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Politics and War


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indeed vger, they are expanding fast and warring for resources. Giacomo backed down from the war, and he and Dream Shimmer sent me no replies. Corn Shuckers made it into the top 20 alliances at less than 10 days old. when we were at war with them they had 15 members... now they have 35

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we need to industrialize our countries ,and become economic powerhouses.I am planning to turn my mining town of steamville into a city to produce steel again ,and celestria into economic powerhouse of my country once I get enough money.

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  Accelerando said:
indeed vger, they are expanding fast and warring for resources. Giacomo backed down from the war, and he and Dream Shimmer sent me no replies. Corn Shuckers made it into the top 20 alliances at less than 10 days old. when we were at war with them they had 15 members... now they have 35

This is the part that will make or break the game. Pretty sure I read that warfare is relatively new, which means that it is also probably HORRIDLY imbalanced to the point that there are no disadvantages to warring vs. trading. And now unless there is some kind of level cap in place on who you can and can't attack, the game could quickly degrade into nothing more than supernations wiping out farm towns before they've even had a week to mature.

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well did anyone else get the message corn shuckers want us to merge with them.I do not like the idea though ,and worry about the future for our alliance.

Edit: Heres the message I got from there second in command:

We at the Corn Shuckers would like to invite you to partner with us.

We would like you to merge with the alliance Global United Nations and become our so-called "sister alliance".

By colluding, we could all become much stronger and maintain a domineering presence over alliance politics.

This merger would greatly benefit the both of us.

Edited by MGUARN
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This guy doesn't either.

From: Casey Date: 04/20/2014 Sunday 4:05 pm

Don't merge with Corn Shuckers, they will use you as mutton. We, EoS, want the friendly Kerbals to exist

This message is from Cadeza, one of their leaders. If Corn Shuckers dare attack you, we will try our best to protect you. Please do not merge because we know their true intentions

From: Cadenza Date: 04/20/2014 Sunday 10:09 am

We see that you have joined our alliance. This was not our intended course of action.

We planned to have you become the leader of a second, "sister alliance". Our alliances would be tied together. This fact would be a secret.

Two alliances secretly colluding would have a great deal of power on the world stage. The possibilities are endless. Let your imagination take you to heights of glory and power.

Message the leader of the United Kerbals and Global United Nations offering to merge their two alliances together into a single, large alliance. You will be the leader of this alliance and run it as you see fit. If either one does not accept your terms, enact violence until they accept. If they continue to refuse, the Corn Shuckers will attack them outright. There will be no quarter. Make it explicity clear to them what they risk should they refuse the merger.

The color of your new alliance should be brown.

I have no idea who Cadenza is talking to. Maybe the person who sent me this.

EDIT: Cadenza is talking to an EoS spy / diplomat.

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Well I believe we should prepare for any worst case scenario of war. Even though the said it's a peaceful merge I am not sure.on the other note, I am now building up in uranium to sell on the markets ,and build a new iron mine with a steel mill.

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We really need a secure channel to communicate. This thread is only a few Google searches away from anyone who knows we exist, so we should assume any concerned parties already know what we're posting here. On that note, it is definitely a good idea to keep any sensitive information out of this thread, retroactively if need be. Talking generally about wars is fine. Posting secrets should be deliberated on.

Remember people, we are one of the larger alliances. We're not jocks yet, but we are big enough to be considered a threat if we keep growing.

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I agree. We need a separate forum for communication. Setting up a forum is one thing, working on it is another.

Also, the Corn Shuckers later claimed that the merger is never approved.

Also, a member of the alliance is already complaining the lack of leadership of the alliance. Unless Nettcod comes back, we may have to disband and re-establish our alliance with a new leader and a charter.

EDIT: Right now, without a strong leader, this is like a confederacy of separate nations.

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  Accelerando said:
We really need a secure channel to communicate. This thread is only a few Google searches away from anyone who knows we exist, so we should assume any concerned parties already know what we're posting here. On that note, it is definitely a good idea to keep any sensitive information out of this thread, retroactively if need be. Talking generally about wars is fine. Posting secrets should be deliberated on.

Remember people, we are one of the larger alliances. We're not jocks yet, but we are big enough to be considered a threat if we keep growing.

This should be in the game by default, really - a little private forum for each alliance.

Do you think there's any chance we could entice the mods here to create a subforum and appoint someone here moderator who can invite individual users?

A little list of the forum names would be helpful too, so everyone has an easy cheat sheet of who is who here and on the game.

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  vger said:
This should be in the game by default, really - a little private forum for each alliance.

Do you think there's any chance we could entice the mods here to create a subforum and appoint someone here moderator who can invite individual users?

A little list of the forum names would be helpful too, so everyone has an easy cheat sheet of who is who here and on the game.

I was thinking about a new forum that has forums exclusive to members of our alliances only.

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Well I believe our alliance is more like the Articles of Confederation.We got no central government ,and bound to fail.We may need to disband the alliance ,and create a new one.Unless nettcod comes back.There should be a way to appoint someone leader like an alliance petition.

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Well, if by May 25, 1970, Game time, and Nettcod (Genebree Kerman) is still off, we might as well have to start a constitutional convention to create our own charter that will form a better union. Meanwhile, I'll set up a forum that we can chat about this game privately. I'm stuck on Google Sites and some other things.

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The Konstitutional Konvention (used "k" to kerbalize a bit) will be held on May 25, 1970 (24 game days and 2 real world days from now) in order to form a stronger government and a more perfect union. So prepare for that. It's coming soon.

EDIT: And here's the link to our alliance forum. Locked some of them so that non-Kerbal Alliance members are not allowed in important forums. It's still a work in progress. I'll consider whether to promote everyone to the Officer rank as delegates or not.

Edited by Designer225
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Okay ,hope to we can create a new central government.Also designer that link is not working for me currently.I also built a coal mine so my coal production is in the green.

edit: nvm ,but remove the http// thats rendering the link not registering.

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Ummmm... Who's andrewbcrisp? I can't admit non-alliance members.

Also, likely reason why he can't view it: he's not admitted to the (Kerbal) Alliance Members group in the forum. Or he has not signed up in the forum. (Guests can only view 2 forums, by the way.

EDIT: Never mind. I'll admit andrewbcrisp (Neil throne). I really need more moderators in the forum here so that more people could admit members when I'm not online.

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