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Hi. I've been playing KSP for about a month. I wanted to join the forums so I could post some screenshots I've been collecting. Apparently, I need to post a bit first before I'm allowed to do that.

I started in sandbox just to get my feet wet but I was really drawn to the career mode as it gives the game purpose. I struggled with it at first because I wanted to get off Kerbin and I felt I was being forced to grind the Kerbin biomes before I was given the parts to design a decent ship. Third time was a charm and I got through it. And at the point I am now I see why they made it that way. Because, being able to orbit, change inclination, and land needs to be second nature before sending poor Jeb out into the unknown.

I just finished science-ing all the biomes on Mun and will now move on to Minmus, though I have been there once or twice already.

I've also done a trip out to Duna and Ike, no landing, but I did get Jeb back safe and sound.

And I have the beginnings of a space station going around Kerbin. I also have the plans for an interplanetary thingamajig in my head.

Also, I use MechJeb. I use it for the info windows and I use all the Autopilots. Some say it's cheating, I disagree for two reasons. First, as I heard someone else say, if you want to talk about realism, do you really think astronauts from earth are calculating trajectories and burn lengths and performing manual burns? No, of course they don't. Computers do that stuff. Second, if Mechjeb were just a part of the game no one would consider it cheating, but because it's a mod, it's a cheat, and that makes no sense. Honestly, if it wasn't for Mechjeb, I probably wouldn't even play KSP. Without it I think KSP is tedious and frustrating.

Other mods I use are KW Rocketry, Lazor Systems, and I got the sexy SpaceX rockets. I keep hearing about Kethane, I think I'll check into that one.

Anyway, glad to be aboard.

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