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HGR 1.875m parts R&D Thread [Mod reboot in progress] (First Dev build now available)


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well here is my list of mods never had any problems

_Tweaks <DIR>

000_Toolbar <DIR>

ActiveTextureManagement <DIR>

AdaptiveDockingNode <DIR>

AIES_Aerospace <DIR>

AMOK Dynamics <DIR>


B9_Aerospace <DIR>

BetterRoveMates <DIR>

Bill-Jeb 9000 <DIR>

BobCatind <DIR>

BoulderCo <DIR>

Chatterer <DIR>

CleverWalrus <DIR>

CrewXfer <DIR>

CrossFeedEnabler <DIR>

DailyFrankPeter <DIR>

DMTanks <DIR>

EditorExtensions <DIR>

EnhancedNavBall <DIR>

ExsurgentEngineering <DIR>


Firespitter <DIR>

FuelPanel <DIR>

Goodspeed <DIR>

HabitatPack <DIR>





KerbalJointReinforcement <DIR>

Kethane <DIR>

KineTechAnimation <DIR>

KipEng <DIR>

Klockheed_Martian <DIR>

kommit_nucleonics <DIR>


KWRocketry <DIR>

Lionhead_Aerospace_Inc <DIR>

LTech <DIR>

MagicSmokeIndustries <DIR>

MechJeb2 <DIR>

MechJeb2RPM <DIR>

MP_Nazari <DIR>

NASAmission <DIR>


NovaPunch2 <DIR>

OpenMod <DIR>

OpenResourceSystem <DIR>

OrbitusII <DIR>

PandaJagerLaboratories <DIR>

RcsSounds <DIR>

ResGen <DIR>

RLA_Stockalike <DIR>




Squad <DIR>

StripSymmetry <DIR>

TarsierSpaceTech <DIR>

THSS_Tweaks <DIR>

ThunderAerospace <DIR>

TreeLoader <DIR>

TurboNisu <DIR>

WarpPlugin <DIR>

WheelSounds <DIR>

B9CtrlSurfaceFix.cfg 4 KB 1/9/2014

B9LandingGearFix.cfg 1 KB 4/3/2014

B9LandingLegsFix.cfg 1 KB 4/3/2014

Modulefixer.dll 6 KB 12/22/2013

ModuleManager.2.1.5.dll 41 KB 5/22/2014

readme.txt 1 KB 2/19/2014

toolbar-settings.dat 2 KB 6/22/2014

update-aero-parts.rb 1 KB 1/9/2014

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Are you certain you're not just going over the memory limit with the HGR parts pack?

Personally, I've not had any crashes that are attributed to this mod, as it's mostly parts.

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@EpicDragon7 and Bloodbunny:

One thing to check is whether or not Module manager and/ or realchutes is up to date. While realchutes isn't required it does need to be the most recent version to work. Module manager OTOH should be the most recent version, in order to load (or not load) the realchute cfg correctly.

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is there a fix for the mono bug in ECLSS? how does it work for you i had issues like exploding ships etc

I'm not sure which mono bug you're referring to - I've been using ECLSS since the 0.23 release came out, and haven't had any issues with it.

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I'm not sure which mono bug you're referring to - I've been using ECLSS since the 0.23 release came out, and haven't had any issues with it.

hmm well there is a bug regarding monopropelant


anyway i doesn't matter just asking

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Not only that, but some command pod styles just don't fit into the stock size categories well. I think that for instance 1.25 is too small for a soyuz and 2.5 is too large. Sure, I could of just used some adapter, but it doesn't look the same. Beale's work is great, but he prefers to work small and fit things into the stock size catagories. I feel like the command pod of a ship is what defines it most and ended up needing to make a whole system to support my crazy, unusually sized pods. :D It means my mod has developed very slowly, but I think it's been worth it. When I started working on a soyuz-alike, I never dreamed that I would end up making an entire R-7 to go with it, but look at where we are now.

RE. other textures/colors:

Unfortunately I just don't have the time at the moment. There's so many parts that need improvement and texture work to be done that I just don't have the time. Here's a glimpse of what I'm currently doing though. The service module still has a bit more texture work, but I think it's already looking much better. I basically completely remade the capsule's texture in order to upres it to 1024x1024. Looks even better in game with all the specularity and bumpmapping.

(Image trimmed for the sake of space savings.)

I'm finding I'm using the HGR Soyuz-alike quite a lot. I used to almost always use the Mark 1-2 with the SDHI Service Module, but yeah now I've just kind of migrated to the Soy-Juice. Though instead of an R-7 I use a FASA derived Titan IIIE. Mostly because the Mark 1-2 I've just used so much, and also because the IVA in the Soy-Juice is lovely.

That texture work looks beautiful, and the umbilical is just superb.

I'll second the request for the Apollo D2-alike orbital module. Having just discovered the D2 I find it quite neat, and while I think Beale's work is lovely it's just too small. I'll also poke my head in again and say a TKS-alike would be grand. (I know one can be built out of other parts, but one unified look would be much nicer.)

There is one weird thing I have found involving RealChutes. The recent update to HGR with the RealChutes config ended up casuing a second RealChutes module to be put into the stack chute. The result was much weirdness.

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Orion, great pack! Really wondering why the beta isn't the full release, these parts are just super. Love the small details and the overall look of your stuff.

Congrats for introducing a whole new diameter by yourself, all that is left now would be SAS, batteries and a probe core? :D

The only thing wrong with the beta would be as posted just above, the Edamame's engine is very buggy and hard to start.

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Orion, great pack! Really wondering why the beta isn't the full release, these parts are just super. Love the small details and the overall look of your stuff.

Congrats for introducing a whole new diameter by yourself, all that is left now would be SAS, batteries and a probe core? :D

The only thing wrong with the beta would be as posted just above, the Edamame's engine is very buggy and hard to start.

WE already have the Lima Probe core, but I agree with SAS, and maybe batteries.

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RCS tank and proper nose cones are also missing. As well as more standard fairings for generic payloads. (I prefer Pfairings but many ppl won't use them so they need to be made for completeness sake.)

The issue with the edamame has to do with the Buhamuto engine animation module. I haven't gotten to fix the party's cfg yet but if it's giving you problems I suggest deleting the animateEngine modules in the cfg file.

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I'm absolutely loving the new Soyuz parts. Hadn't had the time until last night to really sit down and get to know them. Fantastic. Expect rep later (if the forum lets me give you rep again so soon). (Edit: well, I tried to give Rep. Still need to spread it around before I give you more.) I've already worked up a ProcFairing shell to match the orange/grey color scheme of your new tanks, etc.

I'm curious if you've considered making a very thin radial decoupler for the Soyuz-style boosters. The stock ones are _just_ a bit thick and push the boosters out a tad far. (Though that might be good for collision meshes....)

Edited by Cydonian Monk
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So, I have a pet peev/bug to report.

The G47b has two stack nodes (This is fine) I attach the included stack decoupler to the bottom of the 1.875 node (To get the 1.875 shroud) two very odd things happen. First the second node does not actually disappear. Second, It appears that the bottom node of the stack decoupler is misaligned on the vertical axis because when I go to put another tank there the top lip of the tank is inside the decoupler. While this may be visually acceptable I do not believe this is desired behavior.

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So, I have a pet peev/bug to report.

The G47b has two stack nodes (This is fine) I attach the included stack decoupler to the bottom of the 1.875 node (To get the 1.875 shroud) two very odd things happen. First the second node does not actually disappear. Second, It appears that the bottom node of the stack decoupler is misaligned on the vertical axis because when I go to put another tank there the top lip of the tank is inside the decoupler. While this may be visually acceptable I do not believe this is desired behavior.

Unfortunately there's no way for me to make the extra node disappear, is it causing parts that you want to connect to the decoupler to instead attach to the engine? The slight offset on the decoupler's node was actually intentional, Squad's do this as well. If it's causing problems I may have to axe the second node on the G47b, sadly.

@Cydonian Monk:

I'm not sure about the radial decouplers. They'd be nice, but it's also one more part that increases the size of the mod and only for minor aesthetic reasons. It's something to consider though and I'll keep it in mind/open to discussion.

@Those asking for the D2 OM:

It's not out of the question in the long term, but I'd like to get the shenzhou stuff out of the way first.

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WE already have the Lima Probe core, but I agree with SAS, and maybe batteries.

Oh right, forgot about it, was thinking more about the stock, flat, cores.

RCS tank and proper nose cones are also missing. As well as more standard fairings for generic payloads. (I prefer Pfairings but many ppl won't use them so they need to be made for completeness sake.)

The issue with the edamame has to do with the Buhamuto engine animation module. I haven't gotten to fix the party's cfg yet but if it's giving you problems I suggest deleting the animateEngine modules in the cfg file.

How would the engine cover behave if that was deleted? Because I really like the look of it, it's just a little fiddly.

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How would the engine cover behave if that was deleted? Because I really like the look of it, it's just a little fiddly.

I deleted the DLL - the engine cover can be triggered manually (using the right-click menu) or connected to an action group. The engine itself operates normally (and appears to generate thrust even if the cover is closed). I didn't edit the cfg file at all.

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I deleted the DLL - the engine cover can be triggered manually (using the right-click menu) or connected to an action group. The engine itself operates normally (and appears to generate thrust even if the cover is closed). I didn't edit the cfg file at all.

Cool, thanks for the info.

On another note, I saw that the Soy-Juice has built in solid rockets, the soft landing Landertron business. I never really used them, landed just by parachutes so I figured I could repurpose them. I deleted the Landertron plugin and rewrote part of the cfg to use them as a launch escape system and it worked perfectly.

Then I got more ambitious ideas, checked the IVA view and said "Yeah, they fan have some cans of oxidiser under their feet". So now my Soy-Juice is a mix between a Soyuz and Spacex' Dragon, with a hybrid rocket burning solid fuel and oxidizer.

Right now I'm learning and writing a MM patch for this, I'll post it here if i get it right and if anyone wants it. I just have to get the ISP and fx to change and then it's done.

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Cool, thanks for the info.

On another note, I saw that the Soy-Juice has built in solid rockets, the soft landing Landertron business. I never really used them, landed just by parachutes so I figured I could repurpose them. I deleted the Landertron plugin and rewrote part of the cfg to use them as a launch escape system and it worked perfectly.

Then I got more ambitious ideas, checked the IVA view and said "Yeah, they fan have some cans of oxidiser under their feet". So now my Soy-Juice is a mix between a Soyuz and Spacex' Dragon, with a hybrid rocket burning solid fuel and oxidizer.

Right now I'm learning and writing a MM patch for this, I'll post it here if i get it right and if anyone wants it. I just have to get the ISP and fx to change and then it's done.

Sounds fun, I wonder how that'd turn out. The landertrons as implemented here are only for the final braking, 'ow the ground hurts' part of the landing. It's not a good plan to hope they'll stop you on an unassisted landing. (Would they on Eve? Has anyone been awesome enough to try that one?)

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It turned out great after a few tries, my first MM patch.

So I changed some stuff, most importantly the engines. They are now, as I said before, hybrid rockets running on solid fuel and oxidizer with a thrust of 100 and an Isp of 290-350. The hybrid was because of my sense of realism, there was already space for solid fuel which is storable and you could easily fit in less than half of an FLT-100 in the pod.

I changed the effects, added blue flames to mix it up and reduced the smoke trail since it just destroys my potato computer.

The staging icon is also changed from a solid booster to a pod.

The Soy-Dragon still doesn't have that much rocketry to brag about but can now (on a good day) land safely on Kerbin from a suborbital trajectory. No warranties.

!fx_smokeTrail_medium = 0.0, -11.2673, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
fx_exhaustFlame_blue_small = 0.0, -0.17, 0.163, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
fx_smokeTrail_light = 0.0, -11.2673, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running

@stagingIcon = COMMAND_POD

@throttleLocked = False
@exhaustDamage = True
@allowShutdown = True

@maxThrust = 100
@heatProduction = 300

@ratio = 0.75

name = Oxidizer
ratio = 1

@key,0 = 0 350
@key,1 = 1 290


@amount = 29.25
@maxAmount = 29.25

name = Oxidizer
amount = 39
maxAmount = 39

(To use, simply paste it into a .cfg file, name it something nice and put in GameData.)

Enjoy :D

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Edited by Floppster
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Unfortunately there's no way for me to make the extra node disappear, is it causing parts that you want to connect to the decoupler to instead attach to the engine? The slight offset on the decoupler's node was actually intentional, Squad's do this as well. If it's causing problems I may have to axe the second node on the G47b, sadly.

It's more annoyance if anything. I can deal.

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The landertrons as implemented here are only for the final braking, 'ow the ground hurts' part of the landing. It's not a good plan to hope they'll stop you on an unassisted landing. (Would they on Eve? Has anyone been awesome enough to try that one?)

It all comes down to delta-V. Landertron rockets are quite capable of executing an unassisted landing, provided there's enough fuel to do it. The Soy-Juice, by default, has 20 delta-V in those rockets (tweakable up to 40 delta-V). Terminal velocity on Kerbin at sea level is a bit over 100m/s. So you definitely need something to slow you down significantly first. A drogue chute does the trick.

According to this, terminal velocity at sea level on Eve is 58 m/s. So landings would be pretty rough with only 40 delta-V.

Edited by XanderTek
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Nice! Did you mean to use solid fuel+ox though? Also, I thought that staging icon was gone! I think I'll switch the default over to that as well. :D

Yeah, for my sense of realism, a hybrid rocket with solid fuel is much more manageable than full liquid.

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