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Getting into equatorial orbit around Duna

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Hello everybody :) !

So I finally got to Duna. The thing is, I am on a escape trajectory above Dunas south pole. I would like to ask the advanced rocketeers, how could I get into a equatorial trajectory and to Dunas aerobraking altitude?

Thank you everyone and sorry, If I did anything wrong, since this is my first post :P .

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To change inclination is better to do it as far as possible, and better outside the SOI. To aerobrake in duna I think around 15~20km should be ok. You can save first then try the aerobrake, if it's not good reload and do it again.

EDIT: To change inclination you should burn into the normal (the pink/violet arrows in the node), just make a node and play with this.

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I do my duna aerobrakes at approx 20km, tending to favor a little lower than a little higher. I also like to abuse airbrakes for my aerocaptures, because I'm a bad person. Like fed said, changing inclination is best done from as far from the celestial body in question as possible. So once you're captured, burn your apoapsis to some really large number, and burn normal/anti-normal at that point to change inclination. You will likely be best off doing this over the course of multiple orbits. Once you are equatorial, just circularize as usual.

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You can make this much easier by going into the game's settings file and changing the line


to read


This will draw the line of your projected path right around the world itself, so that you can focus (tab key) to the planet and see just how you will arrive. Be careful, though, to reduce your warp setting to x10 or less when you enter the world's SOI, or otherwise a rather annoying little bug will throw your projected path wildly out of position. Anyway, using this, you can fine-tune your arrival even while you're still half-way to the planet.

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You can also try to use Duna's moon (Ike) to slingshot you to a better inclination.

For insance: aerobreak the AP to around Ike's altitude, if you're not in its SOI this time round, raise PE to above Duna's atmosphere and wait a few orbits. When you get into it's SOI, play around.

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