Finally began work on "modifying" my old desk to fit the Kerbal controller... 
By modify, I mean that I took a look at every piece of the old desk and replaced it with new material.
Behold, the Desk of Thesus!
I could build a whole desk out of the parts I'm throwing out! :sticktongue:
Each side is free standing, having three legs, and a cross-frame will bolt to each side to both join them into one desk, and support the console.

More details of the progress of the build can be found on my dedicated build thread.
After completing my new desk, I plan to start back into the Instrument Panel build by finishing my Vertical Velocity Meter first, which should be easy, and then working on repairing the Radar Altimeter, which sadly encountered a rapid unplanned lithobraking incident. Future plans include starting the Delta V Carriage Meter mechanism, and designing the LED rate meters and designing a 3D printable bezel to support the Navball, rate meter LEDs, and the Velocity Readout. I have also gotten back in touch with Concord Aerospace, and plan to invest in some of their NASA styled replica switches!

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  • 1 month later...


Construction of the desk is complete! Check out my Build Thread to see the entire process of building it!
There were no plans made up for this one. Everything was done one piece at a time, the concept pulled right out of my head as I went along.
Honestly, the design changed from my original concepts, even as it all came together, and I saw better ways to implement the build.

Hopefully I will soon return to the controller itself. Currently I am communicating with Concord Aerospace about buying their replica Apollo style switches.

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