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HGR 1.875m parts R&D Thread [Mod reboot in progress] (First Dev build now available)


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  Orionkermin said:
@rottielover Wow, all the way to duna! I don't think I've even gotten out to Mun with these parts yet...

I'm working up the mission report to post on my craft file thread as a teaser, but here, let me post up one pic..

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from left to right:

My 1 man lander docked to the soy-juice, which is serving as command and control, which is in turn mated to the Hitchhiker which is holding the TAC LS tanks for food, water, O2. Then I have my quad docking ports (for more stability) mated to the drive section. (Lander, Command module, and drive section were all separate launches, and mated up in LKO before departing for duna)

In this pic the 1st stage of the 2 stage drive section is nearly empty.

As part of this mission I sent along my Kethane base to setup shop on Ike.

If you visit my Craft sharing thread (link in sig), you can download my kethane base stuff.

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I just carried out a short test flight (Kerbin orbit, undocking, re-entry) with the onion and soy-juice - everything went well and in summary they're some well-made parts that expand the options available for spacecraft design while fitting well with the stock parts.

I also used the SDHI combo parachute / docking port on the soy-juice - they work together nicely.

Eagerly awaiting the finished articles. :)

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1.875m Parts...


As in I am working on that same diameter of parts right now... (However, my skills are HUGELY inferior to yours)

Sad faces were made today.

On the flip side, it's my birthday, and I will be building my new Gaming PC today.


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  Helix935 said:
no kidding that service module was awesome

Sorry, I just feel like to do it right I'm going to need to give it a degree of attention that I just can't handle at the moment. I think coming back to it and doing a complete redesign when I understand engines and such will result in a much better part.

  Spica said:
1.875m Parts...


As in I am working on that same diameter of parts right now... (However, my skills are HUGELY inferior to yours)

Sad faces were made today.

On the flip side, it's my birthday, and I will be building my new Gaming PC today.


You should still make them, variety is the spice of life. Also happy birthday!:)

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  Orionkermin said:
Sorry, I just feel like to do it right I'm going to need to give it a degree of attention that I just can't handle at the moment. I think coming back to it and doing a complete redesign when I understand engines and such will result in a much better part.

Please, Just keep it as a placeholder while you work on the Service module V2.0.

P.S. Make a spherical service module like the Soyuz to carry 2 and a cylindrical one Like Shenzhou to carry 1.

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  Monopropellant said:
This is one of my favorite mods! Do you plan on adding new engines?

Yup that's the plan. I haven't done engines yet though and I've heard they can be difficult. Anybody use the tanks as a lift stage yet? I think some appropriately sized engines are needed.

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  Pockrtplanesairways said:
Please, Just keep it as a placeholder while you work on the Service module V2.0.

P.S. Make a spherical service module like the Soyuz to carry 2 and a cylindrical one Like Shenzhou to carry 1.

OK since people want it I added an extra download to the OP for the old service module. (with double fuel/OX this time) I'm not going to be supporting or updating it past this point though. I'm not really planning to do an extra O.M. However I do happen to have long term plans for an eventual LEK/Voskhod type pod that may sorta work as an OM. That won't be for a very very long time though.

Also I fixed an error in the MODEL line in the small flat adapter for the main release. It should show up now.

Edit:Also just fixed an issue with the smallest tank having the same name as one of the stock tanks that was causing strange things to happen.

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  Orionkermin said:
OK since people want it I added an extra download to the OP for the old service module. (with double fuel/OX this time) I'm not going to be supporting or updating it past this point though. I'm not really planning to do an extra O.M. However I do happen to have long term plans for an eventual LEK/Voskhod type pod that may sorta work as an OM. That won't be for a very very long time though.

Also I fixed an error in the MODEL line in the small flat adapter for the main release. It should show up now.

Edit:Also just fixed an issue with the smallest tank having the same name as one of the stock tanks that was causing strange things to happen.

Wait wait wait... I clearly wasn't paying enough attention. I thought you had released and then retracted a SM for the Radish. I didn't know we were talking about the Soy Juice service module! It seems great to me, why is it going away? :(

(I know I know, if I want to be up to date on things I should probably pay better attention)

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  Kitworks said:
Wait wait wait... I clearly wasn't paying enough attention. I thought you had released and then retracted a SM for the Radish. I didn't know we were talking about the Soy Juice service module! It seems great to me, why is it going away? :(

(I know I know, if I want to be up to date on things I should probably pay better attention)

I'm just not going to be working on it right now and didn't want people telling me how it's textures are bad or it needs this or that when I'm planning a redesign anyway. If you want to use it there's a download in the OP but I'm not going to be updating the download.

As far as redesign goes I don't think it needs to flair all the way out to 2.5m any more since there's adapters for that now. I'd also like to build an engine into it, but want to make some stand alone engines first to get the hang of it. I'm also primarily trying to get the IVAs done or at least mostly done at the moment so There's only so much I can work on.

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I was doing some testing in an all stock but HGR install. Ended up building this sudo-gemini style lander using the new tanks and radish adapter.



  Tangle said:
You and porkworks are probably the two best new modders here.

Wow, being compared to porkjet. High praise indeed, thank you.

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  Orionkermin said:
I was doing some testing in an all stock but HGR install. Ended up building this sudo-gemini style lander using the new tanks and radish adapter.

I used an HGR fuel tank with a FASA Gemini capsule. The fuel tank's size is ideal to make a service module that can fit under a tapering procedural fairing. I've already retired my Gemini Block 2 spacecraft for these new Gemini Block 3 models. Next step is to resize an RCS tank to fit that diameter as well.


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  DGatsby said:
I can't wait to try out the Soyjuice module with the forthcoming arm! In my opinion the arm doesn't look that good stacked on stock three man pod, so this will be a great alternative.

Awesome, let me know how it goes, I likely won't get to use the new stuff untill I'm done with a few things I'm working on. I'm excited to see what the modding community does with the new grabber. Maybe we'll see something like the robotic arm that was on the shuttle.

Edit: Thinking about the redirect mission; the onion might be useful for the initial capture mission. You could do it robotically,then leave it attached to the asteroid so you have the beginnings of a habitat/station already set up.

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  Orionkermin said:
I'm just not going to be working on it right now and didn't want people telling me how it's textures are bad or it needs this or that when I'm planning a redesign anyway. If you want to use it there's a download in the OP but I'm not going to be updating the download.

As far as redesign goes I don't think it needs to flair all the way out to 2.5m any more since there's adapters for that now. I'd also like to build an engine into it, but want to make some stand alone engines first to get the hang of it. I'm also primarily trying to get the IVAs done or at least mostly done at the moment so There's only so much I can work on.

Understood! I'm sure whatever you have coming down the pipeline will be awesome. :)

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Just as a add-in; the modular shuttle engines mod (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55985-0-23-16-Mar-Space-Shuttle-Engines-V1-2-Bugfixes-and-minor-improvements ) includes in the pack a set of 1.875 m tanks. I've not had a chance to combine the two yet, but something in me is rubbing its hands about the idea of combining those tanks with a soyjuice module.

On the other bugnote side, I have had interesting results between DRE and Ferram regarding parachutes exploding. (They tend to blow up unless a very precise reentry is made.) One could argue this as a feature, but i'm still testing it/seeing if a drag model file might help. You're right, the documentation on those is... sparse.

In any case, enjoying the new ships as always, keep up the good work!

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When you say parachutes are exploding, do you mean that even with the pod facing the correct way they are still heating up, or is the pod tumbling when it hits atmosphere? Also I have to ask, are you using my most recent release, because if not the newest "should" help slighty if it's a tumble issue. Otherwise I'll have to look into it some more. I'm only asking these basic questions to isolate the problem btw so I hope it doesn't sound bad.

Also I've heard that shuttle engines had some 1.875m parts I wonder if they line up with mine. (Sometimes things exported from different programs come out with slight variations) In any case thanks for the heads up hopefully this won't be too difficult to fix.

Oh I almost forgot to ask. Is the heat shield ablating correctly? I've seen it act weird a couple time but haven't tracked down the issue. Maybe it's not protecting like it should

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The parachute is overheating --> exploding, I should have been more clear. The pod is the latest, I think, but is rock solid on reentry in any case. The heat shield ablates perfectly fine, and it survived all the way through the heating for the kerbals to bail out vostok style. (it's kinda fun actually).

I plan to try a few different types of parachute to see if it makes a difference. I'll report back in with that and/or a tank report when I get a chance to mess about with them.

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  komodo said:

The parachute is overheating --> exploding, I should have been more clear. The pod is the latest, I think, but is rock solid on reentry in any case. The heat shield ablates perfectly fine, and it survived all the way through the heating for the kerbals to bail out vostok style. (it's kinda fun actually).

I plan to try a few different types of parachute to see if it makes a difference. I'll report back in with that and/or a tank report when I get a chance to mess about with them.

OH! I just thought of something. Are you using staging to decouple the inline chute? If so that'll deploy the canopy during the hot part of reentry. You have to right click on the chute or set up an action group for a safe decouple, then only use staging for the chute deployment. (I like to make an action group so I can detach my OM and service module in one action)

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